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Class: K-1st Grade

Unit: Drum Circle

Objective: True Notation
Teacher: Mr. Whan
The Student will be able to:
1. Play a simple rhythmic passage on drums
2. Understand syllables in words
Students I can Statements:
1. I can play my name on the drum
2. I can play my instrument with correct rhythmic value and accuracy
Common Core State Standard(s)-CCSS
1. Singing alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
2. Playing an instrument alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
21st Century Skill(s)
Creativity and Innovation
Essential Question
Why can drums be important to have with spoken words? (Tie into modern music)
Anticipatory Set 10 Minutes
1. Sing Gracias song

Teaching: Activities 30 minutes

1. (10 Minutes) During this time I will explain the lesson for today by having the students
pat on their legs in a repeating exercise. This would include me clapping various rhythms
while also saying words in rhythm with them to help tie in syllables to different
articulated beats. This lesson will be tied in with the True notation unit so use of Short
and Long beats is important.
Before starting the activity with the students I will dismiss them by their assigned rows to grab a
drum from the front of the room and we will sing our Circle song. (It is a cue to sit in a large
circle with our friends to begin the drum circle)
2. (20 minute) During this drum circle, which was learned at a professional learning event I
attended, the students will be able to spell their names without actually speaking at all.
(They arent actually spelling their names. Rather, playing the syllables in their names on
the drum in rhythm. However, for kindergarten and first graders they find it fun and its
an easy way to describe it to them.

This activity is very important because at such a young age many students struggle with
communication barriers and this makes it very difficult to assess any student. This lesson
provides a non-verbal outlet to see basic knowledge on rhythmic accuracy and gives an
opportunity to truly grade all students on their participation and abilities.

Closure 5 Minutes
Sing our Music time is over song as we put drums away and line up. Once in line continue to
clap and echo with the students. Invite each student in line to have a turn playing something and
having their classmates repeat.
White Board
Cleared room
Student Expectations during Class:
Students will be expected as always to sit with good body basics and attentively facing the front.
Any additional help needed from students will be addressed as it comes. Such activities would
include: Distributing supplies, asking for a volunteer to come to the board, an answer or opinion
from a student, standing/sitting tall for singing or even reprimanding a student for disobedience
then asking for compliance to decisions made to address the issue. The top card will assist with
passing out clipboard to the students
45 Minutes

Modified from Madeline Hunters Lesson Plan Design

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