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Information Technology ACT 2000Cyber space

Technology that generates information by processing data procession means- storage,

retrieval and dissemination of information.

Electronic Data exchange/Interchange, Ecommerce.

E-filing returns etc.

Legal Problem of the system is no-documentation

dSls lcwr ekuk tk;sa

blds fy;s Information Technology Act fufeZr fd;k x;k tks bUgs lkekU;
ds leku gh ekU;rk vf/kd`r djrk gSA


sec.4- Legal Recognition of electronic records required avail laity in efrom and
future reference accessible
Information can- Text, Image, Data, Voice, Codes, Computer software,
This it act 2000 equals e-records with manual records
Digital Signature

Authorized of e-records by e-method as prescribed in sec.3

e-records converts into message digest with #function ( if any modification

then digital signature erased)
DSC certified authority -


DSC software is a private key that is used by creator and generates Digital signature and
Public key certifying authority

ds ikl gksrh gS blls

Document verify

djrs gSA

Private and Public Key sematic make asymmetric crypto system

DSC Removed if false information submit, Document not submitted and authority Secure
system effect by person. Person dead
HackingUnauthorized access to your files, Computer System called hacking. With
motive of destroy. 2 Lac., 3 year Jail Punishment.
Network Service Providers 2(1)w-

Intermediary e-message

Receive, store and transmit other hand

Sec 79-

due or third party sending information

dk izko/kku ugh gSA


rks bUgs dksbZ ltk ;k n.M

Who sends, generate, store ,transfer, transmit information to any person expect
Computer NetworkComputer contaminate- set of instructions modify, destroy, record, transmit data within a
computer organization
Computer Virus- sec.43
Any computer instruction /data /program that destroy demons
Domain NameAdjudication officer- Cyber crime,
Cyber appeal tribunal

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