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Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

LTC Art for Children

Unit Title & Big Idea: (Define the BIG IDEA?) What is the big idea that is being
investigated in this lesson? How will you connect the big ideas about art and artists
work with the art making part of this lesson?

Grade Level/Class Periods Required: 4th Grade

During our Great Depression unit

Two class periods

Title: Photography Depicting Relationships

Big Idea: Relationships

Unit Overview/Summary: Why is this important to teach? What do you hope to


It is important to teach relationships because it is a topic that

influences the students daily and will influence them for the rest of
their lives. I hope to teach them how to perceive the relationship the
photographer was hoping to capture and to then become the

Key Concepts


Materials/Equiptment/Etc: MATERIALS, TEACHING

RESOURCES/REFERENCES- (Books (Teacher and Childrens),
posters, articles, websites) and PREPARATION REQUIRED- what
materials, tools, and resources do you need for this class? What do
you need to practice and prepare for this lesson? What did you learn
from creating your teaching exemplar?

We need Dorothea Lange pictures, and iPads. I need to practice taking

pictures with an iPad. I will learn the best way to technologically
upload photos or share photos or edit photos.

Essential Questions


What questions guide the investigation in this

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

What will students learn and KNOW about art and art making from this
lesson? List as facts about art and artists and works of art. What will they learn
from an art, art history, and art criticism discussion? What will they learn from
the art production part of the lesson? What key concepts from other core
subjects will they uncover?

Student will learn the reason Lange placed people in her

photographs. They will discuss whether or not the pictures
were staged. They will learn how to use people in their own
photos. They will uncover the relationship behind the photos.

Unit Objectives:

lesson? What will students discover and investigate both about art and art
making? What will you ask that will guide the purposeful exploration of
materials and ideas that will produce meaningful content to the creative

What is the relationship between the people in these photos?

What is Lange trying to tell us through them? How will you
create a photo with relationships also?

(Excellent resource at

What learners will DO? List beginning with the student will
*(NOTE: Evidence of the objectives and concepts attained make up your assessment criteria below)

Students will look at pictures of Dorothea Langes pictures from the Great Depression. Students will be lead through a VTS
session by the teacher. Students will have a discussion over the idea of the photos being staged. Students will talk about how
Lagne shows relationships with her photos. At the next class period, students will take pictures of each other to try to recreate
and create images like Lange. The students will edit these photos on their iPads.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)


Core Academic Standards (Common Core State Standards)

National Core Art Standards



GLE 4: Big Idea 2: PS 2 Interacting With Others in Ways That

Respect Individual and Group Differences: C. Personal
Responsibility in Relationships: Identify and practice the skills
used to compromise in a variety of situations. DOK: Level 3



CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.6-8.7 Integration of Knowledge and

Ideas: Integrate visual information (e.g., in charts, graphs,
photographs, videos, or maps) with other information in print
and digital texts.

National Core Art Standards: Responding: Understanding and

evaluating how the arts convey meaning. Anchor Standard #8.
Interpret intent and meaning in artistic work.

Content Areas Integrated:

Identify & define common vocabulary/concepts that

connect the art form with the other identified subject area(s):

1. Visual Art
2. Social Studies

1.a connection, association, or involvement.
3. an emotional or other connection between people:

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Juxtapositions act or instance of placing close together or side by side,
especially for comparison or contrast.
2.the state of being close together or side by side.

Lesson Titles in Sequence/Order with TIME and MATERIALS

needed for each portion
1. Students will look at pictures of Dorothea Langes pictures
from the Great Depression.
2. Students will be lead through a VTS session by the teacher.
3. Students will have a discussion over the idea of the photos
being staged.
4. Students will talk about how Lagne shows relationships with
her photos.
5. At the next class period, students will take pictures of each
other to try to recreate and create images like Lange.
6. The students will edit these photos on their iPads.

Brief Lesson Descriptions

(2-3 sentences each)

Students are examining photos to discover the artists

portrayed relationship. Students will attempt to recreate
these relationships or similar ones by taking photos of their

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

What student prior knowledge will this unit require/draw upon?

Students will need to know about the Great Depression, which is the unit they are in.
What activities will you use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this unit?
Describe, specifically, how you will allow the students to engage with the media, the concepts, and other objectives in a
playful manner before they are expected to produce the final work. This section should accentuate how the PROCESS
informs the product

The VTS session will bring out the students thoughts and visual ideas. While they take their own pictures, there will be
opportunities for play. The final pictures will display how the students had the opportunity for play.

How will this unit permit/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Deeply describe how this lesson allows for students to solve problems, aesthetically as well as scholastically? What about this
lesson allows for divergent outcomes?

Students will not agree on what Langes intended purposes for the photos are. They will have to have a civilized discussion
about their personal ideas.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning/learning processes?

What art talk questions can you engage your students in that will help them in reflecting not only on the product, but also

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

the product? What reflective practices can you think of that will help them in transitioning from start to stop?

Teacher will call out a few stop, turn and talk with your partner about why you think this is going on or why you chose the
answer you did or why you chose the pictures you did.

How will this unit engage students in assessing their own work?
What opportunities will you allow your students to display, describe, or evidence their learning?
(Describe what student success looks like and what evidence you have that learning has taken place). You should include formative and summative
assessments. (See Beattie and Stewart/Walker texts)

At the end of the lesson students compare their photos to Langes photos to see similarities and differences. Students will write this down as a summative
assessment at the end. Formative assessment will be the discussions during the VTS session and the discussions.

What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
What happens when revision is needed? How will you handle that in this situation?

If students want to, they can retake their final pictures, but they will not be regraded.

What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning/understanding/work in this unit?

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

All of the students will be able to see each others photos will they will be posted on the walls.

Presenting the work in a meaningful way. How will this be accomplished?

They will be posted on the walls.

How will you adapt the various aspects of this lesson to differently-abled students?

How will you differentiate for your diverse classroom population? How will you keep students engaged? What will you do to challenge students who are
highly talented? What have you planned for those who finish early?

If someone is highly talented, they can share with the class what tips they know about taking pictures. For those who finish
early, they can move onto the next assignment or homework.

TEACHER REFLECTION: How will you know that this lesson is successful and meaningful? List indicators.
I will know this lesson was successful and meaningful based off the discussion we have and the pictures the students take in
the end.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

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