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Unit 2:

Tara Pettet, Brianna
Nichelson, Megan
Wynveen, Allison Ryberg,
Natalie Ellis, Gracie

Big Idea: Relationships

Relationships can be known as connections

Relate back to the types of relationships we have discovered throughout this


These can be personal, literal, numerical, etc.


VTS: Contributing thoughts and questions to whole-class discussions allows for

an opportunity of connections, as well as an opportunity to further build
classroom relationships

Teaching students the relationship between comprehension strategies:
- After students have had experience with using comprehension strategies,
demonstrate how certain strategies are intertwined (background knowledge and
making connections), while others are similar/related (inference/predictions)
- Allow students to find the relationship between the different strategies as they
read. (Have them record the strategies they are using, and ask them if they had to
use any others to use that strategy)
-By doing this, students can have a stronger idea of how comprehension strategies
are related and how using certain strategies can help them understand other

Compare and contrast two or more versions of the same story by different authors
or different cultures
-Pair students and give each a different art piece that depicts the same subject
(motherhood, war,etc.)
-Have them discuss what they believe the author's perspective and thoughts were
on the topic based on what they see (VTS)
- Assign a topic to each group and have pairs each write a paper on that topic, then
compare and note their differences based on their perspectives and experiences.

Social Studies

Cause and Effect Relationships

Introduce the idea that a common theme in Social

Studies is cause and effect relationships between
events in history.

Look at different examples that give students an

idea on how some events can cause other events
to happen and why knowing this relationship is
Civil Rights Movements

Social Studies

Lesson Plan Idea: Revolutionary War Example and Group Projects

Whole class discussion:

about events that happened before the war and how the combination of these events led
to the start of the war.

about repercussions of the war and how events of the war led to certain events
happening after the war.
Split into small groups:

Let students decide on their own events in history that they want to research their own
cause and effects

Have students make a presentation about how the cause and effect relationship is

important in understanding their event and how it can be related to the Revolutionary
War example given at the beginning of class
Small groups present to class


Relationship between time and fractions

See how different increments of time relate to whole

One minute is 1/60 of the whole
Five minute increments is 1/12 of the whole
Twenty minute increments is 1/3 of the whole

Math (clock and fractions)

Lesson plan idea: incorporating fractions with time

Pass out paper copies of a clock that has no hands

Fill out the clock as a class

Label each major fraction around the clock

Include if fractions can be simplified

Talk through the connection of time on a clock and fractions

Give the class a set of practice problems that they can use the clock for
Go over problems as a class

Math & Numerical Relationships

Commutative property states that numbers can be added or multiplied in any


During morning meeting, students will brainstorm different ways to add up to

the number which represents the number of days the have been in school

A+B = B+A

Number of school days have been counted since day 1

2 addition, 2 subtraction
Extension: Come up with different numbers from what was originally given
*Show example on board*


Relationships between phenotypes and genotypes.

Have students bring in photographs of themselves and/or
both of their parents.
Students will create a venn diagram. In one of the circles, they
will write the physical qualities of their mom/dad
(phenotypes). In the other circle, they will write the other
parent not already used in the other circle.
In the middle, the students will write any similarities they
have with their parents. After this, they can observe the
relationship between their parents genotypes and their own
genotypes and phenotypes.
Extension: Have two students pair up together and create an
offspring. Students can write out each of their phenotypes on
strips of paper and select at random what the offspring will

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