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Sustainability project: -TITELEVENT In which way can students be more sustainable in their

daily life?
Research Question

ICC Ghent...................................................................................................1
About ICC Ghent:......................................................................................1
Practical information.................................................................................2
Collection moment...................................................................................3
Collection moment:...................................................................................3
Communication with media:.....................................................................4
LED Lighting..............................................................................................4
How to live in a more sustainable dorm?..................................................4
Problem: LED lamps versus Incandescent................................................4
Study 1: 25W Incandescent 4W LED......................................................6
Study 2: 40W Incandescent 6W LED......................................................7
Oxfam in general......................................................................................7
Oxfam partner function............................................................................8
Trading partners........................................................................................8
Lobbying and studies................................................................................8
Example Sketch orange juice....................................................................8
Reception itself.........................................................................................9

ICC Ghent
About ICC Ghent:

It is a green company! The ICC Ghent engages as a green company that

uses environment rationally. And to do that, they use a certain amount of

The use of energy saving lamps

The purchase of green energy
The selection of garbage
The use of recycled paper for all printed matter
They turn off the light and heating in non active rooms
Advise of a extern company about energy audit
They give adivse to organizers about environmental friendly
They encourage visitors to use public transport

The ICC congrescentre was built in the 70 by the famous Ghent architect
Bontinck. It was then already one of the biggest purpose built
congrescentra in Belgium, thanks to the big congresroom that offers room
for 975 people and the 4 breakout rooms.
The international congrescentre in the Citadelpark in Ghent was in the
course of the years contantly adapted to the needs of the congres-and
event sector. The look, as well as the practical equipment evolved with it.
Since 2005 the name changed from ICC congrescentre to Ghent ICC. The
name convention centre gives a more accurate image of what the
building is capable of. Because this centre is not only a congres facility, but
also an event hall, a meeting place, a theatre hall,etc every possible
activity can take place there.
Since 2010, Ghent ICC is owned by Sorest-B NV. Because of the big nkow
how and experience they are the biggest stockholders. This combination
provides both a succesfull, modern centre that makes the citadelpark and
Ghent a new elan.

Practical information
In and around the ICC are a lot of parking opportunities!
IN Ghent ICC:
The underground parking of Ghent ICC has 100 parking spaces during the
office hours and 150 places starting from 18:00.
On -1 en -2 you can find ladies only places that are located directly next
to the elevators. You can also find parking spots for people with a handicap
on -1.

Around Ghent ICC:

Underneath the Sint-pieters square, thats a 10 minutes walk from the ICC,
there is a public parking space with more than 700 parking spots. There is
even a shuttleservice between this parking lot and the ICC for some
Starting from 2011, the sint-pieters station has a very big underground
parking space as well! With more than 2500 parking spots and a walking
distance of less than 10 minutes from the ICC, it is the perfect spot to park
and to come to the activities.
Apart from these parking spaces, the ICC is also very accesible by taking
the public transport like the bus. For people living in Ghent, there are also
a lot of places where you can leave your bike.

Ghent ICC has the We care slogan. And thats not only applicable to the
environment but also for people with a handicap! The ICC wants as a
public building an integral accessability for people with a handicap. It has
special services for as well as people in a wheelchair as for people with an
audio/visual limitation.

Collection moment
Collection moment:
Two weeks before the event I will put posters with information about the
collection moment for (name of project) in Kantienberg. The posters
contain information about how and in which barrel the students can
dispose their old pens, correctors and markers.
There will be a separate barrel for bottle caps and a separate barrel for
incandescent lamps.
The barrels for plastic pens and bottle caps will be standing next to the
garbage cans that are already present at the campus. Also in every class
room there will be a small box in which students can dispose there pens.
The day before the event these boxes will disappear and the collected
pens, markers, correctors will be disposed in the barrels by us.
We will also have lamp barrels, where students can bring their normal,
incandescent lamps to school and get rid of them while being ecologically
aware. Information about what lamps are allowed are on the barrels
themselves. There will also be other info on the lamp barrels like

comparison between normal lamps and LED lamps, discounts you can get
if you buy LEDs from Artvelde, . This is to motivate the student to think
green and become aware how big their ecological footprint is. These
barrels will be located at the reception.
Before the event begins, I will collect all the lamps from the lamp barrels
and bring it to IVAGO, a container depot in Ghent. There Ill try to count
how many lamps we have collected.

We are working with the free Recycling Programme of BIC: Terracycle.

The advantages to work with this programme is that everything is free. For
every sent collection above 15 kg we are rewarded with 2 points for every
piece of garbage. For every point we get 0.01 cent. With this redeemed
cash we can choose a charity institution or school of choice. Points can
also be redeemed for product sets, collection materials, Zero Waste Boxes
and other charitable donations.
When the event is happening in ICC there will be a summary of what the
students actually collected.
There will be one final collection moment right before we weigh all the
materials, as students have read information on the posters and know that
they can also bring materials with them to the event.
First we weigh the plastic and show how much points we earned from
Terracycle. Then the visitors can vote what we will do with the points,
donate to charity institutions? Zero Waste Boxes?... . After that we mention
how many lamps we have collected.

Communication with media:

We will use the online Facebook and MijnDinar account of ArteveldeHS to
post articles or announcements in the newsfeed. I will send a press letter
to Het Nieuwsblad, HLN, Standaard, GVA.

The letter will contain all necessary information about our project and I will
invite the press to the location to make photos.
To make sure all the students of Artevelde know about our project there
will be posters in the college campuses. These posters will have
information about what our project is, where it is, what our name is, what
to bring with them and information about the reception.
To minimalize the cost of printing, we can rely on the school printing
service and we expect a reasonable discount.

LED Lighting
How to live in a more sustainable dorm?
Problem: LED lamps versus Incandescent
Because of the low purchasing cost of normal (incandescent) lamps
students, or people that try to keep their initial costs low, tend to buy
these over the much more efficient LED lamps.
There is a huge underestimation of how much money LED lamps, and
other variations, can actually save you up in the long run and this is
mostly thanks to the difference in the purchasing cost between the two
Although many people already know the advantages of buying energy
efficient light sources such as LED and CFL, there is still a lot unknown
about price, amount you save and after how much time you start
saving up.
For students and organisations especially, we want to show that
calculating the amount you save up with LED is not hard to do and it would
save you a huge difference, even after a short time.
The fact that an institution such ad Artevelde University College can
purchase these LED lamps in huge quantities and get discounts which can
go up to 15% can also make a huge difference.
Our idea would be to buy these lamps in huge quantities and sell, or use
them in the institution, to students for a discounted price. If Artevelde UC
sells them for 1% higher to students, but it would be around 10-15%
cheaper for the students, both parties would benefit and it would eliminate
a part of the higher cost to purchase them.
An average household has around 10-15 lamps1, students use around 3-5
lamps when living alone or still with their parents per day. Replacing all of
these with LED, if they have not been replaced yet and studies have

shown that a lot of households still use incandescent2 lamps, would be a

big task with higher start purchase costs than the incandescent option. But
already in the short-term we would see profit to be made at both sides and
huge benefits in the long term.
This would not only bring some money in for Artevelde University College,
but also save up money for the students/households that would work
together with us. Buying in huge amounts and getting a discount on that is
not something uncommon, many manufacturers offer large discounts if we
can buy in three or four digit amounts.

Discounts of 8% are already given to

purchases of 24, we could get up to 15% for >100 lamps 3

We will compare two incandescent lamps with two LED lamps that share
the same power (Watt) to give a clear picture of how much you would save
up. Because a LED lamp consumes less than a incandescent lamp would,
we are going to compare the replacement.
f.e. the replacement of an incandescent lamp with 40W of power would be a LED lamp
with 6W of power.



Study 1: 25W Incandescent 4W LED

Average lifetime (h)
Wattage (Watt)
Replacement for

1 000

15 000



As mentioned before, we are comparing replacements for eachother.

Therefore, their application, price/kWh and socket have to be of the same category.

To calculate the kWh of each lamp we need to multiply the power(W) with
the amount of hours it will be working. An average of 3 hours/day gives7 us
a consumption of 0.012 and 0.075 kWh respectively for LED and
With these numbers, we can calculate the cost-efficiency of both lamps in
the short and long-term by puttig it all in Excel and working with the
formula there.

For a comparison between a LED lamp and Incandescent lamp of 4W and

25W we will start to see the cost of the Incandescent to be higher than
LED after 18 months if a lamp is used for three hours daily.
After two years, the LED lamp will save you 0.94 and 11,86 for the
whole household, on average.
If we think about an institution such as Artevelde UC, hundreds of lamps
could save thousands of euros after just a year because of their heavy
If a LED lamp would be used for 7 hours/day, it would already be more cost
effective than a incandescent lamp after 7 months and save 5,60/lamp
after two years.


Study 2: 40W Incandescent 6W LED

Average lifetime (h)
Wattage (Watt)
Replacement for

1 000

15 000



For this study we will use a more energy consuming lamp with its LED
counterpart. Using only 15% of the power that the Incandescent would, we
can immediately spot the very energy efficient side of LED.
The LED lamp here would be cheaper to use after only 10 months
compared to the Incandescent.
After already two years, the difference would be 5,53, and this is for three
When talking about a consumption of 7 hours/day, we would have a
difference of 17,52 after two years.

Oxfam in general
The South has a lot of talent. The cup of coffee you drink at breakfast, the
glass of orange juice you drink at a reception, the chocolate that is used in
your favourite dessert and much more find their origin in the South.
Nowhere else is the climate better suited to grow the raw materials for the
products. The farmers in the South are professionals. They do their job
expertly and lovingly. Youd think that they earn their living with it. Nothing
is less true. They live in poverty.
The rich North keeps inventing new trading rules so that power sighted
companies are given free reign so they can push the small farmers on the
side. That makes it very difficult for the farmers to survive. Global
warming, youve all heard of it, certainly doesnt make it easier for them.
The plants get diseases, are more difficult to maintain and the areas where
the plants can grow get smaller and smaller.
I visited multiple coffee farmers on their farm in Peru and I cant say it
enough but its the hard truth. They are exploited by big companies and
need to work hours and hours for such a small income.
So how does Oxfam, together with a couple of other ngos, oppose these
big companies and help the farmers? They go into battle with the new
trading rules, make creative campaigns to attract the citizens their

attention, they fight the politician (not latterly of course) and they sell your
coffee, orange juice, and chocolate fair trade in for example the Oxfam
wereldwinkels. There is still a long and difficult way to get there, but we
need to choose the road for a sustainable future for the South.

Oxfam partner function

Oxfam World chooses a structural cooperation with its partners. In the
South, they dont work with individual producers but with co-ops. By
organizing, sharing farmers' risks, they increase their bargaining power
and weigh strongly on international trade policy. Strengthening provides
organizations the best guarantee of sustainable development.

Trading partners
Oxfam not only guarantees its partners an additional sales market and a
fair price. Such organizations also receive a Fairtrade premium that is
invested in projects that benefit the entire community. Oxfam also helps
its partners on the way through to finance payments on transactions by
which cooperatives can buy the raw materials from their farmers and pay
them immediately.

Lobbying and studies

Oxfam analyzes the structural causes of unfair trade and build expertise
around specific value chains. They do research on two main basic themes:
power concentration and barriers to trade. They focus on specific supply
chains that illustrate the difficulties for small-scale producers in the current
trading system. Overarching concerns the issue of biofuels, the impact of
climate change, working conditions, gender equality and the value of agroecological farming.

Example Sketch orange juice

Same situation with other products such as, rice, cocoa, coffee, palm oil,
Brazil produces more than half of the orange juice that is drinking the
world. Also, most processors of oranges into juice, are located in the South
American country.
Large companies can better take a beating, and so began to take on the
biggest manufacturing companies one by one all the little ones. So that
today only three major processors are more who produce almost all the
Three giants that determine the fate of anyone who produces or processed
oranges. The circumstances in which the small orange farmers or factory
workers work and live, are thereby not their biggest concern ...
Brazilian orange farmers generally have little choice to whom they sell
their oranges if they do not sell any of the three major processors, they do
not get rid of their harvest. And those three giants determine the

conditions and prices. To buy from small-scale farmers, oxfam give them a
way out of that lack of freedom of choice.
The juice in the fair trade comes from fair trade cooperatives with smallscale farmers. By working farmers are stronger against the major players
in the sector. And of course they get a good price for their oranges.

Reception itself
So at our after both presentations there is a small reception where all
students can get a glass of juice / cava for free. Fair Trade of course.
Purchase of fruit juices, alcohol, soda, coffe, tea and chocolate will be
possible in collaboration with the wereldwinkel. Everything we that isnt
sold can be brought back to the wereldwinkel.

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