Thoughtsofhome 3

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Herguth 1

Daniel Herguth
Mr. Price
English 11
7 December 2014
Thoughts of Home
By: D. A. Herguth
Danny woke with a start.
He sat up quickly, his heart thumping violently in his chest as the tendrils of his mind clung
dearly to the quickly dissipating remnants of his sweet dream. Sweat beaded down his face as he
delved himself into the memory for a last few moments. It was as if he could still feel the balmy,
warming summer sun on his neck as he held his girlfriend tight, in a single last embrace. Her
yellow dress, falling elegantly around her, her arms around her neck, the taste of her cherry lip
He shook away the thoughts with a shake of his now shaven head and wipe of his brow. He
looked around, and for what seemed like the hundredth time, took in his bland surroundings.
There was no color here. No iced tea and swimming pools. Nothing but the simple, grey palate of
his barracks.
He wasnt the only one awake. Others, scattered around the room, were also up and panting as a
combination of fear, anxiety, heartache, and homesickness wrestled the hearts of many of his

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comrades into submission. Danny, although muffled and difficult to clearly hear, thought he
heard the sound of soft weeping, just a tiny mumble distinct between the symphonies of abrasive
snoring. These men, like him, were simply missing home. Their sorrows, no doubt soon to be
ceased at the sound of the morning horn and the whip-like voice of LieutenantRyan, were
justified considering the task ahead of them. The notion of being airdropped to the front was a
daunting figure. Many men were having trouble handling their nervousness.
In a matter of hours Danny knew he would be boarding a troop-carrier and be flown to the front.
He was afraid. He was nervous. But most of all, he missed her.
His girlfriend. His closest acquaintance since the tender age often. Long, brown hair, rosy
cheeks, plump red lips, and eyes that set his world aflame. She had been there when he had said
his goodbyes to his mother, brother and friends. When the car, driving away, had sealed his fate.
He was called to serve his country. To honor the vow he took just one year prior. The lack of her
presence was prominent and terribly true.
With a sigh, he laid his head down, and closed his eyes.

Horns blared and Lieutenant Ryan roared like an angry lion. Danny had ceased being stung by
the sharp form of waking that the United States military had decided was appropriate. He had
gotten used to it. Standing immediately at attention, facing forward, Lieutenant Ryan started in
on his every day speech. But this one was different. Look here. This day is not like other days.

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This isnt basic training, this isnt combat simulation, this is the real deal. The Lieutenant
straightened his coat and continued with a stern look. Now we have been called upon to defend
our homes. Our families. Our way of life. Play time is over. It doesnt exist anymore he said
with a stamp of his foot. This is it. You are no longer boys. Youre men. Our plane leaves in one
hour. Collect your things, drop off your letters to the post, and report to the mess in 30 minutes.
We eat in fifteen, and then we hit the trucks to the airstrip. Dismissed!
Danny and his comrades began to do as they were told.
Danny collected his various things, his rifle, his helmet, his boots and his combat knife and
proceeded to grab his notebook and a pencil to write. He knew he only had minutes so he wrote
My Dearest Aubrei,
I am to be shipped out in a few hours; I havent much time, so savor my words. I miss you more
than I could ever express. My love and my heart stays with you when I go. No matter what
happens, know that I am serving my country and doing whatever I can to best protect you. Fear
not, I will be home before you know it. I love you, angel.
P.S. Please look after my mother while I am away. I know she must be sick with worry.
Stay beautiful,

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He sealed the envelope with a sticky swipe of his tongue, and dropped it off to the
postman. He walked briskly to the mess hall, sat down with his company and was surprised to
hear that he would eating steak and potatoes! Apparently there were advantages to being
shipped out. It may be the last meal I ever eat he thought-so they made it a good one.
With a full belly and an armful of equipment, Danny boarded the convoy. He sat next to
his friend Gabe. Crazy day, huh? asked Gabe. No doubt replied Danny with a shake of his
head. Crazy to think well be ducking under German fire in a few hours. Thats if we survive
the airdrop said Gabe with a chuckle. The trucks took the road, and within a few minutes, they
had arrived at the airstrip. A single, huge aircraft was resting, propellers already turning, with the
hatch open; just waiting to swallow the soldiers into its dark depths.
Danny hopped off the truck and handed his things to the pilots who then loaded them into
the hold. He kept his weapons-he would need them soon. He stopped, turned around, and
breathed in the fresh, American morning air. The scent of pine needles, tar and engine exhaust
filled his nose. This was his last piece of American for a long while, and he intended on
treasuring it. He closed his eyes, imagined her, and said I silent goodbye to his loved one. I
WILL see you again he thought.
Reluctantly, he took a deep breath, and strode onto the steel monster.

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Within minutes of liftoff, the men were quieter than a morgue. So Im not the only one
whos afraid. Good. Danny peeked up and saw that many men had their heads in their hands
and some seemed to be praying or trying to sleep-it was no party in there. The only man who
seemed relaxed was Lieutenant Ryan-he had obviously done this before. Their officer appeared
calm and in control. Ever so often he would stroll up and down the row of seats giving
encouraging words to the men. Danny took comfort in the fact that although he was afraid, he
knew that he was serving his country. He set his head back on the rest, and counted to 1,000 over
and over again. Time seemed to slow down, and the flight seemed as if it would last forever. It
was so quiet. All that he could hear was the hum of the planes engines and the whir of the

It was Gabe who broke the endless silence. He began to mutter a song, a song from his
days at basic training. All the men knew it, and he knew it may life their spirits

A raging bull tosses its head,

Its horns so sharp,
It chases the red
All my courage nearly dead,
Here comes the Raging Bull

He muttered the song a bit louder and a few men joined in

The Great Bull dances on the grass

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It tries to stick me in my @$$

I tease him with a foolish sass
Here comes the Raging Bull

Soon, every man is singing along and stamping their combat boots to the beat, a deep
thrum of masculine voices, like the purring of an ancient dragon.

Toro! Toro!
Come and get me!
On your wicked horn beset me!
But if I win, do not forget me,
Here comes the Raging Bull!

The song continued and Danny eagerly joined in-glad to be rid of that horrid silence.
From a bag, one of the men produced and mandolin which he began to play along to the music.
They sang for hours, stopping only when Ryan announced they would be landing soon.
They had reached France.
The huge, steel door of the aircraft slowly crawled open, and immediately, Danny
was blasted with cold, acrid air. Well, this is certainly colder than Fort Knox, eh? said Danny.
The men shivered and grunted in agreement. Men! Go grab your equipment and report to the
French sergeant! Hell have your orders as to where youll be staying tonight stated Ryan in a
booming tone. Well sure as hell need the rest he muttered under his breath.

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Danny and his companions grabbed their things and began their walk to the French
barracks. Hey, I wonder how scrumptious these French ladies must be! Gonna have me a fine
evening! jested one of Dannys comrades. What an idiot thought Danny. Hes going to war in
the morning and all hes thinking about is the women.

He immediately regretted the thought. A pang of homesickness and longing for Aubrei
and his family struck him more sharply than the icy French wind. Thousands of miles away, he
knew she was probably sitting by the radio listening to news on the war effort even though he
had specifically told her not to. Shes so stubborn he mused. Again, the thought of her so far
away pained him greatly. He clutched his chest and stopped in his tracks.

Danny felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and stared directly into the hard eyes of
Lieutenant Ryan. Its always like this the first time son. Dont worry, youll see her again. The
officer patted his arm again as he walked away. Danny, confused as to how his superior officer
knew anything about his personal life or what he was thinking, and then realized that there must
have been scores of men just like Danny under the Lieutenant's tutelage before him-and he
probably had a wife and children of his own.

Danny made his way into the large, gray building and searched for the rest of his partythey had left him behind in the snow.


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After speaking, or attempting to speak to a very thick accented Frenchman, Danny met up
with his friends in the mess hall. He entertained a rather plain serving or beef stew-or at least
thats what the French military called it, and afterward, was able to locate his temporary bunk.
Another simple, gray-green blanket and a stiff pillow awaited him. Fantastic. My last night
before I walk into hell and I have to sleep on this. He set his things down, hung his helmet on
the side, and swung his legs into the cot and under the covers. With only the light of an oil
lantern, he retrieved his pencil and journal from his bag. He titled the journal and began writing.

November 17th, 1941

Day one in France. Havent entered the fight yet, but it feels like I have. Im surrounded
by idiot Frenchmen who dont even realize how much were sacrificing to help them. Tomorrow,
we airdrop in. Its cold here-way colder than it ever gets back home. Gonna try to retain heat
and get some solid sleep.

He closed his journal, returned it to its home and extinguished the lamps glow with a
quick puff of air. He could see his own breath in the air-the room was poorly insulated. He
huddled closer to the pillow, and closed his eyes. His dream had started before he even slipped
into slumber.
His mother, holding his hands and crying, sat begging for him not to go. She simply wept
and pleaded. Wept and pleaded. Mother, you know that I have to go. Ive been called. Ill be
home before you know it. I love you. Danny kissed his mothers hands and walked out the door.
Immediately, the house erupted in a fiery plume of rubble and debris. Danny stared in horror as
everything he ever knew was destroyed before his eyes. He clenched his fists and screamed in

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rage as the sky began to fill with German bombers bearing the red Swastika of the Nazis. The
sound of falling bombs assaulted is ears and the world around him exploded into a vortex of fire
and ash.
Danny sat up as if he had been stung. He could still hear the bombs detonating in his
head. The rage of his mothers death still lingered in his mind. He realized that he was still
clenching his hands. He had dug his fingernails into his palms so furiously, he could feel the
warm trickle of fresh blood run down his hands. The freezing air soon chilled the sweat that
covered his entire body and he soon became very cold. Terrified and angry, he ran his fingers
over his head, clearing the perspiration, and tried again to rest.
The flight was short. They heard the battle raging from miles away. Fires and explosions
littered the once stunning countryside of Normandy. The men were quiet but determined. Sternfaced, battle-ready, and prepared to serve their land, Danny was terrified and honored to be
among these brave soldiers. The Lieutenant gave a short speech, the world around Danny slurred
into murmurs and flashes of light, and the hatch opened. Danny looked at the men around him.
He knew some would die-he knew he might die. GO! GO! GO! the Lieutenant roared. The
stark blackness of the smoke was thick, even from this height. Danny took a deep breath.
Funny, he thought. Ive always wanted to see France. Too bad Ill be seeing it like this. He
jumped, saw a glimpse of her face, and soared into nothingness.

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