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When you get into a presentation has to be the organizer. You are the
with your own peers it is always a coach who has to get the practice
little touchy. But Coach Earl Cek times set up and you must schedule
called me and asked me if I would the practices. That is something I
lecture this year. He has been bug- have thought about over the years.
ging me for a few years. He said “We We have been able to do some things
want you to do a presentation for in our situation that have been very
the Coach of the Year Clinic.” I good to us.
have been dodging him for years. He
asked me what I would like to talk If you can get a couple of ideas
about. from what we do then it will be
worthwhile. I know every presenter
I thought maybe I could do something at every clinic will stress this
on defense because that is the side point. If you could take just one
of the football I coach. I told him thing away from this lecture then
I could talk about defensive end that is an accomplishment. Hope-
plays on the 50-base defense. He fully, you will get more than one
asked me what else I could talk idea here.
about. “Well, I can talk about
blitzing schemes, and using differ- Football coaches all learn to steal
ent fronts out of the 50. We do a from other people through game tape
lot on different things on the move. or listening to lectures at clinics.
We move a lot of people around, and We get a lot of good ideas listing
we stunt people in our fronts and so to others talk about what they do
on.” He said, “What else can you that makes their program a success.
do?” I said, “Coach I’m running out So if I can give you a few things of
of topics.” He said we have people what we have accomplished at Moon
talking about defense. “Could you High School we will all be happy.
talk about Organization and the
Practice Schedule?” I agreed I would I have with me my trusted assistant
talk about the things we do in game and technical assistant, Coach Steve
preparation each week and how we get Smiley. We talked about doing this
ready for the next opponent. presentation in Power Point. I teach
mathematics and I wanted to impress
Speaking here is something that I you by telling you that I know about
have relished. I thought about it Power Point. I never use it in my
and I concluded that 35 years of classroom, however, I do know about
coaching should provide me with some Power Point. So we decided we were
thoughts on the subject. I have been going to use it today in our
a head coach for 18 years. Becoming presentation. We got to the clinic
a head coach after being an assis- and found out we didn’t have the
tant is a big difference. A lot of right cables to run Power Point, so
things change and there is a lot we can’t use Power Point. We will
more responsibility as a head coach. use the old trusty overhead projec-
All of a sudden you are the guy who tor. We did make overhead slides and
they will help with this presenta-
will help with this presentation. sophomores, or the younger players.
The Blue Team becomes our scout
What I want to do is talk about what team.
we do for preparation our program
for one week. But before we get into One thing we have done over the last
that subject I want to talk about a few years is to use different color
few points in our summertime prac- practice jerseys. At one time we all
tice set up. wore white practice jerseys. That is
all we wore for several years. Like
We have a coaches meeting and we go everybody else we had to put the
about organizing the teams. Coach scrimmage vests on the other players
Ron Skosnik is our offensive coordi- to distinguish our scout teams. Now
nator. Jim Boni coaches our offen- we put the Blue Team in RED practice
sive and defensive line. Roy Meanor jerseys. That has worked out real
works with our defensive backs. Todd well for us. We have the Red Team on
Fuller works with the defensive offense vs. the Blue Team. The Blue
backs and wide receivers. Steve Team has on the red jerseys. That
Smiley is our special teams coach way we don’t have to worry about
and he works with our linebackers getting the scout team to put the
and tight ends. scrimmage vests on. I know you are
going to have some of those kids who
We knew that we would have between have the red jerseys on that are go-
50 to 60 players, and we know basi- ing to get moved up to the White
cally who would be coming back from Team and you are going to have to
the previous year. We have a pretty use some of them on other teams, but
good idea of the players if they it does save time, overall in the
have been working out in the summer. organization of your team. I wanted
I want that program to be organized. to talk about this point because we
I have always been one who has organize this in the summertime.
wanted to be organized.
One other thing that we started a
We use color schemes with our teams. few years ago was Saturday JV games.
The first thing we do in our meeting I don’t know when you guys play your
is to sit down and talk about who JV games. Traditional JV games are
the Red Offense is going to be. That always played on Monday after school
is our first team offense. Next we or on Monday night. We did that for
want to decide who our Red Defense a lot of years and then the last few
is going to be. We post these teams years, I started talking to the
up in the locker room. We want our coaches in our conference about
players to know what teams they are switching to Saturday JV games.
on so if we call for the Red Team,
they know who that is. If we call I started trying to get them to
for the White Team they know it is change over to Saturday JV games for
our second group. They will know who a couple of reasons. I am sure most
that is. of you are probably the same as we
are as far as your practice routine.
As coaches you can waste time by One of your hard practice days is
saying “Give me a guard.” Usually Tuesday. That is a hard work day in
the wrong kid jumps in at that posi- our practice week. We need to have
tion. Or a kid that you don’t want everybody there for that Tuesday
to be in there lines up at that po- practice. But what happened to us is
sition. So this really helps to or- this. If we played a JV game on Mon-
ganize the teams and it saves time. day, we would have 15 kids who would
We do this in the summertime. Our say they can’t practice on Tuesday
Blue Team is basically made up of because they are banged up, or they
are hurt, and they are sore. game tape Friday night. That prac-
tice will eventually get to you. It
If you think about it, that is true. is bad enough if you lost the game.
If they played in a game on Friday If an official made a bad call you
night our kids are sore on Saturday do not want to see that call again.
morning. We know that. You know we What are you going to gain by seeing
are not going to play them a full the play again that night? Are you
game on Saturday. So we decided we going to call him up at his house
would try to get other teams on our late at night? It is too late be-
schedule to play the JV games on cause the game is over. It is not
Saturday. It worked well for us. going to make a difference. Do some-
thing to relax, go home and take it
SATURDAY SCHEDULE out on your dog.

JV GAME HELD On Saturday morning we come in fresh

8:00 AM – Coaches Report with game and watch the film. Some of the
film. older coaches will come in a bit
earlier than 8:00 AM because we
9:30 AM – Team Reports – Strength can’t sleep. I will come in the
and Running Sessions. coaches’ office about 5:00 AM with
one of my assistants and we will
10:00 AM – Players watch game film break down the game tapes. We do
with position coaches. that and it saves us a little time
later. It is something I do because
11:00 AM – Players lift weights. I can’t sleep on Friday nights after
the game.
12:00 PM – Players leave.
The coaches come in and we watch the
By doing it this way Monday can be a game tape. Like a lot of you, we
work day and you can go out for a have an award system. We watch the
full practice. That is something to tape and we break it down for our
think about if you are not already awards. We do that so we can pass
doing that. It is an advantage if the awards out to the players when
you have your whole squad there on we meet. We make notes of whatever
Monday instead of being at a JV we are going to change for the week
game. This has helped us with the JV and so on.
schedule as well.
Next the kids report. At 9:30 AM the
We start the week of preparation for team reports and they go out and
our next opponent. This is what we loosen up. We go outside to our
do at Moon High School. Basically we track which lies next to our dress-
work on preparation for the opponent ing room. We take them out and we do
for the next week. some stretching and some running.
They may run for a half hour or so,
Again, as I said we start out our just to get loosened up from the
week on Saturday morning at 8:00 AM. game the night before.
All of the varsity coach’s report
and we start watching our game film Next we show the film to the kids. I
at that time. I would advise you think it is important for the
when your game is over on Friday coaches to see the film before you
night not to look at the tape. Don’t show it to the kids. This is very
give into that temptation to put the important. When you show the film to
game tape on. Go out Friday night the kids you can point out certain
and have a beer or go do something things to them. If you have seen the
else. Don’t sit there and watch the tape ahead of time you can show cer-
tain points that need to be pointed day off and I think your staff needs
out to them. a day off with their family. I think
that is important. It really makes
It is always hard to put a time on the wives happy. So we give them a
how long it is going to take on the day off.
tapes. It depends on what kind of
game it was the night before. You do What we usually do is this. Our of-
not know how many times you are go- fensive coordinator, Ron Skosnik
ing to run the film back on each might take a film home and look at
play. If we play a JV game then the it, or he may come back and look at
JV coaches will have to get ready the film on Sunday. I will take a
for the game. So we lose a couple of film home and break it down on Sun-
our coaches. Our JV coaches take the day morning at home. When we come
players to the game on Saturday. We back on Monday we will have all the
may only have our varsity players to film broken down. If it is against a
watch the film. team we have played previously we
will look at that tape as well. We
On Monday when we watch the film, we have that game broken down from the
do not want to have a room filled year before. So we will have four
with all our players. The JV players games broken down. I may do some of
will go lift weights. They are lift- that at home, but we are not going
ing while the varsity watches the to have a meeting of all the coaches
tape. After we watch the tape the on Sunday. That gives you an ideas
varsity players go down in the of what we do on Saturday.
weight room and lift. We try to get
three days of lifting in each week Question: “Do you have all your kids
with the varsity players. We do that in the room when the coaches are
because we think it is important for breaking film down on Saturday?”
our kids to get in at least three
days a week of lifting so they main- We have everybody in the room. The
tain strength. If the JV’s are not players are sitting near their posi-
playing a game on Saturday they can tion coaches. We sit in the room
come back to the film room and watch with the receivers sitting by the
a previous tape of one of their receiving coach, the quarterbacks
games while the varsity is lifting. are sitting by the quarterback
coach, and the linemen are sitting
At around 12:00 noon the players by the line coach ready to give them
leave on Saturday. The coaches will an excuse for any problem they have.
stay and finish breaking down an-
other tape on our opponents. We get It is funny when one of the coaches
two tapes from previous games on our will ask “Who is that?” Someone will
opponents. We also try to get a tape say “That is me!” The coaches will
of the recent game they just played. yell out, “Who the hell is me?” So
So we have three tapes to study our everybody is in the room. The only
next opponent. We try to get at time we would be missing coaches is
least two of those tapes broken down if we have a JV game.
on Saturday.
Question: Do you try to get out of
On Sunday we do not meet as a staff. the film room by 1:00 PM?
I have coached with a lot of differ-
ent coaches that did meet on Sunday. We try to wrap everything up by 1:00
I know everybody is different. P.M. You know we don’t want to make
Hardly anybody plays games on Satur- it too long. All of you know you can
day in our league. We play all Fri- make the meetings a long as you
day night games. I think you need a want. As many of you coaches know
and some of the assistants swear by 5:00 Coaches prepare game plan. Di-
their head coach. The head coach can vide in offensive - defensive units.
make that meeting as long as he
wants to make it. You can always 7:30 – Scouting report put together.
find something to talk about. You 9:00 – Staff reviews game plans.
can say whatever you want to say. I
can remember being on a coaching In review, on Monday we will go out
staff when I was a young coach. We at 3:00 PM. After we get on the
might be in meetings on Monday field we do flexibility exercises.
nights until one or two o’clock in As a coaching staff I feel it is im-
the morning. We were talking about portant that you have a practice
who we were going to play at right schedule and that the coaches try to
guard. So you can make it as long as stick to that schedule.
you want. Our coaches are always
bugging me about getting done on Each year some young players’ par-
time. ents will ask this question. “Coach,
what time is practice over?” I say
I was talking about the JV situa- “When I blow the whistle.” “Well,
tion. If you have played a JV game how long is your practice?” Practice
on Saturday you can have the whole last two hours. They respond, “That
team at practice on Monday. We can is very good.” Then I tell them
have a full practice if we want. If this. “It is two hours, but it might
we do not feel we need to work full take us three to get two hours of
speed we can go light in practice. good practice in.” I hate that when
But we do have the opportunity on somebody tries to pin me down about
Monday to go out in full pads if practice. They soon learn not to ask
necessary. Most of the time, we do that question anymore.
not have a full practice on Monday
because we really do not have a game At 3:15 PM we go into our individual
plan of exactly what we want to do defensive period. And that is where
for the upcoming game. We have not we break into defensive groups. We
decided what we want to do. But we are going to have linebackers, de-
do know what we did wrong on Friday fensive ends, defensive backs, and
night and we do know what we want to the defensive line. That is how we
correct. You always want to have break the team up. We have about 15
time to make corrections. You never minutes in this period. Basically in
have enough time, so we can use this my group which includes the defen-
to work on our special teams and sive ends, I am going to talk about
game day corrections. last Friday’s game. I am going to
talk about things they did incor-
MONDAY PRACTICE SCHEDULE rectly. It could be keying reads. If
I know a particular team that we
We have a full practice with empha- will be playing in the next game,
sis on individual techniques, spe- and they are a team that runs a lot
cial teams and game day corrections. of sweep plays, we might work
against the hook block. If they are
3:00 – Flexibility going to run a Tight Wing-T offense
3:15 – Individual Defense we will work against that set. We do
3:30 – Individual Offense not see that set too often in our
3:45 – Water break league.
3:50 – Special Teams
4:05 – Stunt Review We decide how we are going to play
4:15 – Conditioning on defense for the week. How are we
4:30 – Varsity Lift Weights – going to beat that double team
Scout Team formation recognition. block? How are we going to read the
two blockers? How are we going to particular special team, or it could
play the tight end and the Wing-T be a drill on the special teams.
alignment? How are we going to play
against the tight end blocks? We de- I put the defensive stunt review pe-
cide how we are going to play for riod in a few years ago. We work on
the upcoming game. our stunts on defense. We run a 50
defensive package and we use a lot
We might do some individual drills. of multiple fronts. We stunt a lot
I am a big believer in tackling from those fronts. Teams that play
drills. In the season what happens us know we bring our linebackers
is this. You drill tackling during when we stunt. To do that you must
the summer in pre-season practice. work on the stunts in practice.
You work on it for two weeks at the
beginning of practice. Then the sea- This is how we organize the stunt
son starts. A lot of times, because review. We come out with the blue
you are doing so much preparation team in the red shirts. They are go-
and so much team work, you forget ing to come out and line up on the
about the individual techniques. You line. We are using a practice field
forget about the basics of tackling. that is lined. If you don’t have
So we will go back and put some your practice field lined you need
tackling drills in our practice to think about it. It helps us to
schedule. We do not do a lot of line up on defense. We need the
this, but it is going to be a side- lines to line up on. We put our guys
line tackle drill or a similar down on a knee. We have seven offen-
drill. You can never do enough tack- sive men simulating the offensive
ling. line all down on knees. Now our de-
fense can see the spacing. At 10
Then we go on to individual offense. yards to the other side we have an-
We break up into groups of the quar- other group of players down on their
ter backs, the running backs, the knees. We have our Red Team on one
receivers, and the offensive line side of the ball facing the coach.
and tight ends. That is how we break If I am the coach they are facing
the team up. They will be with their me.
individual coach.
We have the White Team or the second
Then we work with the special teams. team, on the other line facing me,
Coach Steve Smiley is our special over the ball. We signal our defen-
teams Coach. He will talk about what sive play in to the defense. I will
we do with special teams later. Any make the defensive calls and signal
time you put special teams in your them to the linebackers. The line-
practice schedule you let the kids backers will make the call. They are
know the coaches think special teams going to call out the defense to the
are important. team. They make a move call for the
entire defense. All I say is
We work on special teams in all our “Ready.” When I say ready, the two
practices. If you are a special players that are simulating the cen-
team’s player then you know that it ters can snap the footballs. They
is an important part of our game. are the blue team players holding
But you can’t just give it lip ser- the footballs. They can snap the
vice. You have to actually run the ball anytime after I give the
plays with the special team. You “Ready” call. I just call out the
have to provide practice time for ready command.
your special team. We do that in our
practice schedule by working with When we are stunting we are watching
our special teams. It could be a the football. I want them coming off
the football. I don’t want them lis- I used to make up the opponents
tening to cadences or to someone plays on cards so we could run the
else calling the signals. They are plays in practice. You hold up the
watching the football. Everybody cards and everyone looks at it and
watches that football. They must use they run the play on the card. By
peripheral vision to look down the doing that the scout team is not
line. When that ball is snapped we really learning anything. We need to
better get to our primary area, or teach the young kids about football
to the gap that we are responsible because they are our future players.
for. Both teams are running the On the scout team we are going to
stunt at the same time. use our terminology and we are going
to run the other teams play. But we
By using this drill we have two are going to call the plays in our
teams working and we are not leaving terminology. I am going to run an I-
out our second group. Those players Pro-Right. Now our kids know they
may be getting into the game and have to line up in our Pro Right
they need to know what the signals formation. That is how our players
and stunts are. The second team learn what our Pro-Right formation
linebacker needs to know how to make is. We use the same terminology that
the calls. He needs to be able to our offense and defense uses. I call
read the signals from the coaches. the play that is similar to our
He needs to know how to make the play.
calls. This period has been very
good for us. We take about 10 min- I call the play and they know the
utes or so to go through our stunts play I want to run. They must know
that we are going to use that week. how to block and who to block on the
Both teams are going at the same play. They know how to block our 34
time. Since this is a Monday prac- Isolation versus the defense. They
tice, most of our stunts have been know how to do that because they are
used for a few games. linemen. They know where their backs
are lined up against the defense.
Next we go to our conditioning The tailback knows he is getting the
drills. Then the varsity players are ball. The fullback knows on the 30
going to go lift weights. That is Isolation he is the lead blocker. He
the second time for them to lift knows he is going to lead up on the
weights that week. The first session linebacker. So he is learning our
was the Saturday session. offense. These players are our fu-
ture team.
Next is the scout team formation
recognition period. I will run the A lot of times you can waste a year
scout team. I take them to another working with the scout team. If you
area of the field and I talk about are holding up the cards, the next
what the other team is going to run year they have no idea what your of-
against us for the game. We talk fense is all about. Our system is
about what the other team is running not perfect. But trust me, at the
and what their offensive formations end of the year there are still a
are and what plays they run. If it lot of players who do not know how
is a Wing-T team or an I-Set team, I to line up in different formations.
will have to show our kids how to
line up and go over the terminology I take the scout team and I talk
we will be using that week. This is about formations and plays. I stress
what we do at Moon High School. the fact that the scout team quar-
Again, you should do what you feel terback is an important player. He
comfortable with. If this session doesn’t like that essential position
helps you, fine. but I tell him that everybody that
has played quarterback for us went can see tendencies easier when I do
through this situation. It is impor- the scouting report. It helps me to
tant to have a good scout team quar- look at the plays and it helps me to
terback. He must give our defense a visualize the plays.
good look. The better look he can
give us the better we are going to We have the scouting report put to-
be on defense. The better we look on gether and then we meet as a staff.
defense the better we are going to Then the offense and the defense
look on offense. will get on the board and go over
what we are doing this week. Now
Monday is our game prep day. The everybody has input on what we are
coaches get together and we divide doing. We are all open for input. If
up. We have six coaches on the var- anybody has suggestions offensively,
sity staff. We split up with three they speak up. The offensive coordi-
on offense and three on defense. We nator will allow me to put a play in
put our plan together. A lot of this since I am the head coach. (I think
has been done over the weekend with that is nice of him.) I may put an
the offensive coordinator. He has offensive play in because I think it
been thinking about the offense and will work this week. He never runs
I have been thinking about the de- the play but he tells me that he is
fense. I am the defensive coordina- going to think about it. He allows
tor, so I have been thinking about other coaches to put plays in and so
what we are going to do on defense. on.

I have some ideas of what we should On defense, someone may have a sug-
do. Our other coaches have their gestion at this time. Again, we do
thoughts about what they should do. this because we all coach both sides
We get together and we might look at of the ball. If anybody has input we
some more tapes if we think we need go over it at that time. By that
to look at something special. We do time we are somewhere around 9:00 PM
that during this time period. Steve or later. We try to be finished by
Smiley is our special team coach so 9:30 PM. We would like to be out of
he is looking at the other team’s there by 9:30 PM. We have had a long
special team. He is looking at what day by this time.
they do. He is making the plan for
the special teams. Our staff will Next I want to get into the Tuesday
take time somewhere during this ses- practice. On Tuesday and Wednesday
sion to eat. we call those our hard work days. On
Tuesday we have full practice with
We put the scouting report together the emphasis on the running game im-
on Monday night. The defensive staff plementation, special teams, and
is responsible for getting every- game day corrections.
thing together. Other teams may do
the scouting report a little differ- TUESDAY PRACTICE SCHEDULE
ent. Some teams have all those com-
puterized reports and the detailed 2:40 – Players dressed in locker
information. room for the scouting report.
3:10 – Pre Practice.
I still draw up the formations and I 3:30 – Flexibilities.
still write the plays down. I have 3:45 – Punt and Punt Return
found by writing the plays down and 3:55 – Individual Defense
drawing the formations for the 4:05 – Individual Offense
scouting report it becomes ingrained 4:15 – Group Offense
in me. I know what the other team is 4:35 – Water
doing and I know their tendencies. I 4:40 – Stunt Review
4:50 – Goal Line Offense & Defense you were not allowed to drive to the
(Two Point Plays) field house. If you drove to school
5:00 – All Up you had to park your car and walk to
6:15 – Conditioning Drills the field house, and walk back to
(JV’s lift weights) school after practice.
7:00 – Coaches set Wednesday Plans
The reason I did this was because
Tuesday and Wednesday are our hard everyone can drive to school. At the
practice days. We have full practice end of the day there are a zillion
with emphasis on the run game on cars tying to get out of the parking
Tuesday. On Wednesday we are going lot. There is an accident everyday.
to stress the passing game. We try It is ridiculous. Sometimes kids
to break up the practices this way. will be late for practice. They come
Our school is dismissed at 2:15 PM. up to me and say, “Coach, I had an
I think it is important for your accident, or I couldn’t get out of
kids to get into a regimented day. the parking lot because there was so
We talk about having discipline in much traffic.” You have to make them
football. They expect the team meet- responsible to be on time. That is
ing at 2:40 PM. They have to be important.
dressed from the waist down. If they
have to see the trainer they must Our pre practice time starts at 3:10
take care of that earlier. At 2:40 PM. I don’t know about the coaching
PM we pass out the scouting report. situations at your school but some
We talk about what we are going to of our coaches do not teach at the
do out on the field. We tell them high school. Some of our coaches
what we are going to do on the game teach at the middle school. The mid-
plan. We do not go into every little dle school kids get out of school
detail because we do not have time. later than the high school. The
coaches can’t get over to the high
If there is a major change to be school until 3:00 PM. They may not
made on offense or a defensive stunt be teachers and they have other jobs
to be added, we go over it at that and can’t be there until 3:30 PM. So
time. If you need to make changes what we have done over the years is
you need to show them how you are to develop a pre-practice.
going to do it. On offense, if we
have any special formations, or any Again, this pre practice time is not
special plays that we are putting just standing around and talking and
in, then we are going to put all telling jokes. They are not just out
that in and talk about that ahead of there with someone throwing the
time in the locker room. football around. Pre practice time
is valuable time. We use this time
Let me go back to the time situa- in several ways.
tion. We expect our players to be
there at 2:40 PM. If they come to On Monday night before we leave we
practice after 2:40 PM they must set up the pre practice form. I set
have a note from a teacher that ex- up the time periods and then each
plains why they are late. They can’t coach is responsible for that time
just show up late. They must have a slot. The assistant coaches must be
note from the teacher saying that prepared for that session. Each
they were getting help. They can not coach is responsible for setting up
be late because they were hanging what they want to get done in that
out in the halls. Because our field time period. They need to be pre-
house is not beside the school, some pared for that session. As teachers
of the kids drive over to the field they have to be prepared and it is
house. Years ago I had a rule that the same with this period.
We may have a certain emphasis on off returns and then work on the ex-
working together with another group tra points. We work on the extra
during that time period. If the point snaps and the hold on the ex-
linebackers are going to get to- tra points. The players that are
gether with the defensive ends then holders rotate a lot of time with
we have to know in our practice plan our quarterbacks. That is what you
what we are going to work on. So we do with the pre-practice period.
put the plan together the day be-
fore. In the pre-practice plan we Sometimes we emphasize a special
have every thing worked out. The team during that period. If we are
punters are going to punt with the going to work on the punt team then
punt return team. The snappers are we call out that team and we work on
going to work on all snaps. You the punt during that period. This
never get enough time to work on the could be a different special team
snaps. Our line coach, Jim Boni is a each day. Then we blow the whistle
great guy but he thinks this session and we go to flex drills.
should be five hours long. He is
probably right because what we do in We usually run a lap around the
this period is important. He wants field first. Then we get into our
time anywhere he can get it. This lines and we flex. We use the rubber
gives him an opportunity to work bands in the flexibility drills.
with the line for about 20 minutes. Over the years we have used rubber
He can get his whole line together bands to help us stretch. We got
and start working on the blocking that from Youngstown State Univer-
techniques. sity. I think it really does help in
flexing. The players can run through
Our ends and other receivers are go- the drills with partners. They are
ing to go down with the quarterbacks just rubber bands. You can lie on
and work. This is not a formal prac- your back and pull back up. It
tice and we are not going 100 per- really stretches the groin area and
cent. We will work on loosening the hamstrings.
quarterbacks up. We have the receiv-
ers run the routes. We are not just Then we break up after we have fin-
loosening the quarterback up but we ished the flexibilities. We come off
are running particular pass routes the field to the sideline. The field
that we are going to emphasize that is lined because the field is used
week. Some of your receivers are by the JV and ninth grade teams to
probably defensive backs so we will plays games. I blow the whistle and
turn around and run some defensive they sprint off to the sideline and
coverage’s. If we are going to see then we go into our punt and our
Cover 2 that week we can put up a punt return on Tuesday. We call out
Cover 2 and run our routes against a punt situation and we run right
them. out onto the field and line up in
punt formation and kick the foot-
You definitely could use this time ball. That is what we do. This is
to work on your fade route when you good practice for us. We yell “Punt,
get down on the goal line. You al- punt, punt,” and everybody runs out,
ways have something you can work on. gets on the ball and is ready to go.
If our kickers are at practice we We have the defense set up with the
work with them. There a lot of times blue team being the defense and we
when our kicker is a soccer player. punt the football.
He may not be there on a Tuesday be-
cause they play a lot of games on The player that catches the punt
Tuesday in soccer. If he is there places it down on the line. The punt
you can work on some kickoffs, kick- team runs down to the ball turns
around and we punt it back the other the White Team. They are facing in-
way. It is kicked back the other side. We have the defenses on the
way. Then we try to move the ball other side of the line. We use two
around to different locations on the groups if we have enough players
field. Then we place the ball deep available. We get injuries, players
back against the goal line. We work get sick, and then you end up with
on kicking the ball out of the end one group. If you have two groups it
zone. We work on different phases of is really good because you have both
the punting game. Sometimes we might the Red and White Teams working. The
put our two Spikers on one side and coach calls out a play and the line-
practice kicking the ball deep and men make their blocks on the play.
try to down it inside the 5 yard We start from the outside and work
line. inside. We go over all of the dif-
ferent blocks. Half way through the
Then we flip it over and run punt period the split ends and the tight
returns. Punt returns for us are ba- ends might leave us to go down and
sically done by our defensive team. work with the quarterbacks and the
The defensive team lines up at the backs.
50 yard line. Our punt return team
works on setting up a wall right and Then we have the water break. After
a wall left. the water break we do the stunt re-
view. I have talked about that
Next we go to our individual de- drill. We do it again each day. Now
fense. Again the emphasis is on run. we may have some new stuff in be-
But it gives you time to work with cause we now have our game plan. We
your individual defensive positions. might be putting some new things in
You might work better in groups dur- the game plan.
ing this time. We might work to-
gether on key drills for the defen- Because Tuesday is a run day we work
sive ends and the linebackers. on our goal line. We put the ball
down on the 10 yard line and we are
In the individual offensive period on offense. We run our goal line
we break up into individual groups. package for that game. We go over
Then we do group offense. Now in our our Two Point plays. We are going
group offense, the difference is against the defense for four to six
this. When we go to group offense we plays
have all the interior linemen and we
have a split end, and a tight end. Then we turn around and go on the
In other words we have a 7 man front defensive. We put the ball on the
but we do not have flankers. ten yard line. We run the defense we
are going to be using that week.
The flankers will stay with the Then we move the ball down inside
quarterbacks and the other backs. the ten yard line. We move it from
They may work on counter plays dur- the 10, to the 8, to the 5, and then
ing this period. we put it inside the 2 yard line.
Then I will run the other teams Two
When we work on the group offense Point plays against our defense. We
with the line we do have the split must decide what we want to do
ends and the tight ends. We work on against their Two Point play. We
our offense just like we did with have that defense ready. Sometimes
our Stunt Review. We have two groups we will kick the extra point.
on offense. We put a ball down and
we have the Red Team. Ten yards Then we call the “All Up” and hope-
apart we have another ball. They are fully we are on the time schedule. I
ten yards apart. The other team is am trying to make them think it is
5:00 PM but it is really about 5:20 to be ready to kick the field goal.
PM. Because the offensive line coach
did not have enough time to cover We might yell out “Punt Team - Punt
everything he wanted to cover. So we Team.” Again this is to emphasize to
are in the “All Up” period. We start the special teams and to keep the
on the offensive side of the ball. kids thinking about special teams.
We have two groups running. Again, After we kick the field goal we turn
this is organization. We have the around and come back up the field.
Red and the White Teams in the hud- And that is the team offense.
dle and the Blue Team on defense.
And the defense does have on the Then we go to defense in our “All
shields for defense. Up front the Up” period. This is something I
defenders have the shields. started a few years ago. I have
talked about the scout team, which I
We run one play at the defense. run. I have them use our terminology
Sometimes we run the same play by for the scout team plays. Again I
both offensive teams. At other times don’t use the cards with the scout
we run two different plays. The team. What I started doing some
White Team has the tendency to make years ago was to script the plays of
the same mistake the Red Team makes the other team on offense. You might
if we run the same play. They will want to try this. It has been good
watch the Red Team run the play and for us for a couple of reasons. It
then they will run the play the same organizes your practice. If you
way. If the Red Team makes a mis- script the other teams’ plays, you
take, guess what? The White Team find out a lot about the other team.
will make the same mistake. They The most plays we script will be
just look to see what the man did in about 20 plays for their team. I
front of him. will write down the situation that
will lead to that first down. On
By doing that they are not really first and ten I tell the defense the
learning the play. So I try to tell situation. “It is first and ten.”
the coach in charge of the White All of the coaches know the play be-
Team to run a few different plays so ing called. They are watching their
they have to learn the offense. We positions.
try to get as much accomplished as
we can in this time period. We try Next we work on the defense we are
to go as fast as we can on the going to run. One of the coaches
drill. will signal in the defense to the
linebackers. We run the play and
We are trying to get our offense to come back to the huddle. Now it is
concentrate on the run on Tuesday. “2nd and 8 to go for the first
We will move the ball up and down down.” It may be second and 12 to go
the field. We do not keep the ball for the first down. Now we are going
in one spot. We move the ball and we to start thinking 2nd & 12, what are
coach on the run. We move it to the they going to run in this situation?
hash marks and to the center of the We are thinking Draw or Screen Pass.
field. The defensive team must start think-
ing about different situations. Then
When we get down toward the end zone we may work on any special plays our
I will yell “Field Goal - Field opponents like to run.
Goal.” The field goal team has to
run out there and kick the ball. They may come out of the huddle real
They run out on the field and kick quick. We must be ready to get in
the field goal. The field goal team and out of our defensive huddle. I
has to be ready and the kicker has have to teach the scout team to go
on “Down.” The offense may run the out in about a 50 yard square. So we
unbalanced line. We must be ready to say it is more of an “Aerobic Run.”
read the unbalanced line. If they do We do different drills for condi-
run the unbalanced line we must go tioning in that period.
over how we are going to cover the
unbalanced line. On Tuesday our JV’s lift weights.
Then we go inside and practice is
We are going to run 20 plays against over. After the players are gone we
our defense with the plays scripted. go in as a staff and talk about
We will rotate in some of our second Wednesday’s practice. We need to be
team players. We try to keep our prepared for the next day. This is
first team players in for the major- when we work on the schedule for the
ity of the plays but some of the next day. That is Tuesday practice.
subs can rotate. I tell the position
coach it is up to them as far as us- Question: Do the JV’s run at condi-
ing the subs. They can rotate the tioning or do they go in and start
subs, but not until we have run their weight lifting?
about 10 plays. This has helped us
as far as being organized. No! They condition too. They would
like to skip the running but we make
Next we go back at the end of the them run too.
day and see if we want to change
anything. Do we want to change any- Let me move to Wednesday and the
thing on defense? Do we want to do practice schedule. On Wednesday the
anything different? Do we want to emphasis is on our passing game. We
put in another play? “What do they still start at 2:40 PM. At that time
like to do on 2nd & 3rd downs? What do they have to be in the locker room
they like to do on 1st and 10?” as they did on Tuesday. They must be
dressed from the waist down. And now
We call out “Turnover, Turnover.” we are talking about our opponent’s
Our team just had a turnover. A lot film. We are looking at our next op-
of teams try to score real quickly ponent and we are going to show them
when they get a turnover, especially as much tape as we can. We are going
with the ball in their territory. to show them both sides of the ball.
So, we make that note. That is our We show them some of the plays we
defensive period. feel they need to see. It is a great
opportunity for them to see what the
Then of course at 6:15 PM or some- opponents are doing. Then we have
where around that time we start our our pre practice.
conditioning. We mix the drills up
on conditioning. We do what we call WEDNESDAY PRACTICE
our “Aerobic Run”. We put the
coaches out on 4 corners of a It is a full practice with emphasis
square. We have half of the team on the passing game implementation
consisting of all the skilled people and special teams.
at one corner of the square. At the
other corner we have all the line- 2:40 – Players dressed for film.
men. The players must run for about 3:10 – Pre Practice.
2 minutes. Actually, they run four 3:30 – Flexibilities.
laps around the outside of the 3:45 – Field Goals/Extra Points.
coaches. 3:55 – Pass Skelly – Defense.
4:10 – Pass Skelly – Offense.
They run a total of about 50 yards. 4:25 – Water.
They are running for times. It is an 4:30 – Stunt Review.
“Aerobic Run” because we are spread 4:40 – All UP (Emphasis on Pass)
6:00 – Conditioning – Varsity Lift. shields. We go live on the pass
6:30 – Coaches Review Game Plan. rush. We go live pass offense be-
cause the linemen need to see the
We might change some of the schedule defense live. They need to know who
around on the pre practice schedule. they are blocking. The quarterback
We may just review some of the other needs somebody in his face. The re-
drills. Then at 3:30 we blow the ceivers need a defender up on them
whistle and flex. At 3:45 we work on bumping them. We do that for about
our field goal and extra points. 10 minutes.

At 3:55 PM we do our defensive pass On defense, I have always been a be-

skeleton drill. We are on defense liever that the defense must go full
and we have all the perimeter peo- speed. I don’t know how you run your
ple. That is all 7 people on de- “Thud” defense. It is really hard to
fense. We have our defensive ends, run the “Thud” on defense if we are
our linebackers, and our defensive going half speed and we are running
backs. The defensive line coach has stunts. You can’t go half speed on
his players working on defense. stunts. I don’t know how you do
that? You really have to go full
We have them working totally on the speed when you stunt. We don’t want
plays that I have scripted for that our defense killing people because
session. I run the scout team they may be our second or third team
against our defense and against our quarterback, or the tailback. But at
pass offense. We work on adjustments the same time we want kids running
we are going to make in the secon- hard. We want them to simulate game
dary. Then we go into pass skelly situations. So we always say it is
offense and we run two groups. We live up front which means if you are
have the Red Team and the White Team stunting you better get off the ball
against the Blue team on defense. We 100 percent. So it is live up front.
may have one team running against
man cover team and another team run If the defense gets to the quarter-
against a 3-4 look defense with zone back we tell them to just grab the
coverage. quarterback. We do not want the de-
fender to bury his helmet in the
At 4:30 PM we run our stunt review quarterbacks head. But, defensively
session. We do a lot of that because you better learn how to get after
I want to make sure on Friday night the football.
that they know what to do. I don’t
want anybody telling me they thought If we are running the sweep, I want
they called one thing and they were to see the corners over there run-
not sure what to do. I don’t want ning to the football. Everyone must
them saying “I thought it was this.” run the proper pursuit angles. On
They may have looped instead of Friday night it is too late to teach
slanting. You will always get caught the proper angles. We are always go-
when a player runs the wrong play. ing live when we are on defense at
So we want to make sure we know what the end of the drill.
we are doing.
Then we work on conditioning again.
Then it is “All Up” again. It is The varsity works on weights again
pretty much the same as we did the on Wednesday night. That will be
day before. It may be with more em- their third lift in the week. Some-
phasis on passing. On Wednesday we times that is tough because they
do one thing different after we go have put in a full day and their
through most of the offense. We have practice does not end 6:00 PM on
the defensive kids get rid of the Wednesday. It’s probably like 6:30
PM or 6:45 PM or even 7:00 PM. It is they have to run all the way to the
getting kind of late and they go in- end zone and then jog back. Then the
side and the varsity gets to lift White Team comes out and runs a
weights. It is not a full blowout screen play and they run into the
like we do in the off season. The end zone. The Red Team comes back
coaches are getting ready for the out and runs the screen play. We do
next days practice. We are working it for two reasons. First, we are
on what we are going to do in our working on our screen passes. We are
review the next day. We decided if tightening up our screens. We just
we are going to make any changes for do it with Red and White Teams be-
the game. cause we put the Blue Team on de-
fense. We want somebody for them to
Questions: Is the “All Up” time just block against. We practice our
offense? screens this way. We think that is a
No, it’s everything, but we have good way to condition.
more emphasis on passing. On Tuesday
the emphasis was on running. We are Question: On your “All Up” do you
still going to review a lot of our work more on offense or defense.
run offense. We are just going to
cut down on the number of plays we We always have a coach that has a
run. We still are going to review watch handy. That coach always tells
some plays but we are going to do me, “Coach we have been on this
more of our pass offense. We are not drill 15 minutes.” It would be nice
a pass team either. We are going to if you could say that you are going
run the ball 60-70 percent of the to go for one half of an hour but it
time. If we could run the ball every is probably more than that. At the
play we would do it. But we will end of the day we may have run about
throw the football. A lot of our 10 minutes longer on the offense.
passes are Play Action Passes. We And that is because I am the head
are going to run to set up the pass. coach. So, I can do that. But there
We definitely will throw the foot- is always that battle about how much
ball. time we have. Somewhere along the
line I will have to say “Coach we
Question: When you run the Pass have to wrap it up here.”
Skelly Drill is the offensive line
working on pass protection. Question: Do you basically run
through both offense and defense
Yes, that is right. Most of the every day of practice, rather than
times they are working on pass pro- offense on one day and defense on
tection techniques. We work on another?
screen passes on Wednesday. In our
conditioning drills on Wednesday we Right! I listened to George Novak a
will run a lot of screen passing lot last year. I got all fired up
drills. and I said “We are going to two pla-
toon next year. We are going to do
We have the team come from the side- this because I think we can do it.
line and run a screen pass. They We can divide the staff and run of-
have to sprint down the field all fensive and defensive teams.”
the way to the end zone. The Red
Team will start 40 yards from the We almost came into the season try-
end zone and they have to sprint to ing to two platoon. But we had about
the end zone. They come back and 60 kids last year at Moon High
then we have our White Team go next. School. With the injuries we ended
up practicing with only about 45
We have them run a screen play and players. If you only have 45 kids it
makes it hard to platoon. I know Now, defensively I script the plays.
that some teams can do that but we I don’t want to be out there trying
did not feel we could do it last to decide what play to run. I make
year. It definitely would save a lot sure we have the plays all lined up
of practice time. to run when we are on defense. That
saves a lot for us. And if we are
That is why I think it is important running the pass skelly drill I am
that you have a practice plan and going to have eight pass plays or we
you try to stick with it. In having may only have six pass plays. The
the players go on both sides of the number of passes we work on all de-
ball, you try to get to everything pends on who we are playing.
in practice. You do not make it too
long of a practice that way. Some- Coach Steve Smiley is going to come
times you have to cut out some other up and talk about Thursday practice
areas in practice. That is why we because Thursday is our special team
place the emphasis on the run on day. He covers what we do to organ-
Tuesday and the passing on Wednes- ize the special teams.
day. We are not doing the same
things all of the time. We try to COACH STEVE SMILEY
get our special teams work in prac-
tice as well. You guys are probably wondering who
the hell is this guy and why he is
Question: Do you have any time sav- up here talking. Don’t worry because
ers for your stunts? Also, how do I feel the same way as you do. When
you decide who will wear the scrim- the moderator introduced Coach “Cap”
mage vest when you work on pass he mentioned how well he is re-
skeleton drills? Do you spend a lot spected throughout our conference. I
of time setting up the scout team? grew up in New Brighton and I played
for Coach Ricco and I am a Double A
I don’t know if we have any time guy. I have learned how truly re-
savers or not. When we run pass spected he is.
skelly we use dots to simulate the
line. We put them down to indicate Let me tell you a story about how he
the spacing for the line. But we got so respected. A few years ago
just throw five of the yellow dots Coach Ricco and Coach Hamilton from
down on the ground to let the re- Black Hawk High and Coach Cap went
ceivers know where to line up. We to NYC to a coaching convention.
run two groups at a time. As one They got one of those old fashion
team is coming back to the huddle horse and buggy type carts with a
the other team gets set to go. One horses pulling them in the cart.
thing you have to tell your kids They are going over to the conven-
when you are in the pass skeleton tion.
drill is they must bring a ball up
to the line with them. The receivers They go along and suddenly the damn
need to bring the stinking ball back horse hits a pothole. Coach Cap
to the huddle. You do not want to be yells out, “Hey, That’s a ONE!” They
in the huddle with only one foot- go along a little more and the horse
ball. hits another pothole. Boom! Coach
Cap yells out, “Hey you SOB! That’s
When we run two groups we do not a TWO!” A couple of blocks later the
move around a lot. Our main thing is horse hits a pedestrian. Coach Cap
that we want to line up and execute gets out of the cart and yells, “You
on the pass skelly drill. I don’t stupid horse! That’s a THREE!” He
know if there is anything differ- walks over and pulls out a gun and
ently in that drill that we do shoots the horse.
Coach Ricco and Coach Hamilton look flex period. Right after that we run
at each other and shrug their shoul- a few agility drills in preparation
ders. They don’t have a clue what is for the game the next day. We do a
going on. Coach Cap comes back and real simulation of what is going on
gets in the cart. Coach Hamilton, in a game.
being the older of the two said,
“Hey Coach Cap, what the hell was We come out of that session and go
that for?” Coach Cap looked at him into our special teams period. The
and said “That’s a ONE!” That is the special team period lasts about an
kind of respect he has now. hour.

What I have up on the overhead is I have a checklist that I have lami-

the Thursday practice. I am going to nated so I can write on it. Each
go over some special team material week I bring my marker out with me
today. And just like the situation and I check the items off the list
here today, Coach Cap is in charge after we complete them.
of everything until the beginning of
Thursday. Then he turns it over to SPECIAL TEAMS CHECKLIST
me, for a while.
1. Kickoff
2. Onside Kickoff
Thursday is a full practice with an Right, Left, Stampede
emphasis on special teams, game
situations and the Two-Minute- 3. Kickoff Return
Offense. Middle, Hands Team

2:40 – Finish film on our opponent. 4. Punt – Purple (Right, Left)

3:00 – Flexibility. Fakes – Silver – Orange – White
3:15 – Special Teams:
Kickoff, Kickoff Returns, Punt, Punt 5. Quick Kick
Returns, Field Goals, Extra Point,
Block Teams.) 6. Punt Return (Wall Right & Left)

4:00 – Team Offense. 7. Punt Block

4:30 – Team Defense.
5:00 – Two-Minute-Offense. 8. Punt Block Safe
5:30 – Coaches prepare game plan.
9. Extra Point/Field Goal
We divide into offense and defense Muddle / Kick
with players in their shoulder pads Fire / Fake
and thigh pads in shorts or sweats.
10. Extra Point / Field Goal
We get our players dresses out at Block
2:40 PM. I am one of the middle
school teachers so I do not get The list goes down the line in or-
there until about 3:00 to 3:05 PM. der. We start with kickoffs first.
Coach Cap will watch the second half We practice our kickoff returns. In
of the tape on an opponent’s game in kickoff we go over everything. We
the film session. cover deep right, deep left and deep
middle. We go through our on-sides
When the players are going out on kicks. We may have a special kick
the field they have a fresh idea in set up. We go through all of those
their mind of the team we are going plays. Then we work on our kickoff
to be playing. We do a 15 minute returns.
Then we go against their on-side we need to change or if we need to
kicks. When we are in the punt pe- go over anything before the game.
riod we get everybody off the field. This is the last time we have as a
Then we yell “Punt, Punt,” They all staff together before the game.
have to get on the field and line
up. We have our stop watch on the Question: Are you in full gear or in
snap and punt. They have to get the shells on Thursday?
punt off within 10 seconds. We
sprint down to the end zone and come If it is warm enough we go out in
out of the end zone. We kick from the girdles that have the thigh pads
the hash marks right, and left. We in them. Really they are dressed out
go through all of our fake kicks and with everything on but their knee
everything in the punting game. Then pads. It is helmet, shoulder pads,
we go to our punt return. The last and shorts. But under their shorts
thing we do is work on the Field they have their girdle pads on. Dur-
Goal and Extra Point. We run through ing the “All-Up” period on offense
our different fakes as well. We work our kids have the shields on. We
against the block team, and we run tell them to always stay up. When we
against the fakes we may have in the are on defense we hit and everybody
scouting report. runs to the football. We have found
that this works best for us.
After that Coach Stoznick takes over
the offense. We are trying to simu- If it is colder it is the same thing
late the game situation. We are as shorts, except now we have sweat
still running two groups. We go game pants on. We give the players the
situation with all the stunts the sweats. It is really the same thing
other team is going to throw at us. as they were before with everything
I am over there running the scout on except their knee pads. We can
team and they give me the freedom to never emphasize special teams
throw everything we have at our of- enough. I am sure it is the same for
fense. That goes pretty quick as we most of you.
will run the plays two times.
On game day it is really a repeat of
Then we go to team defense. What we what we did on Wednesday. The only
started doing this year is something thing we do is this. We go out and
we picked up on a trip last year. we have that same set routine for
Usually teams line up all the play- the flex period. We do the same ex-
ers behind the offense and then you act routine. The kids all know what
run the offensive plays. You have to do. They have been doing it and
the scout team on the other side. they have gone through it several
When you are on the defensive team times. The only thing different we
you are looking at about 50 players do is to have what we call a special
lined up back behind the formation. teams check in the locker room. What
It is hard to recognize the forma- we do is this. We come off the field
tion. What Coach Cap has done is after we run our offensive and de-
this. He has moved everybody off to fensive plays in our pre-game. Then
the side. Now all we have is the we come into the dressing room. We
scout team out there. let the kids get a drink of water.
Then they all come in and they sit
In the two-minute-offense we go over down on the benches in the dressing
the different situations. Practice room and they are quiet. At that
ends here around 5:30 PM to 6:00 PM. time I come out and I go through all
After that we come in and we look at of the special teams. We go through
any question that may have come up. each and every special team.
We must decide if there is something
We start with kickoffs. We go with get a second chance. After all in a
our “hands team.” Then we go over game, when you throw the incomplete
the kick return teams, kick returns, pass you have to go out on the field
on-sides kicks, punts, and punt re- and kick the football. If we do not
turns. If we have a special punt or get it off in time we are taking a
a fake punt that week we may have penalty.
different personnel on that team.
In the “All-Up” period when we get
We have different personnel for down near the goal line we can call
every team. We go through the spe- out “Field Goal – Field Goal.” The
cial teams until each and every same thing happens with our kids. We
player knows what they are to do on get them out there to kick the field
each team. We call out the teams and goal. The kids know we are going for
the players on that team all raise the kick. This is where Coach Cap is
their hand. Then I go around and very good. He gets the teams out on
make sure we have our 11 players. If the field and where they need to be
there is a mistake on any team we and ready to go.
have to start back at the beginning
and go through each team again. I wanted to talk about one drill we
use on the kickoff. On Monday you
The last things I want to go over have the time to work on this drill.
with you are some things with the We come back after a game when we
special teams. These are things did not cover kickoffs very well. We
Coach Cap does different as opposed spend 15 to 20 minutes covering
to some other places that I have kickoffs.
been as a player or a coach. One is
the fact that special teams practice We have found this kickoff drill to
is incorporated into the practice be really effective. What we do is
every single day. This is true on this. We run the drill across the
Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednes- field so we have yard lines to check
day, Thursday, and even right up to our kids on the kickoff. We found
just before game time. Special teams our kickoff coverage was not so much
are really emphasized. what the other team did, but it was
more of a break down on our part.
If we are in the “All-Up” offense
and we run a play that is an incom- Like our kickoff coverage teams, and
plete pass we may change the pace of I am sure your teams are the same
practice. If Coach Cap sees that the way, we have a lot of our sophomores
situation is just right and he and juniors on these teams. They are
thinks the kids are starting to lose first year kids who are out there
focus he will just yell out “Punt - playing for you. They are not our
Punt!” Those players on the Punt top notch kids. They might be lack-
Team have to line up for the punt. ing the athletic ability, or they
We snap the ball and we are down to have it, but just don’t have the
cover the punt. We have another mental discipline. That may be the
coach who runs the JV’s on the Scout reason why they are on this team. On
Team Punt Team. He goes over what kickoff teams you need that crazy,
they are to do when the “Punt – wild type player out there anyway.
Punt” call is made. So we run this kickoff coverage
drill. It is mainly used for mental
We have both teams set up for the discipline.
punt team and the scout punt return
team. They have to get on the field We start the players off on a line
and line up and get the punt off in on the sideline. We put an X on the
a set period of time. They do not line. About 15 yards up the field we
put a player facing the kickoff team you want you can use this drill at
with a shield on. We are going to the end of practice where you can
teach them lane responsibility. I am get the conditioning and your kick-
standing in the middle of the field. off team practice.
I yell out “Right Side.” Everybody
has to get in their stance as if Question: Do you have a ball carrier
they were on the kickoff team on the in each line?
right side.
Yes! We have players 5 yards apart
Then I yell “Hit.” The players have on the return. We have several lines
to take off as a right side player and we can work several lines at a
on the kickoff. Their job is the time. You must spread the coaches
right force. They are going to avoid out to see all of the players. I
the blocker to the outside. If I am want to turn the lecture back to
hitting with my inside forearm and I Coach Cap.
am coming down on the right side, I
am going to avoid the outside. The Thanks Steve!
player is coming down as a right BY THE WAY “THAT’S A ONE!”
side player. He is going to “Dip and
Rip” with the inside or left arm and Question: How do you guys handle the
get around the blocker with the bag. downtime with the players who aren’t
He has to get back on the line as on the field during special teams?
quick as possible because we want to
teach lane responsibility. We want Good question because when we run
him to get back in that lane. the kids during practice and we do
special teams the other players are
At about 20 yards deep we put a sec- on the sidelines. This gives them a
ond player with a shield. We want chance to get some water if they
the player to continue up the lane. want to, or to get attended to by
Once again he has to do the same our trainer.
thing. He has to “Dip, Rip, Punch,
and Get Around” to the outside. Then I allow them to sit down on the
he has to keep in his lane. benches during the special teams pe-
riod. We know we are not going to
On the opposite sideline we have a control them all of the time. They
back that is going to return the are going to screw around if you al-
kickoff. He must wait until this de- low them to. But they are not on the
fender gets about 10 yards away. sideline very long. If we yell out
When the defender is about 10 yards “Punt Team” or “Punt Team Return”,
away the runner has the freedom to they have to be ready. So they have
go wherever he wants. The defender to be paying attention. If we call
then has to break down. He has to out “Punt – Punt” and they are not
get about 5 yards away and he has to ready, they are going to do some-
get into a good break down position thing extra after practice, or they
and make the tackle. are not going to be part of the spe-
cial team. I tell them all the time,
From there we blow the whistle. You there is a reason why we picked each
must keep the drill moving quickly player for each special team. They
so we can get everyone through the can lose their position just as fast
drill. The guy who just covered the as they gained it.
play gets the ball. The runner moves
up and we rotate the other players I want to thank you for your atten-
up to the next position. It is an tion. Hopefully this will help you
excellent conditioning tool as well and your team. I hope everybody has
as a good kickoff coverage drill. If a great season next year.

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