Maya Art and Arch Major Eval

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Art and Archaeology of the Ancient Maya:

Major Evaluation
For this course, students will complete an on-going, semester long research assignment
on a topic of their choosing, to be compiled with group members into thematic edited volumes.
As this assignment is intended to accomplish some of the more complex objectives of the course
such as an understanding of major processes such as collapse, student paper topics should be
thematic (i.e. the development of kingship) rather than topical (i.e. Stela D from Quirigua).

Week 1: Introduction to Our Edited Volumes

o During class in Week 1, I will introduce students to the semester long research
o At this time, I will assess student understanding of the assignment through a class
discussion, in which they can peruse the assignment description and ask questions
as necessary. This assessment will not be graded.
o At the end of this class, students will be asked to begin thinking about possible
topics, and encouraged to meet with me for help/suggestions.
Week 3: Abstracts for the Editor
o During Week 3, students will be required to turn in a written abstract (~2
paragraphs) on their chosen paper topic.
o This process takes place in Week 3 with intention, as by this time, students will
have a basic overview of the Maya which will allow them to make a well
informed topic choice.
o These abstracts will be graded only for completion, and will be used to determine
whether or not students need additional guidance in determining topics.
Week 4: Research Workshop
o In class, I will gauge the students level of knowledge on research practices
through class discussion. I will then give a brief overview of how to conduct
research online and through the library, while showing students where they can
find scholarly sources.
o Based on submitted abstracts, I will organize students into volumes with thematic
topics unifying them. Each group will be given feedback on how I saw their
topics unifying, and avenues that could be pursued for further topical cohesion.
o These groups will then meet to begin research. As an assessment of their
understanding, each group will be required to provide one relevant source to me
for approval by the end of the class period. This will not count for a grade, but
rather demonstrate to me that they are now capable of finding sources for their
research. Or, if they are unable to do so, it will give me the opportunity in class to
help them overcome potential road blocks.
Week 8: Group Meeting and Progress Report
o In class, groups will meet to discuss progress on their individual chapters
o Group members will be expected to have a sample bibliography and general paper
outline for discussion and presentation to their group members
o In this meeting, groups will establish an order for their respective chapters and
write a table of contents to their volume

This table of contents will be turned in in written form at the end of the
class and graded for completion
Week 10: Individual Chapters Due for Peer Review
o Students will bring a hard copy of their individual chapters to class (which I will
check for completion)
o Students will trade chapters with group members and conduct peer reviews
These peer assessments will address both the chapters quality as well as
identify points of additional crossover between the reviewers chapter and
the chapter under revision
Depending on group size and time allowances, ideally each group member
will review ALL other chapters in their volume
o After class, students must conduct a self-assessment to be turned into me within
one week addressing areas of improvement for their own chapters based on peer
feedback and inspiration from/comparison to the volumes other chapters
Week 12: Manuscripts due to Editor!
o Students will turn in all compiled chapters for assessment
o Each volume will be edited and returned to the group for revision
o Students will have 3 weeks to complete all necessary revisions
Week 16: Revised Manuscripts Due
o Revised volumes will be turned in for final evaluation with accompanying final
peer and self-assessments

Individual grades will be determined in the following way:

Grade of volume as a whole: 15%
Individual chapter contribution: 50%
Final peer review grade: 10%
Successful completion of benchmarks (abstract, table of contents, in class
peer and self-assessment): 15%

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