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Minutes of the New Hutton Parish Council meeting on Wednesday 4 th May 2016

160504-1 Present
Pat Bell, Hazel Hodgson, Henry Robinson, Martyn Welch (chairman), Arthur Robinson (clerk) and one parishioner
160504-2 Apologies
Kath Twist and Stan Collins
160504-3 Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting
The chairman signed the minutes of the parish council meeting held on 10-03-2016 as a true record.
160504-4 Chairmans announcements
a) The CCC Highways Hotline telephone number has been changed to 0300 303 2992 to reduce the cost for
b) NALC has run a petition to urge the government to change the law to allow parish councils to appeal planning
decisions. Unfortunately, CALC informed us too late to decide whether to support it.
c) A survey of pot holes on all the parishs roads was sent to CCC on 10th April. Most have now been repaired
and the parish council has sent its thanks.
160504-5 Declaration of interests


160504-6 Open session

no comments

160504-7 Planning applications

a) Applications submitted requiring council comments: none
b) To note the progress of applications since the last meeting and to agree any action required by the council
regarding pending applications:
SL/2015/1088, a single storey extension and alterations to an existing garage at Millholme Farm. The parish
council had no objection. Permission granted on 15-03-2016
160504-8 Payment of accounts
Payment of the following amounts was authorised:
60.00 (50 + 10 VAT) to MBE Accountancy Ltd for internal audit for 2015/16
130.00 to CALC for the 2016/17 subscription
160504-9 Financial report
a) The annual governance statement for 2014/15 was approved [proposed by Pat Bell, seconded by Henry
b) It was reported that owing to a typing error in the parish accounts, the Community Account on 1 st April 2015
was shown as 1049.10 when it should have been 1490.10. This means that the financial reports in the
minutes for 2015/16 understated the balance by 441. It also means that the budget for 2016/17 was similarly
c) It was also reported that, unfortunately, a cheque for 25.99 from Electricity North West for wayleave in 2015
was not paid into the bank until after 31st March. It will appear in the 2016/17 accounts.
d) The accounts for 2015/16 were approved [proposed by Hazel Hodgson, seconded by Martyn Welch]
e) The accounting statements for 2015/16 were approved [proposed by Pat Bell, seconded by Martyn Welch]
f) The internal audit report for 2015/16 was approved [proposed by Henry Robinson, seconded by Hazel
g) Revised financial regulations were approved [proposed by Martyn Welch, seconded by Hazel Hodgson]
h) It was reported that the 2016/17 precept and grant have been received. The Community Account balance is
160504-10 Correspondence
The following items of correspondence were noted:
16-03-2016 from CALC revised financial regulations (see item 9g)
18-03-2016 from SLDC Community Infrastructure Levy update [filed]
05-04-2016 from CALC NALC petition about parish councils being able to appeal planning decisions (see item 3b)
06-04-2016 from CALC April newsletter [forwarded to councillors]
160504-11 Extension of the B4RN broadband network to the parish
B4RN share certificates are being issued to investors in the broadband project. The total investment so far is 265,050
including a grant of 20,000 from the SLDC Locally Important Project Fund for the purchase of an electronics cabinet
to be sited in New Hutton. 269 expressions of interest in connecting to the network when it is installed have been
received. Much time has been spent recently in walking and photographing the route of the network.
160504-12 Email about a shop/cafe in New Hutton

The idea of a shop/cafe at New Hutton was felt to be a good one but the Old School is unsuitable as it has no mains
water, is occupied by a large snooker table, would not meet health regulations and is not beside the road. It was
suggested that the Institute might be more suitable using the successful model employed at Crosthwaite.
160504-13 Date of the next meeting
The next Parish Council meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday 18th July at the Institute
Arthur Robinson, parish clerk, Over Bleaze, Old Hutton, Kendal, LA8 0LU
Telephone 01539-725955

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