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Alexandra Richiez

MultiMedia Project Summary Sheet

Alexandra Richiez
DMET 262 Lab
Professor Kistler
1.)The Topic:
The PowerPoint presentation is on shapes. Each shape is separated onto five
different slides, which include how many lines are in each shape. This
presentation provides information for Preschoolers to use as a resource. The
purpose of this presentation is to introduce Geometry to Preschoolers and
allow them to realize how many sides each shape has. This presentation will
benefit the students in real life. They will continue to learn advanced material
about Geometry and will have to know how many sides each shape has.
2.)The Audience:
The class viewing the shape presentation is Miss. Richiezs Preschool class.
This class ranges between the ages of four and five year olds. This school is
located in a low economic neighborhood. Some students have been exposed
and may be aware of shapes. Majority of them have seen shapes somewhere
before, whether it was in the classroom, outside or at home but shapes are
not recognized. This group of students consist of 64% African American
students, 28% Latinos, and 8% Caucasian. There is a total of 24 students, 14
girls and 10 boys.
There is one student who has recently been diagnosed with Autism. She has a
hard time verbally and non-verbally communicating with myself and others in
the classroom. I often find her going to a section in the classroom that is not
in use and staying to herself. It is more than obvious she has difficulties with
social interactions. To try and break her awkward social interaction especially
now that she is only in preschool and as time goes on it will only get harder
for her, I partnered her up with a student who would make her feel
comfortable. The other student I partnered her up with is always reaching out
to others, she is very caring and supportive. With this particular student to
help her stay on top, I am continuously speaking with her parents, giving
them suggestions and tips to help her at home to stay on task. I have given
this family tons of worksheets. I usually give them worksheets and resources
in the beginning of the lesson so they can conveniently help her at home. I
think the one on one assistance at home will help this student stay on task,
keeping her up to date with the material and it will prevent her from falling
3.)The Objectives:
a. Given all five shapes and the number of lines for each shape on one of
the beginning slides, students will be able to identify each shape when
asked with 100% accuracy.

Alexandra Richiez
a. The objective will be met in the first few slides where each shape
will be introduced and then in slides 8-12, the students will be
introduced to the number of sides each shape has.
b. Given a number of sides the student will draw the shape with 80%
a. The objective will be met on slides 8-12. On slides 8-12 the students
can find each shape to match their drawing.
c. Given a shape the student will number each side of the shape with 90%
a. The objective will be met on slides 8-12. On slides 8-12 each shape
has been labeled as a class.
4.)Support Media:
The support media I used was a video from It is used in
the second slide of my presentation as a motivation for the students. The
video involves a catchy shape song that also correlates pictures to go with
each shape. The video also touches base on how many sides each shape has.
For example, in the video when a square is mentioned the video presents a
gift box and then counts off the number of sides a square has.

5.)ISTE Standards:
CC.2.3.PREK.A.1 Identify and describe shapes.
Students will identify each of the five shapes given to them.
CC.2.3.PREK.A.2 Analyze, compare, create and compose shapes.
Students will analyze each shape presented in the PowerPoint, and
write the number of sides each shape has.

6.)Follow-Up Activities:
1. Now that they have learned about shapes, in groups of 5 with one group
have 4 instead of 5, I will assign each group a shape. That group will go
around and find five objects in the classroom that are that specific shape.
2. In the same groups of 5 I will give them all cut out shapes and allow them
to use the shapes to create a picture. An example would be around
Halloween time, I recently had the students create faces on a pumpkin using
shapes. They used triangles as the teeth, squares for the eyes and so on.
3. On show and tell day, I will have the students bring in an object that is
valuable to them that is a specific shape they have learned and have them
present it to the class.

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