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Chapter 22 questions and

By michael smith

What are benefits of nuclear power plants ?

Answer 1
1) Nuclear power plants do not adversely affect the environment and they do not have a finite fuel

List three ways that engineers ensure the safety of nuclear power

Answer 2
2) They check the electrical systems, the environment surrounding it, and the disposal of nuclear

Question 3
What's the difference between a nuclear and chemical reaction?
When coal is burned what kind of reaction is it?

Answer 3
3) Nuclear reactions are the division of atoms into smaller elements. A chemical reaction like coal being
burned is the breaking up or combining of elements or compounds.

Question 4
How do the control rods control the rate of a nuclear reaction?

Answer 4
4) They control the reaction from becoming explosive and stop it from continuing.

Question 5
Compare and contrast a geothermal plant from a nuclear power plant

Answer 5

5) Nuclear power is also clean, however, it produces radioactive waste.

Question 6
Write one paragraph describing the controversy of how spent
nuclear fuel is stored ?

Answer 6
6) Nuclear fuel is buried at different sites or is converted and used for the military or some other uses
but not all plant condone this converting.

Question 7
Dr. steinman mentions some other applications, write at least 5
specific technologies , aside from generating electrical power .

Answer 7
7) Microwave, bombs, fission reactions, catalysts, forming new elements, and decreasing
thermodynamic differences in reactions.

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