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Backward Design Lesson Plan Template


Visual & Video


German 4

Grade level 12th and advanced 11th

Lesson title Neue und Alte Kunst Ausdrck und Kultur

Step 1Desired Results
Standards, benchmarks, other objectives as needed (e.g., IEP)What should students know, understand, and be able
to do as a result of the lesson?
World Language Standard: Communication: Interpersonal Communication:
Learners interact and negotiate meaning in spoken, signed, or written conversations to share
information, reactions, feelings, and opinions.
World Language Standard: Communication: Interpretive Communication:
Learners understand, interpret, and analyze what is heard, read, or viewed on a variety of topics.
ISTE Standard: Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including
at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.
a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital
environments and media
b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media
and formats.
c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other
cultures (probably wont hit these last two)
d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or to solve problems.
Objectives (See Denk Mal p. 160)
1. Students will collaborate with one another via a discussion forum to explore and practice new vocabulary
as it relates to Caspar David Friedrichs Zwei Mnner in Betrachtung des Mondes, completing a
minimum of three posts, four to seven sentences each following the discussion questions/prompts.
2. Students will actively listen to and watch the video clip form Artgerecht before class and write down at
least 10 vocabulary words they hear within the video, and then form into groups during class to use this
vocabulary in their verbal discussions of the video.
3. Having read and listened to the poem Abendlied by Matthias Claudius and chosen a stanza before
coming to class, students will compare and contrast the themes and elements of the works studied in a
graphic organizer with their group members, contributing at least four items to each section of the

Step 2Assessment Evidence

Performance taskWhat will students do to show what they have learned?
Performance criteriaHow good is good enough to meet standards?

1. Students will demonstrate their knowledge of content and vocabulary by composing a minimum of
three posts (four to seven sentences per post), to collaborate in a class discussion forum about
Caspar David Friedrichs painting Zwei Mnner in Betrachtung des Mondes. Students must also
correctly utilize a minimum of 10 vocabulary words in proper context.
2. Students will transcribe the spoken vocabulary terms for which they must actively listen in the
video clip from Artgerecht, then they must choose at least ten of these words found to use in a
later discussion. The time the word was said in the video should be marked beside each term (ie:
Kunstwerke 2:38)
3. After watching the video clip from Artgerecht, students will answer questions in the online
module relating to the content of the film with an 80% accuracy.
4. After reading and/or interacting with the works mentioned above in addition to reading and
listening to Matthias Claudius poem Abendlied, students will select or be assigned a stanza
which is different from their group members selection, and compare and contrast the previous
works elements and themes with those of Abendlied in a graphic organizer, contributing at least
four items to each section of the organizer in complete sentences and using at least four different
vocabulary terms.

Step 3Learning Plan

Learning activities (step by step from start to finish, detailed enough for another teacher to follow)
- Computer + internet access
- Smartboard
- Paper + writing utensils
- Photo of Zwei Mnner in Betrachtung des Mondes by Caspar David Friedriech
Flipped Class content materials from the night before
1. Students will watch a video clip from, "Artgerecht" and answer the questions included on the online
2. Students will take notes on the painting Zwei Mnner in Betrachtung des Mondes by Caspar
David Friedrich, paying special attention to the elements of the paintings themes, tones, symbols,
etc. and then will create 3 posts (one question and two answers) on the class page, which will be 4
7 sentences long each and include 10 of their vocabulary words in discussion.
3. Students will actively listen and watch the following clips of the poem Abendlied by Matthias
Claudius to prepare for work in class.

1. Greet and welcome students as they walk in the door and find their seats.
2. Take attendance using the class roster and calling out students by name.
3. Collect homework, check off Home Notes for participation points
4. Begin with a warm-up discussion by asking students if they have questions and/or comments about
the online module (discuss in German).
a. If no students have any questions or comments, prompt:
What did you find most interesting?
What did you find the most difficult to understand?
What common themes and elements did you notice between the artworks or about art in
German culture, whether it be modern or old? (lead in to next activity)
5. Active Learning from Home Materials
a. Students break off into their four-person groups. Discussion questions are in the powerpoint,
display them on the whiteboard so that students can respond to the prompts in their groups.
They must use the vocabulary terms and notes they prepared from the online module to help
b. After completing the discussion analyzing the themes and elements they found in the works,
students are assigned a stanza from Abendlied and draw a 7 minute picture/sketch of what
they believe their assigned stanza depicts. Students remain in their groups through this so they
can ask each other for input.
c. Students are to present their sketches to their group members after the 7 minute drawing period
and explain (in German) why they used certain colors, elements, or symbols. Students may be as
direct or abstract with their sketches as they like, as long as they can explain their choices and
use vocabulary (minimum 5 terms of vocab in verbal explanation). Students place their stanzas
beside the text to form a flowchart of the poem.
d. Move to next slide in presentation to display screen shots from Artgerecht and the painting
Zwei Mnner in Betrachtung des Mondes by Caspar David Friedrich. Students use these
images with their own images to create a graphic organizer as a group (vendiagram), to
compare and contrast the different themes, elements and symbols used by the artists and
themselves. All students must contribute a minimum of four items to the organizer.

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