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Albany County Legislature to Broadcast Meetings on the

First test at going live is Monday
ALBANY (May 5, 2016) The Albany County Legislature will start streaming its
monthly meetings online, the latest step taken by its Democratic leadership to
increase the publics access to county government.
Citizens will be able to tune in and watch the legislature conduct public business in
real time beginning at 7 p.m. Monday, when lawmakers convene for their May
meeting, Majority Leader Frank Commisso announced. The body is the first county
legislature in the region to show meetings live.
Over the past few months, the majority leaders office and the countys Division of
Information Services equipped the Albany County Court chambers with cameras,
microphones and other equipment. Video streaming will make it easier for people to
follow the legislatures proceedings. Its the latest effort to ensure the legislatures
operations are an open book, Commisso said.
Were proud of the strides were making to embrace technology and modernize the
way the Albany County Legislature disseminates information, Commisso said.
You can now access the webcasts, meeting agendas, lengthy backup information on
each resolution being considered by the legislature and its 12 committees, as well
as videos of all committee meetings, on the legislatures website, located at
The agenda material is published several days prior to business. Videos of
committee meetings are now stored on the website and can be viewed at any time.
Were pleased the Albany County Legislature is using cutting-edge technology to
better communicate with constituents and keep them informed, said Sean Ward,
chairman of the Albany County Legislature.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Albany County Legislature meets at 7 p.m. on the second Monday of each
month in the Legislative Chambers of the Albany County Court at 16 Lodge St.,
Albany. The next meeting is May 9.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dennis Yusko

Communications director for the Albany County Legislature
Phone: 518-447-5527; Cell: 518-330-7544

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