RUNNING HEAD: Same Sex Marriage and Religion

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RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

Vianca Paez
Same sex marriage and religion
Spring 2016
University of Texas at El Paso

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

Same sex marriage has been a roaring topic since the summer of 2015, with this legalization
religion and the homosexual community have been in great controversy. This report will provide
the audience a better understanding of both communities to help understand each other and to
live in a community of not hate and disrespect but to live in a society were one is understood and

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

A constant controversy in todays society has been the feud between same sex marriage
and Christianity. Since the legalization of same sex marriage in the summer of 2015 religion
members and homosexual couples have been in great arguments between each other and their
beliefs. As our generation grows more open minded the greater the controversy has become
between Same Sex marriage and its recognition in the Catholic Church. As the land of the free it
is safe to convey that both communities have their freedom to express themselves and what they
stand for. The following report is not to support one side greater than the other but it is to bring
the two into better understanding. The report will provide further information about Christianity
and the gay community for the audience to grasp a better understanding about both communities
to not live in a society of black and white. A controversy like this is one to acknowledge because
at some point in ones life they will come across a situation where ones beliefs, and morality will
have to be set aside in order to comply with coworkers, scholarly peers, members of an
organization and so forth. The following report will address the following questions; why does
the Catholic Church prohibits same sex marriage? Can someone authorized refuse to marry a
couple of the same sex? And does same sex marriage have an effect on religious liberty? These
questions are intended to reason both social groups, so they both can share mutual respect for not
only themselves but for future generations to come.
Why does the Catholic Church prohibit same sex marriage? To the Catholic Church
Marriage is a part of the seven sacraments God gave to the people. The Seven sacraments are
ceremonies that point to what is sacred, significant and important to Christians
( they are a special occasions one celebrates in honor of God saving the

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

people from eternal hell. God crated man and from him made woman and was given the
sacrament of marriage to celebrate their unity and love for one another with God as said in The
American Bible,
22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he
brought her to the man. 23 The man said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my
flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken out of man. 24 For this reason a
man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one
flesh. 25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame. (Genesis 2:22-0)
From this Catholics believe that marriage should only be between a man and woman for God
did not crate man from man or woman from woman. Marriage in the Catholic Church is to be
united with a man, woman and God for thats how he intended the anatomy of humans to be, to
continue to replicate Gods creation;
And God created man to his own image to the image of God He created him: male and
female He created them. And God blessed them saying: increase and multiply and fill the
earth and subdue it. (Genesis 1:27-28)
Were their reason of opposing same sex marriage comes about since same sexes cannot
reproduce naturally and goes against Gods plan. But what then if one does not go by following
Gods laws or does not simply follow any religion. If two humans of the same gender who share
the same love want society to recognize them as a one should one have a say on how they live
their lives? Having a relationship with someone of the same sex isnt what it used to be, growth
in society, social media and public figures have open the minds of our younger generation and
have made homosexuality a more accepting lifestyle today. On June 26, 2015 same sex marriage

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

was legalized throughout the United States. The court ruled that states cannot ban same-sex
marriage, handing gay rights advocates their biggest victory yet (cnn politics, de Vogue Ariane.
Diamond Jeremy). The United States of America ended the fight of many homosexuals wanting
to get married by accepting their lifestyle and their freedom to express their love through court
marriage, with that came many changes, modifying the definition of marriage in dictionarys
Any of the diverse forms of interpersonal union established invarious parts of the world to form
a familial bond that is recognizedlegally, religiously, or socially, granting the participating partne
rsmutual conjugal rights and responsibilities ( As historical and life changing
the new law impacted todays society does not mean the Catholic Church has to change their
laws based on how our society is changing. Their laws are fallen under absolute morality by
God. The Catholic Church opposes gay marriage and the acceptance of homosexuality but
teaches that homosexuals deserve respect for we are all children of God. Although both
communities are not on the same page on who is allowed to marry who and where the
recognition of the marriage stand with is different, love is at the root of marriage, and thats
something both communities should show respect for. Just how homosexuals are given the
freedom to express their lifestyle the church has the freedom to oppose it. Which leads us to our
next question
Can someone authorized refuse to marry a couple of the same sex? In November of 2015
a woman named Kim Davis, an American profile county clerk from Kentucky hit our nations
news after returning from spending five days in jail after defying a court order and refusing to
hand licenses to same sex couples. Kim Davis refuses to hand out any licenses under her
authorization due to her religious belief and states she will not abandon her faith but has

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

allowed her deputies to continue handling out marriage license. The controversy goes further
than just accepting same sex marriage in society and even in religion, it cases people to be stuck
between who they are and the law. Davis as a county clerk was put in a situation where she could
either compromise with the law and abandon her beliefs or stand by exercising her religion and
defying the judges ruling resulting in 5 days of jail. She has not compromised her conscience,
she has not compromised her faith and she has not quit serving the people of Rowan County that
she loves very much (Mariano Castillo, Kim Davis stood by the laws of
God rather than standing by society and the changing motions it is making. But some question
was it right to sentence the woman in jail for practicing her religion? In a little less than a year
ago couples of the same sex were granted the opportunity to marry one another and to be
recognized in the country of the U.S but a little over two centuries ago this country was granted
the freedom of religion, the First Amendment to the United States constitution prohibits the
making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion,
abridging the freedom of speech( If one is granted the freedom to
practice their religion it simply does not mean the right to go to church on Sundays, to pray in
public, or to wear anything symbolic in public without breaking the law, it also means to refuse
anything that goes against ones religion. A catholic who is authorized to marry couples and
refuses to hand out marriage licenses to homosexuals, deserves the same respect as someone who
refuses to practice a religion that isnt theirs. Americans have the right to express our differences
as well as to refuse anything that goes against their beliefs, whatever they may be. In a country
full of diverse cultures, religions, ethnicity, background, and people we must learn to respect
each others differences without putting ones freedom in jeopardy. So if someone has the right to

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

practice any religion and has the freedom of speech to refuse to practice anything they wish not
to than someone authorized can refuse to marry a couple of the same sex.
The public issue and controversy
weather Kim Davis religious liberty was
questioned isnt the first nor only situation
that has occurred since legalizing same sex
marriage. Situation have occurred where
catholic foster care and adoption services
from San Francisco, Boston the District of
Kim Davis on abc news.

Columbia and the state of Illinois have

revoked the license of any businesses

refusing to place children with same sex couples or unmarried opposite sex couples who cohabit.
Wedding vendors are in the business that is in the middle of the controversy as well. And most
wedding vendors would be happy to charge anyone wanting their service, the few that would
refuse the service are those whose religion would not allow them to take part of the celebration.
Instead of initiating legal challenges we should respect the vendors religions right. Also Forcing
religious groups to host same-sex marriage or civil union ceremonies has become another up
rise controversy between the two communities . A New Jersey judge recently found that a
Methodist ministry violated state law when the ministry declined to allow two women to hold a
civil union ceremony on its private property. Further, a civil rights complaint has been filed
against the Catholic Church in Hawaii by a person requesting to use a chapel to hold a same-sex
marriage ceremony( So does same sex marriage have an effect on religious liberty?
When looking at the situation mentioned above one would assume so, but when taking a poll and

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

asking todays generation if same sex marriage had an effect on religious liberty 70% of the
votes out of 23 votes voted no and 30% of the votes voted yes. The poll was taken under twitter a
popular social media, the poll was through anonymous votes so no biased opinions could arise.
The reason why I chose to do the poll on
twitter (social media) is because this is
where you will find most of the next generation. And although some

the voters might have not been aware of the few situations church
members were put in it still shoes the


this generation has for homosexuals. Same sex marriage

todays world is more accepting than it was
years ago. In todays world homosexuality

is being seen in social media, internet, Hollywood, public figures and television more often than
it was. This has been a raising awareness and our society doesnt seem to be losing their minds.
Same sex marriage does not affect our society because same sex marriage is accepted now and
most citizen support the gay community but weather one decides if it effects religious liberty is
based on ones own point of view and their own personal beliefs, morals and even religion. This
controversy just keeps on growing the more people are offended on how others handle how they
express themselves on the opposing community, this is why we need to have better
understanding. The better we handle ourselves the better this controversy will be handled as well.
The Homosexuals community for years were fighting for their right not just against
religion but society as well since it wasnt supported as much as it is now for their right to be
accepted in society and to be recognized as a unity. For many years members of the church spoke
their minds on how they felt about homosexuality and it is not a surprise if they offended those in

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender) community. What needs to be understood
is that although some church members dont react in the proper way one should when one does
not have the same values, morals or beliefs it does not mean the whole church community is
looking down on them. Catholics do not hate the gay community, If someone is gay and
searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge (Pope Francis, Pope
Francis the Catholic church biggest figure spoke this a little over two years ago. These words
were heard over the world speaking to the catholics, if the churchs biggest representative isnt
judging those who are gay then why should anyone else? Pope Francis speaks of being united as
brother and sister since we are all children of God and at the end of the day God is the only one
to judge a person. The Catholic Church does not hate homosexuals and although those in the gay
community feel like they have to have a defense up against anyone opposing to them that only
depends on the person and their ethics and not the catholic community in itself.
As a conclusion neither the religious community nor the homosexual community is right
or wrong. One can argue about both sides and find many resources why one is better than the
other but this controversy has no dead end, and thats because not everyone has the same view,
beliefs, and values as each other, and thats what makes America a great country to live in. In a
country full of diverse people and a society who is growing more open minded it really does not
matter who is right and who isnt, what matters is how we all accept everyones differences and
learn to live in a community of all types of people. One does not necessarily have to accept the
differences but just acknowledge the difference and simply have the simple courtesy to respect
others. As a pragmatic country it wont be long for us to find a solution for the
issue discussed in the paper. America is the land of the free and is constantly
growing and being open minded to any situations given to us. Religion,

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

homosexuality and respect will meet soon the more open we are about
respecting each other beliefs. This report has covered the three questions it
said it would; why does the Catholic Church prohibits same sex marriage? Can someone
authorized refuse to marry a couple of the same sex? And does same sex marriage have an effect
on religious liberty? The questions were addressed and given resources to answer and explain the
topics talked about in each question in hopes to give the audience a better explanation of the
controversy in order for this society to live a more understanding life.

RUNNING HEAD: Same sex marriage and religion

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