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RUNNING HEAD: religion and same sex marriage

Vianca Paez
1302 RWS
Spring 2016
University of Texas at El Paso

RUNNING HEAD: religion and same sex marriage

For many years now religion and same sex marriage has been a controversy between the
two communities, and although these two have always disagreed the controversy has grown
more since the recent law passed legalizing same sex marriage in the United States on June 2015.
Ever since then the feud amongst the two has worsen and the lack of respect for each other has
been very vivid. The following report will discuss two genres; the first genre will display a photo
collage of the homosexual community mocking the Christian religion and the second photo in
the collage will be a meme of Jesus Christ mocking the homosexual community, this will display
the lack of respect they both have displayed. The second genre is a video of a member of the
Christian church explaining the religion and the reason why the religion prohibits same sex
marriage. This video is chosen as the second genre since it will explain questions for those who
arent aware of the religion and their beliefs. Once the ethos, pathos and logos are discussed
within each genre the report will then compare the genres for what they both are. It is important
to understand the point of view of both communities because we are all living amongst each
other and we must learn to accept one another with respect in order to get things done in our
lives from working with each other to community events. It is important to discuss the topic
because it is an uprising issue in todays society.
Supporting Details
The first genre as discussed in the analysis is the photo collage. The first photo within the
collage is two woman of the gay community kissing each other on a gay parade float while both
dressed as Jesus Christ hanging from a wooden crosso. The photos credibility is the parade. Each
year San Francisco will have a huge gay pride parade, where the photo is taken, many members
of the gay community will come out dressed in extravagant outfits on floats or walk the streets of

RUNNING HEAD: religion and same sex marriage

San Francisco. In the photo taken you are able to tell that the woman are from the homosexual
community because not only are they kissing each other but right on top of the cross reads
LGBT which stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered. The message conveyed in
the photo and by the woman on the cross is mocking what Christians hold very important in their
religion. The cross where their what they believe savior died on is what the two woman are
mocking by replacing themselves on the cross kissing each other and replacing INRI which
stands for King of the Jews with LGBT. They are disrespecting the religion in that knowing
thats the universal crucifix for Christianity. The impact of emotion that this photo brought to
those part of the Christian community was baffling, the details of the cross and how the woman
are dressed are so clear of what they are trying to display. From their shirtless bodies, wood
crosses, thorn crowns on their heads to their arms being tied up at each end of the cross it is very
clear who and what religion they are mocking. Although the only emotion shown on the photo is
the one the two woman kissing are displaying what mostly got everyones attention was how
Christians reacted in such an angry and disbelief way, which unfortunately the photo does not
display. The second photo on the collage is a meme of Jesus Christ laughing with the message
saying how it does not matter that homosexuals are able to legally be married since they are all
going for lack of a better word, hell. The grammar on the meme is very casual and non-vulgar,
instead of saying all gays will end up in hell is reads how they wont be able to get into heaven,
and although it is disrespectful it is not as vulgar as using other words. Although it is an animated
photo it is credible because the character they used to display the message is Jesus Christ,
someone who the Christian community respects greatly for what they believed he did. It is
clearly him because he is dressed in a rope with longer hair and a beard. The photos emotion
portrayed is almost like making fun of the gay community because the Jesus Christ is laughing

RUNNING HEAD: religion and same sex marriage

with his mouth wide open about it. It is sort of laughing at them for their choices. There is really
no prof on the photo saying gays wont get into heaven because of their way of living. The
collage does show a tremendous amount of emotion rather than credibility but their messages are
very clear in what they are portraying.
The second genre is a video. The video is of a member from the Christian community
explaining the reason why the church prohibits same sex marriage. The video takes place inside a
church, this gives the video a greater image to grasp the seriousness of his explanation. The
credibility of the video is that its reasoning and explanation are coming from the bible. The book
that the Christian religion basis their faith on.
22 Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken
out of the man, and he brought her to the man. 23 The man said, This
is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called
woman, for she was taken out of man. 24 For this reason a man will
leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will
become one flesh. 25 The man and his wife were both naked, and they
felt no shame. (Genesis 2:22-0)
He explains this by saying that because God created two genders it is his reasoning of continuing
Gods creation, and if a couple of the same sex decides to be together they are interfering with
man kinds purpose of giving life. In this video there is not much emotion other than the passion
the man has for his religion and the holy bible. He is not angered in any way but more like
teaching and hoping others understand why the religions is not supportive of same sex couples.
The man wears nice attire to get taken seriously as well, you take him and his words serious by
how he is dressed.

RUNNING HEAD: religion and same sex marriage

When comparing the two genres the photos have more of an emotional appeal to it rather
than credibility. The photos show more disrespect and anger between the two unlike the video.
The video shows more credibility because the information he gives is from the bible. Although
the emotions from the video seems mostly passion for the religion the both genres balance what
they lack from each other.
As said in the introduction it is important to respect each other because we will come
across a situation where these two communities are going to have to work together but first we
need to understand that although we might not agree on the same thing and we might all have
different beliefs we need to respect each others decisions and beliefs.

RUNNING HEAD: religion and same sex marriage

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