Copyofnewtons 2 Ndlawofmotionlesson

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Lesson Plan Template

Teacher: Jessica Lewis

Date: Monday-Tuesday January 25-26, 2016

Class: Physical Science

Level: 6th grade

Purpose: The purpose of this lesson is to teach students about Newtons 2nd Law of Motion.

a. Introduction
1.) Ask a student to read aloud the definition of Newtons 1st Law from their notes. Ask
suggestions for real life examples of Newtons 1st Law as a recap of last lesson.
b. Developmental
1.) Demonstration: On a table in the front of the class have two objects, approximately the same
size, one heavy and one light. Ask students which object has more mass?
2.) Ask for students to make predictions on what will happen if we push object A, how far will it
go? And now object B with the same force? Will it go a shorter distance or further? Help them
understand that the concept of distance on the table is essentially a measure of acceleration a change in velocity during a certain amount of time. Ask them what is making the objects
eventually stop? (Friction) Have kids do the pushing so it is more interactive.
3.) Once we have made several observations about the objects and the required force to make
them accelerate, ask students to come up with a conclusion a what must be true statement.
The goal is for students to reach this conclusion : A force causes an object to accelerate. The
greater the force, the greater the acceleration. The more mass an object has, the less it will
4.) Introduce new concept of notes, have students make 2 columns in their notebooks. The left
column is where students will write the terms and definitions. The right column is where
students will draw a picture that represents the concept.
a.) There will be a visual of the notes drawn on the white board.
b.) Terms for the left column:
Newtons 2nd Law of Motion
Equations for Newtons 2nd Law of Motion
5.) Then have students write this Law of Motion definition they have created into their notebooks
as I write it on the board using the new style of column notes.
6.) Write 2nd Law equation on board: Force =mass x acceleration.
7.) Demonstrate this using real numbers in context.
8.) Show National Geographic Fight Science video until 6:43 min.
9.) Give students 2 minutes to draw a picture in their notes to help them remember what this Law
of Motion means.
Introduce the next vocabulary term: Momentum: the measure of how hard it is to stop
something. The equation is Momentum = mass x velocity. The more momentum an object

has, the harder it is to stop. Ex. can you stop a ball moving 5 mph? sure!! can you stop a car
moving that fast? NO!! which has more momentum? (Car). What if the tennis ball is traveling
4000 mph? Would its momentum be more than the car then?
Give students time to copy down the Momentum definition in their notebook and draw
a picture.
Show Bill Nyes Momentum clip and short Momentum/Inertia film.
c. Concluding
Hand out exit ticket, allow students to use their notes. The exit ticket has 5 questions. I have
attached the exit ticket to the last page of this document.

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