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Night Photography


Presentation Made by McKenzie Ginther

Photo by Robert Knapp

Night photography refers to photographs

taken outdoors between dusk and dawn.
Night photographers generally have a
choice between using artificial light and
using a long exposure, exposing the scene
for seconds, minutes, and even hours in
order to give the film or digital sensor
enough time to capture a usable image.
With the progress of high-speed films,
higher-sensitivity digital image sensors,
wide-aperture lenses, and the ever-greater
power of urban lights, night photography
is increasingly possible using available
light (Wikipedia).

A Brief History of Night Photography

In 1839, the first night photograph was taken only ten
years after the invention of the daguerreotype (the first
commercially successful form of photography). This photo,
by John Adams Whipple, was of the moon through a
telescope. Later in 1863, Whipple used electronic lights to
take night photographs of the Boston Common. The only
other early photographer to experiment with night
photography was Alfred Stieglitz who, in the 1890s,
photographed the streets of New York at night. However, it
wasnt until the 1930s that some photographers devoted
their time to night photography. Some examples are
Brassai (who published Paris de Nuit in 1933), Bill Brandt,
O. Winston Link, and later in the 20th century, Steve Fitch,
Richard Misrach, Arthur Ollman, Jan Staller, William Lesch,
and Shimon Attie (Lance W. Keimig).

Night Photography Necessities

Digital Photography School

Camera- for best results shoot in

Small flashlight
Remote Shutter Release (or
Tripod- for long exposures
Lens hood
Timer (Smartphone or watch)

Jim Hamel
The Fishing Pier, Galveston, Texas (June 2013)

Robin Ryan
Vancouver in the Night

Dominique Palombieri
Brooklyn Bridge New York City - NY

David Morrow
"Shoot Me to the Stars" ~ Mt. Rainier from Sunrise Point

Available from Digital Camera Wor

Works Cited
Cheat Sheet. Available from http://
Jim Hamel. 10 Items You Need for Your Night Photography Kit.
Available from
Lance W. Keimig. A History of Night Photography. Available from
Night photography. Wikipedia. Available from https://

Images Used:
Dave Morrow. Availible from
Dominique Palombieri. Available from

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