Week 6 Workshop

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Week 6 Workshop

Activity 1
Casual Tutor (Pass)
Book Store Employees
Activity 1.1
Persona Based on Students
Step 2: Identify behavioural variables for student e.g.
activities, attitudes and motivation

Cost of book
Probability to use machine
Availability of book
Need of book (necessary or recommended reading)
Resale value
Ease of use

Step 3: Map interview subjects to behavioural variables

Step 4: Identify significant behaviour patterns

Most students care about cost of book
The probability to use the machine varies
Students will only buy book if in stock will wait till in stock
If a book is a recommended reading, students wont purchase book
If a necessary requirement then most students will purchase it

Students arent really to fused about having a high resale value

People will more likely use the kiosk if it is simple
Step 5: Simplify characteristics and define goals
Name: User 1 Nick
Demographics: Mature age student, Male, Dating, has a pet dog,
working class
Goals: Graduate University with good grades and get a job in the
field he is majoring.
Step 6: check for completeness and redundancies
Income: unknown?
Living Status: unknown?
Working Status: full time part time unknown?
Studying Status: full time part time unknown?
Dependence: unknown?
Resale of book might not affect use of kiosk
Step 7: Designate persona types
Step 8: Expand the description of attributes and behaviours
Nick is study primary to change career to build a better future. Nick
requires textbooks on a semester basis and will purchase these
texts as required. Nick would like to purchase new textbooks, as he
prefers unmarked and highlighted books. As nick works he is able to
afford these textbooks without worrying to much about the cost.
Activity 2:
Scenario: User searching for book - Persona of nick
Nick goes to kiosk to search if the textbook he requires for web
programming is in stock. The kiosk returns that there are several
new copies valued around $100 mark and several used copies for
$50. As nick likes to have new textbooks and not second hand books
and is not worried about the cost, he decides to buy the new
textbook at the cost of $100.

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