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HOME Flusser Studies Multilingual Journal for Cultural and Media Theory Fluser Stucies i an intemational e-journal for academic research dedicated tothe thought of Vilém Fusser (1920-1991). In adition to publishing atices about Flusser’s work, the journal seeks to promote scholarship on ferent aspects of specifically intercsciplinary an¢ multilingual approaches Flusser himsel developed in the curse of his career asa writer and philosopher. These aparoaches range from Communication Theory to Translation Stuces, Cultural Antirapology tothe New Meda. Fluser wrote his texts in different languages, translating himself over and ever again, moving from English, to Portuguese, German, French and back again. Similarly he worked by juxtaposing and contaminating different discourses: pilesophy, anthropology, communication theory at ane design, zoology te mention only afew. Among his most original contributions inthis context are his philosophical fictions ~ above all ‘Vampyroteutisinferals-scientiic fables onthe bordertne of literature, scence and philosophy. Fuser Studies fs published twice a year Publication languages include English, German, French, Portuguese, Czech, Spanish and itaian, Some isives wil be dedicated toa specific area of research, Issn 1661-5719 Fluser Studies i a peer-reviewed open access journal,

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