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Tennis Three-Week Outline and Unit Goals

Psychomotor Domain Goals:

1. TSW be able to breakdown and demonstrate a variety of Tennis
shots and be able to perform them at game speed efficiently.
2. TSW be able to maintain rhythm and timing in a game of tennis at a
competitive level amongst average tennis players.
3. TSW demonstrate the cardiovascular fitness and skill needed in
order to play competitively with average tennis players.
Cognitive Domain Unit Goals:
1. TSW be able to demonstrate knowledge of the scoring system in
Tennis and be capable of keeping their own score.
2. TSW be able to know the right situations to use the right shot in
order to give them the best chance of winning.
3. TSW demonstrate a general knowledge of the game of tennis and
its history as well general facts about the game.
Affective Domain Unit Goals:
1. TSW understand that physical activity provides the opportunity for
enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and communication.
2. TSW appreciate the values of physical activity, good
sportsmanship, leadership, and teamwork during the activities no
matter the outcome of their matches.
3. TSW give out positive feedback to encourage others while
demonstrating energy and passion in order to reinforce positive
attitudes towards physical activity.

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