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We do not live in a Utopic world, this means crimes are going to keep

happening in the world is in us to trust good citizens with the responsibility to

carry and use a gun in danger situations. Even if guns are banned, criminals
could get arms in an illegal way, most of the shootings in schools (79% of the
time) have been with guns bought in an illegal way and happened in the states
where there are tougher laws in gun related issues. The right to defend
yourself or other emerge from the right of life itself, so keeping people from
having guns, in a way, is keeping them from feeling safe and protecting
themselves. An old American saying goes: If guns are outlawed, only outlaws
will have guns the present essay is intended to explain the reader why gun
control or better known gun prohibition its not only wrong but it is
unconstitutional too.
One of the basic points to underline in the gun control fight is the
second amendment of the U.S. constitution that states that A well regulated
militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to
keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The country was founded based on
the ideas stated on the constitution, and this is why it is considered to be over
all the written laws this means no law created by congressman should deny
any citizen the right to live by the constitution of the country he lives in. There
has been some cases in several states od the U.S. in which the judge has rule
in favor of citizens that have firearms to defend their property or to hunt, this
gives the case a some precedents to backup the fight against gun control.
Justice Antonin Scalia, 2008 District of Columbia versus Heller states that:
The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm
unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally
lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. The ruling in favor of
the person who was defending his home with a firearm states that since the

second amendment allows the citizens to have guns without being in the
militia for different purposes this is just one of the many examples that defend
and backup the peoples right to have a firearm denying this right is not just
unconstitutional but it is just wrong to cut down the freedom that makes the
U.S. one of the greatest countries in the world. The Founding fathers
understood since then that the right to own a gun for protection not just from
external enemies but also from the enemy within. It is essential to maintain the
liberty to bear and own an arm just as much it is essential to maintain the
liberty of free speech, free press and freedom of religion.
FBI surveys suggest that 80% of the people who own guns feel safer,
and 64% of the people who live with someone who owns a gun felt safer. In
conclusion states with the largest numbers in gun ownership also have the
largest drops in violent crimes. It is against the constitution to keep people
from buying guns to defend themselves and their love ones. The tradition of
owning guns are older than the country itself, it is one f the bases used by the
founding fathers to constitute the country on solid grounds and by denying
people this right that is on the same level as free of religion, free speech is a
terrible set back for the country.

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