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56th Field Artlllery Command

\lol. 291 No.10

Gemwl-Alnerlcm Tr1athelon
HEIDELBERG, West Germany Athletes throughout United States
Army Europe are training for the 7th
Annua.l German-American Triachlon
to be held on Aug. 5 at Zaberfeld, 20
kilometers from Heilbronn. The event
is sponsored by the Heilbronn Military Community.
Pan.i cipanu will test their stamina
illld strength by swimming one kilometer, bicycling 40 kilometers and
running IO kilometers. Individuals can
register for the triathalon from June 26
to July 31 by sending in the following;
name, community, unit, rank, address
and $ I 5 or 30 OM entry fee. Participants should include the entry ~te
gory - men's open, men's senior,

men'.s masters, womcns open or

wome.n's masters. Registration information be rccejved by July 31 to
be valid and should be sent to: Com
muniry Recreation Department, Out
door Recreation, USMCA Heilbronn,
APO ,o 91 76-00 26.
llledl ltlllttetlng Blacuna Your Aeconl

Soldiers and civilians who sell tax

and duty-free items 10 people not authoriud to have them arc black
mar_keteers. In Germany, they risk re
ceiving a tax demand from German
Customs, losing their ration privileges,
a coun-martial and a permanent police
"Black marketing is the illegal trans
fer or possesion of tax and duty-frtt
goods for personal gain," said INV,
Clipp Goppingen Customs Office.
Examples are selling tax and duty-free
items for profit to someone who is not
a member of the U.S. foras, giving
away rationed items to pay rent or
other debts, or even selling them to
other U.S. personnel so that they ex
cced their monthly rations. You can
only give 25 cigarettes or one bottle of
alcohol (not to exceed 1.2 liters) to
non-members of the forces as an occasional gift. Any more than this is illegal transfer," Miller warned.
Your local 42nd MP Group customs
office bas more details.

General declares honorary day

recognizing Warrant Officers
by Gerard Han
Public Affairs Officer
During the decade of the 1980s, the
Army had a series of themes. These
themes brought special emphasis to the
selected topic, but it also brought special recognition. This year, Maj. Gen.
Roger K. Bean singled out the Warrant
Officers for special recognition.
n.e Warrant Officers of this Com
mand have been outstanding in every
endeavor. Whether it's routine maintenance, Pershing operations or community service, they get the job done, said
Maj. Gen. Bean.
"For all their efforu over the years, I
am declaring July 20th as Warrant Officer Appreciation Day," proclaimed
Maj. Gen. Bean. The day will culminate
in an evening banquet.
Warrant Officers in the Command
serve in a variety of technical positions.
Every Pershing platoon has a Warrant
Officer who provides the technical expertise and institutional memory needed
for effective Pershing missile opera
Other Pershing Warrant Officers advise commanden at battalion and Command levels about Pershing operations.
All the Warrant Officers in the Com
mand are not Pershing specific; they
help guide the day-to-day operations in
many areas. Warrant Officers are physicians' assistants who conduct sick call at
battalion aid stations.
Other Warrant Officers supervise automotive maintenance in battalion motor pools. Signal Warrant Officers man
age maintenance of communications
equipment ind monitor COMSEC

Aviation Warrant Officers arc the
second largest 1roup in the Command.
They fly the Wmgs of Pershing and are
assigned to the aviation section Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
56th Field Artillery Command. To 1upport the aviation detaehment, the Warrant Officers provide technical expertise
in aviation sa!cry, aircraft maintenance
and pilot standardiz.ation,

Memberl of 1st
Bn., 9th FA'
nwdl llongalde
forNt on the
outattll'tl of Neu
Ulm. S.. story
page .

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a..Jl' hneral, ft&


Within the Command headquarter,, rion.

Warrant Officers perform a variety of
The Warrant Officers generously doduties.. CWO 3 Fred Russel oversees nate their off-dury time to support
the operatio ns of the personnel actions community activities. The Warrant Ofsection of the Command G-1. CWO 3 ficer Association is one of the most acBobby Perry works as the food services tive and visible community organi22material officer in the G-4 section. Mas- tions. They have donated financial supter Warrant Officer Wayne West is the port to the Drug Abuse Resistance
senior Warrant Officer in the Com- Education (D.A.R.E.) program in
mand. CWO 3 James Hooker, Michael Scbwiibisch Gmiind, as well :as giving
GuUard, Allan Church and CWO 2 ~holarships ~d other help to request
Michael Dunn all manage different 111g orgaruunons.
commodity areas within the G-4 sec

the Cable
Right to attorney, see page 2
Supporting the Command, see
pages 4 and 5
Boxing at Its best, see page 7



American blcyclltta pedal

through 1ma11
French town during the Uberty
Trell Bike Ride.

S.. story page 3.

Group assists during turn-in

by Gerard Hart
Public Affairs Officer
The Task Force has more
than 15,000 pieces of equipment to
rum-in to appropriate agencies. Helping
the Command to accomplish this mission is the 29th Arca Support Group
(ASG). They provide on-site logistic
support and assist with the transfer of
all items from the Command.
The 29th Area Support Group is part
of th.e 21st Theater Army Area Command located in Kaiserslautem. The
29th ASG supervises the depot operation for the 21st TAACOM.
The scope of the 29th ASG depot
operation is tremendous. The Supply
Class cwo category includes common
items while the Class seven category
covers major end items. The depot can
issue, repair, rebuild, store or rum-in
these types of items.
Robert King, chief of the norage
division at Germisheim, supenises a
Mobile Training Team (MTf) from the
29th ASG. They supported the retrograde of Task Force 4- 9 and is preparing to retrograde Task Force 2-9.
The 29th ASG st0rage division is responsible for 2.5 billion doUars worth

of equipment and supervises 3,000 local

national workers to maintain the equipment. The operation has more than
17,000 vehicles located in the depot at
any one time.
As you can imagine, Pershing is a
small chunk of our operation right
now," said King.
"For the Pershing operation in Heilbronn, we looked at 620 major items
and 8,000 Class two items. These items
included everything other than missiles,
MAN trucks and Pershing II equipment, King continued.
The task force personnel condueted
an internal inspection as the unit entered the rum-in window. After
correcting the deficiencies, technical inspeetor. from the 55th Support Battalion reinspected the equipment.
After correcting them, the unit coordinated with the 29th ASG MTT for a
tum-in inspection appointtnent.
In order co complete the retrograde
of Task Force 4- 9, the 29th ASG used
55 inSpeCtors. The inspeetors used technical manuals for the individual pieces
of equipment in establishing the 10- 20
standards. When the equipment met all
nandards, 29th ASG accepted the
equipment and generated the paper-

work to relieve the unit of accountability.

"This made the process much
smoothe.r . It has also enabled the Command to keep the value of lhe Reports
of Deficiencies down to an absolute minimum," said LTC William Vivolo,
S6th Field Artillery Command G-4.
The 29th ASG thcn moved the equipment to a marshalling area where the
cquipm,nt was pr,eserved, packaJed,
sorted into multi-packs and orgaruzed
for shipment. A cooperative effort between the 29th ASG, tl:,e task force, and
37th Transportation Command provided the tranSportation effort to move the
equipment to storage in Germisheim.
"I feel the rum-in process was successful and stayed on schedule. The
people here have been super. A lot of
players just came on board last fall for
their training . . . We feel they need to what problems they'll have,"
concluded King.
The first retrograde of a task force
has been completed with lhc rum-in of
all the Pershing common equipment in
lhe Heilbronn community. Training by
the MTT has already started for the
neXt Pershing banalion to retrograde.


- .,.

Trudla For ia-1 Rows of trucks from the 4th

being turned Into the 29th ASG depot in Germi

Just looltlngl Sgt. Oougtas Cunvey, 2nd Bn .. 9th FA. watches 29th ASG Inspector, Thomas Mittag, check
for leaks.

Tents to gol Stephen Meyllf, 29th ASG Inspector, checks tor holes and s,
purpose small tent as two soldiers from HHC, 38th Sig. Bn. tonk on.

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