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Update F. Y.I.

Check changes

Proud ot the 25 .,_.. of !*Cl Plll'Shlng !we helped NCUre fol' WMtem l!urope, IOldltra of llmlo 8etlilfy 4-1
dl'tve their enictor leunchen out the 119* of Hellbnlnn' c-, Aldtag fol' the IMt time.

First Plls roll out

by SFC John K. D'Amato
Public Affairs NCOIC
Heilbronn, West Germany - ln accordance with
the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
agree~-to by the United States and the Soviet Union, n'ine erector launchers belonging to Bravo
Battery 4th Battalion, 9th Field Anillery rolled
out of the gates of Camp Redleg, a Pershing missile site operated by the 56th Field An.illery Command (Pershing), September 1, at 10 o'clock in the
Prior to the convoy rollout, the Commander of
the S6th, Brig. Ge.a. Roger K. Bean, assembled the
troops and expressed his gratitude "for a job well
done, while reminding them that they were participating in a historic occasion. The troops from
the S6di Field Artillery Command (Pershing) and
37th Transponation Group, mounted theit vehicles and moved out in two convoys separated by
an interval of 30 minutes.
German Minister of Defense Rupen Schol:i
pa.ssed on his congratulations in a message from
the German capital. He also thanked Pershing soldiers for their contributions to pace.
West German spokesman Friedhelm Ost
"hailed the removal as 'an imponant event in post
war history,'" stated I UPI story. "For the Federal
Republic of Germany and all citiuos, this is an
imponaot date.

The nine empty erector launchers, driven by

~th Field Artillery Command soldiers, headed
for elimination at the Equipment Maintenance
Center (EMCH) in H3usen, West Germany.
As they left the site, the world media was waiting for them. Approximately 50 T.V., radio and
print journalists waited outside the gates for the
historic shots of the first Pershing missiles to leave
the "Waldheide; as the Germans call Camp RedJeg. The last erector launcher in the convoy carried
a sign which proclaimed, "We gave peace a
chance," referring to the successful NATO Pershing II deployment suau:gy which prompted removal of Intermediate Range Nuclear Weapons on
both sides.
A second convoy leh at 10:30, and wu made up
of 12 trailers carrying 1st and 2nd motor stages,
ndars and guidance and control sections in coou.ioers. The missile stages were take.a to another
U.S. military base for air-transpon preparation.
Within a week they were ready for loading and
departeil from Ramstein Air Forc:e bue enroute to
elimination ,im in the United. States.
Following baseline inspections of U.S. and Soviet missile sites in July and August, the removal
of nine Pershing II missiles represents the next
step in U.S. compliance with the 1988 INF treaty.
The remainder of the U.S. Army European-based
intermediate range nuclear missiles arc scheduled
to be removed over a 36 month period.

Soldier's sure-pay may be late

September 1988 end-of-month payday will be Saturday, Oct. 1, not Oct. l, as earlier indicated by
financ:e officials.
Paychecks and sure-pay payments will be dated
Oct. I, however, the Federal Reserve System will
use Oct. l as the settlement date for surepay deposiu.
Key officials at several banks and credit unions
located on Anny innallations have been contacted

by U.S. Anny Finance and Acounting Center officials regarding the payday. They have indicated
they will credit soldiers =unts on Oct. I.
Soldiers should be aware that there is a chance
cbeir sure-pay accounts will not be credited until
Oct. 3. Thus, before writing checlu or making automatic teller machine withdrawals, soldiers
should check with their financial institutions to
verify when their pay will be deposited.

Wh11 can be written or stamped on the reverse

side of customer's checks will be greatly restricted
due to a new federal reserve regulation which has
been in effect sin" Sept. I.
Cu11omers should ensure the following information is included on the front of their checks:
social security number, telephone number, name,
rank, military organi:r.atioo, duty station and/or
borne address. Customer endorsements, when applicable, and the A.AFES "for deposit" stamp muSt
fit on the back of the checks within one and one
half inches of the top, the remainder of th.e back is
reserved for bank clearance stamps and automated
machine processing information.
AAFES-Europe will discontinue the use of the
current customer information stamps. All customer information wilJ now have to be written on
the face of the check in the upper ldt section,
where the preprinted information normally ap-

Store personnel have been trained in the transition to the new regulation. This will involve not
only cashier cage personnel, but also register operators in branches where check approval is done at
the register.
Eicbanges should have signs posted near cashier
cages explaining the new procedures.

Gloves needed
A recent change in German law requires motorists to keep two pairs of gloves with their ftnt aid
The new law to0k effect July I, according to
USAREUR Judge Advocate officials, insu:ad of
the previously reported OcL I date.
The requirement for the disposable gloves is designed to reduce the possibility of exposure to the
AIDS virus when providing emergency care to an
accident victim. Germany bas a strong "Good Samaritan law, mandating motorists to stop and
render assistan" when a accident occurs.
An AAFES spolr.esinan indicated the gloves are
available for a nominal fee at AAFES auto pans

Home layaways
AAFES-Europe announced the most recmt additions to its Home Layaway Program as the
FUnb/Erlangen (NUmberg) and Berlin exchanges
joined the ranks of other exchanges offering this
The Home Layaway Program allows customers
to purduse an item on the layaway plan and take
it home with them. The Home Layaway Program
offers soldiers the chance to obtain and use needed
items from the exchange without waiting to pay it
out of regular layaway.
Other AAFES-Euro~ exchanges participating
in the test program are Vogelweh/Sembach, Ramstein and all exchanges in the United Kingdom.

PflfShing Csble
Sep/6mber 1988






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Sgt. Sally Renoux, NCOIC of the Schwiblsch Gmiind Finance Office, which NtYlces
56th Comm1nd soldlera, movft Into a new haaty fighting l)O*lton. Recently, HNClquart1111 Company, 7th Corp Finance Group, conducwd an Army Training and Ev
tu.uon Program exerclM. This was the unit$ flrat ARTEP since It wu NJKtlvated
last yur. Renoux, an ex-drill "rgeant said she "felt the tralnlno grMt"

Gen. Croablt E. Saint, commander, United Statu Army, Europe, latkl wtth Pfc, Monique
8nlolta of Alpha Battery, 2nd Battallon, 91h Field Artillery during recent tour of Mutlangen
Storage Area. Gen. Saint vl$1ted the comm1nd to dlscuu hll c:onc:ept of "Sergeant' Time."
(For related story -

page 2.)

Training with your unit, or

training for an event in your off
time; maintainin~ your equipment, or maintammg yourself
through hobbies and self-improvement courses; and having
fun with your friends and family are all part of the Pershing
way of life.
If you've taken an interesting
black and white photo of a soldier, a family member or an
event that illustrates a slice of

the Pershing lifestyle, send it to

us. Please include the names of
the persons in the photo and
what they are doing, what the
event is, and where and when
the event happened.
Send your photo either
through Distribution or Mail
to: Headquarters, 56th Field
Artillery Command, PER-

SHING CABLE, ATIN: Editor, APO N.Y. 09281

- ..-

Brig. Gen. Roger K. 8"11, commander, 56th Flakl Artillery Command,

huddles In blanket after doing his time In the dunking booth during the
German/American Frlendahlp Fast. At the test, held over the Labor Day
-itnd, llrlg. Gen. encouraged feat partlclpanta to take their beat
shot 8t him. Sponsored by Outdoor Recreation, money collected at the
booth wlll find lta way bllc:11 to the soldiers by way of new apo"* and rec
rMIIOII equipment

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