The Pershing Cable (May 1989)

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Vol. 27, No. 8

58th Reid Artillery Command
Mey 1989

Transload tested
by Bob Rubinosky
l st Bn., 9th FA, Correspond ant
Until all Pershing batteries are inactivated under
the retrograde phase of the INF treaty, the remaining
line batteries still train 10 their limits. Pershing remains a key link in NATO's defense plan.
With little time for rest, the soldiers of Bravo,
Charlie, and Delta Batteries, 1st Battalion, 9th FA,
rotate cycles between alert status, sire security, and
garrison guard duty and maintenance.
The importance of Pershing's mission in the defense of Europe result< in numerous tests and certifi.cation inspections.
Delta Battery, 1st Battalion 9th Field Artillery was
evaluated recently as the 56th command's PERFECT
team initiated a no-notice test of the unit's ability to
accomplish 1he first stage of its mission.
As the PERFECT Team observed, Delta recalled
al! personnel to the battery, prepared their vehicles,
and deployed to the field. Once there, Delta Battery
began the critical missile operation known as a hasty
field transload.
A transload is the transfer of the warhead onto 1h,e
EL (erector launcher), thereby completing the missil-e
system. During peacetime, the transload is carried
out with a trainer warhead and can be done in thoe
field or at the missile storage area.
"A transload and evaluation go hand-in-hand,
SSgt. Fred E. Addicks of l-9's S1an Team said. "You
can't do a mission without a warhead section.
Delta's advance party was soon on the road to
wards the transload site after nocification. Their job is
to secure the area and set up a perimiter.
H eadquarters Battery's Ammo platoon was next 10
pull into the position. Their 40-foot S&P trailcr5
were guided into place, where the trainer warheads
were transfered to the advance party and inspected!.
The S&P's theri departed to make room for Del1a'5
main convoy body of EL's.
The pace of activity was intense during the period
of time Delta had to complete the inspection of stages
received and safely upload them onto the EL's. To
further test the soldiers, the exercise was conducted
at night.
According to D-2's Platoon Sergeant, Sfc. Thomas
A. Tanner, this was the battery's first field transload
at night. "I don't sec any problems with it at all,W
Tanner said. "In fact, I like ic much better. It's realistic.

Pl'toto by fll,,tt,,noeky

A crew f'rom Deltll Battery, 181 Bettallon, 9th Field

Artlllery, prep1r1 their mlaan, for firing, eNer complet
Ing their 11rat nighttime translo&d In the field.

Speed and timing are essential. The platoon isn't

ready for its primary mission until a transload is
completed. But it's the relialbility of the missile and
adherence to proper procedures that the crews are inspected on.
Pfc. Charles R. Mapes, 100\man for D-2, said, After the evaluation was over, our crew sat around and
u lked about it. We said that we couldn't believe that
we did that last night. It was pitch black - and the
standards were met. We didn't receive any 'gigs' (deficiencies) from the PERFECT Team.
"It's a lot of work," Mapes continued. "They ask a
lot of us and they get what they ask for.
"With Alpha gone, it's different. The rotations
(herween cycles) are shoner and quicker. You never
get your feet settled in one place and you better
know what you arc doing at all times."
The battery completed itS usual post exercise maintenence and recovery operations. As Delta soldiers
completed those tasks, they awaited ,heir next
evaluation. That's as much slack as a Pershing battery
gets these days.

Update FYI
Policy Changed
Promouble specialisu and corporals who have
not graduated from Primary Leadership Development Course will not lose their recommend cd status when PLDC becomes a prerequisite for promotion to sergeant on Oct. 1.
Previously announced rules, scheduled to take
effect Oct. I, would have required that soldiers
complete PLDC before being for
promotion. It also would have removed promotable corporals and specialists from recommended
lists, if they had not graduated from PLDC by
Oct. I.
The change is intended to protect soldiers eligibility for promotion while they wait for PLDC
training scats, according to officials in the office of
the deputy chief of staff for personnel.
i, The change will allow unitS 10 recommend specialists and corporals for promotion 10 sergeant
without regard to PLDC graduation. However,
they will not be promoted until they graduate
from the course - even when they exceed monthly
military occupational specialty cutoff scores. In
that case, their promotion would be delayed until
the first day of the month after they graduate from

DA Photo
Many noncommissioned officers being considered for promotion last year to E-7, E-8 and E-9
were not being accepted because they didn' t ha>e
a current photograph on file.
According 10 Capt. Theresa S. Lever, chief of
enlisted management in G-1, there arc approximately 10,000 NCO's in USAREUR and 400 within
the command that don't have an updated photo or
phot0 on file.
If you arc an NCO being considered by a pro
motion board anytime soon, get your picture
Official photographs can be taken at Kelly
Barracks in Stuttgart, Building 3307, every
weekday except Thursday from 8:30 a.m. 10 11 :00
a.m. and I :00 p.m. to 3 :00 p.m. For more information, call 42 126 07.

Safety Awareness
May 26 has been designated Safety
Awareness D ay throughout the 56th Field Artil
lcry Command.
"The purpose of the day is 10 incorporate safety
awareness into everyday activities, both on and off
duty, throughout the year," Jim Rogers, Com
mand safety officer, said.
All Command units will schedule various evenu
to promote safety as a normal daily activity. If
you have an idea for an activity or would like to
find out what your units is planning, contact your
commander or safety officer.
Making safety a normal part of good training
and caring leadership will make USAREUR a safer place for soldiers, civilians and family members to work, train and live, according 10 a
CINCUSAEUR Safety Awareness Day message.

Pershing Cable
May 1989


Photo by Hatt

If you don't check your right reer view mirror before making a right tum, you may have an extra
paaaenger. With the Improving weather In Germany, more btcycllllla are on the atreeta and blka pmtha.
Several accldants have occurred In the Command becauae drlvere did not the blcyclllll coming
up behind them. Check before you turnl

"Miry, Mary" a romantic comedy by Jean Kerr, waa the

Gopplngen-SchwiblKh Gmiind Thaater Group'a Spring production. The ca11 Included (clockwlM from upper left) Virginia
tlnez, Jim Lever, Gary Bemllleln, Cindy Madden and John


Photo by Cotiemn

Teams from 38th Signal Battalion and 2nd S.ttallon, 9th Field Artillery battle during the recent
Command Volleyball Championships held 30-31 March. 38th Signal captured first place hOnora,
ually handing 29 females a aecond place finish.


Rel:ay Pl1toon Team Chief Cpl. Darryl Hall handa his tum rnembar,
Spec. Jaaon Hyslop, an AN/GRC-103 antenna during a recent St.lbUnit Evaluation (SUE) training. SUE training and !eating prepare
command aoldlera to perform their wertlme mlHlon.

Pholo by H tt

Jan Johnson, IIChOOI principal, addresses the atudent of Schwllbl11Ch Gmund Elementary School
from the top of the new school addition during a Rlchlfest ceremony. The ceremony, celebrating
the enclosing of a new building, featured earpentara In tradlllonal grab.

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