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\lol. 25, No. 7

56th Field Artillery Commend
October 1987

Gas! Gas! Gas!

MX-40 NBC mask
helps Soldiers to
Continue mission
more efficiently
by Stephen Schroeder
Ptuhing Cable Sufi Writer
In ord<r 10 impro, the sur"i"abilit)' i nd
combat rudinrn of iu soldoru and unns.
the Anny has dt\eloprd a nr-. prottctive
mask, that will soo n br seeing use in 56th
Firld Arrillt r; Command .
According to souh.n in cht Command
Rrsourcr Man, g<m<nt Olficr. 1hr Com
mand ,,ill begin fielding the M40 in the sec
o nd qumrr of fiscal yur 1981.
Th< mask. ,ccord1ng to Mai. Richard D<1,meter. Comm, nd Chemic.I O fficer. featurC'S ;an tiutrnal air-liher canister 'l'Sttm,
ln,cr evcplfUS for bc-ner ,mon. , ongtr
drinluni tubC' i nd a 1otcond voiccmittcr on
t he m!" fo r tclC'phonit commun1n1ions.

The new M40 ProtKtlve Mask will be coming to the 58th Field Anlllery Commend
early next yHr. This mesk. one ol " " " prototypn, futures n external lr-111ter
c.tnlster ystem, larger eyeplecH nd second volcemllter. (U.S. Army Photo)

Each .\H~ , ,II .also come uh a nt ~u

ritr. Thr carr1C"r1 ,..,ll ha, r ,th:ro faurnrn
instead of snap, , nd "ill b,e 1h1p<d <<> /11 1he
,old1ers leg bcu<r.
The m11or ch,n~ 1ha1 the iroor, " ill
nouct is thC' can1Sttr sy:u cm ". De amtu:r

uid. 1i "ill con1ribu1t s,~nif,cantl~ 10 tht

Comm.1nd'.s comb,11 rr.adanns."'
With the unj:nrr J\""sttm, f1h~n, on be
chanttd "''ithout remo,in~ ,h, m,,k. "'Soldi<n .,,jJI be able 10 ch,n~< 1h.-.r 11h~ri "hik
,n :a c.onuminattd arn... Dth.mttC'r c,..
plaint d. Currcndv, a uni1 thu i!. h11 \\ah
.tn I Jt nt must find .an uncon1am1:nn c:d area
10 change fiher, 1n
In add111on. the filters c,1.n bt' pb 1.. ed on
t itht r thC' ltf1 o r right sidC" of the muk. sc;,
1ht, on', in1trf<"rf , i,h 1hC' soldiC"n .abilil\
10 tire his -..upon u cuutth .
PFC T1mo1h, W,lkor, of the c~mm,nd's
Chtmical DecOnumination P IA11.., , m. thinks
the nc mask has muw bcntfin '-" tr the
old modef M J 7 Hrits mu:ks The' nt\\
rvepiecu will pro,id.: bcncr ,i)uar l,.'Jp.i b1!1 ,
des and tht c.a.nisicrs U C' go1"/ to l,r1 >,,Jdr,r,
thanir 1hC"r ftlttu C'Htt'r an lu ,..:-1 I think

1h,i 1hr M4: 1st ~01n~ 10 reall1 hdr uur

chtmh.:al rud1ntu ...
Qqrall. OdamC'rC'r said th.u. 1h, r'-'"
muk shuuld pro, 1dt the" ~ommanJ\ tr-t,,r ..
- i,h brn,r protccuon

'Landlords praised


by John IL D"Am ato

Public Miai" :-JCOIC

h c1o>mr,- as a surpri~c to no ont in thr

5,hw,b,h Gmund orca 1h,i ,he Coin
rnand " " '<"<tulli shon of hou,ini for iu
>Oldt<"f'- .and tht1r iam1hts. Thi.' go\"Crn
mcnt ho:.i:;.in~ ,it Hudt. ind gO\trnment
lustd hou11n~ 1n Durl,nsn and Heub,ch
.an onh han~le lrarnon ot the housont
<Jcm.and Thr rC"mimmt::; i amilirs muu look
ior houun~ on tht German tconnm~.
The command recentl\' held rep,ion
for the ~: iandlord, "'hO rent 10 Amerh... .Jn tcn:.m~ in and around 54:h~abis-:h
Gmund. A, , muns of ""ins "thank
, o u." ,he lar~e ero" d of landlord, and t<
n:ant\ , rrc trtattd to hot and (Old hon
d'oc,rcs a1 1hr: Hardt Gvm. bdort trntllin~ 1crOS\ the: Strttf to rhc: Grrm1n Amer
ocan fell and a fire,.orks dupby later 1h,i
BG Roier Ii.. Bun, commander of th<
56th Field Anill,r; Command (Pmhing)
1nd Dr "IX"olfG>n& Schumr. the Ob<rbur
grrmeimr of S,h,.ibisch Gmund, thanked
1he large ~roup for their help in th<
command, hou,ing probltm.
Accotd1n~ to ,he Houung 0111. locoted o n Bismarck Ka.erne. 73C soldiers
.an1l th(1r f;;millc, hnc found houun~ on


th Germa.n econom, ,n the Sch..abisch

Gmimd area.

BG Be,n rcmindtd th<ISe >I the r<p

uon th:11 hundreds more housing un1u
.... ,. sull ne<deJ and asked the landlords
not onl1 ior the1t con11nued ,uppon. but
for their help in fmd,ng moro housini for
Persh1n~ soldiers.
1 " 'llh more cinzens of Sch,., bi,<h
Gmund and 1h< surroundin~ ro.,ni would
open their doors. BG Bun said. "You
un help. Plus< tell ,our fncnd, , nd
nei~hbors. that we still hl\e a housing
shomge. Hund reds of ,old1<r1 .,,ould likt
10 mo"e off-posi. and othtr> ..ho hl\'e f..
milie, ,n ,he unucd Suto>, .,., ;, paticndr
for apartmt ms U) bC"comt frrc."'
The Commander of th< Sbth ,lso rccoJ
niud 1h,i ther arc some ttnantlandlord
problems, bu, mured the landlords present that, the "'Co mmand is stnsiti\'t 10
any that surfaco. Maj Sprinklt and Mr
Bc,chn<r oi our H ousing Office: BG
Bcon said. h..e been tasked v.ith looking
into any U ('.1) of con crrn you might hnf'."
Most of the relarionsh1ps bc,.,.ecn Gtrman landlords and cheir icn,nu seem 10 b<
po\itivt o ne~. ac, ordan~ to BG Bean.
"Morr often than not." he said, t heu
11orics fro m ,old1er> , bou, landlords " ho
in, ut ,heir fam1he~ over for dinner. spend
holid~,s together. and in many in:n:ani:r;
b<com seconJ lamilit< 10 them

At the Lendlord'1 Aec:eptlon BG Roger K. Ben nd Dr. Wolfgang Schuster, the

Ober1>urgermeltr ol Schwliblc:h Gmlind, dlsc:u the iHuH. The reception was
held to show epprec:letlon !or efforts made to the Commend' housing problem. (Photo b y Crl Purvl 1)

,, ....

Bad news
Common mistakes
.many Soldiers make
dealing with media
During Pershing soldier', tour .,..i,h the
S61h Field Aniller, Command. chances are
high thll ht will come in contact ...,i,h photographers and film crr.,.s tl')ini: 10 get ,hou
of Pershing field sim and equipmtnt.
Because of 1hr political 1ons111vi1iu asso,
t i11td with P<rsh,nJ and public in1rru1 in
the Command. soldoers must kno.,.. whac 10
do whrn confrontrd by th pros,.
Thr /im, and mo11 imponan1 thing 10 r
mtmbtr is do not O\rrre2c1_ Do not assume"
rurisdiction in cht chilian domain. t:.S.
Arnw ~rsonntl h aH no authorin O\ er c1vi
loans. ouuidt of U.S. Army Kut rnes.
Under German In, , miliun inuallrnons
and field positions e,n be photographed b,
civilians that are actuallv sunding on public
ICCeU und. This prOpcn, may M COntrolJtd
by the U.S. Arm) but i( ;, is not lend off
o r ro.ntd. t~tn anyont h u tht ris;h1 co bt
on 11, according 10 German la,.
The pho1ographrr also must not hne rm
ploytd unusual means to get the- picturt or
kno~ ingk endan1ered tht stc uru, of tht
milnary. ~,y c:anno, climb trees o; utt lad
den co &.1d them.
If signs an posted thu the arta is a miliur;, stcuritr area and phot0Jr1phy i,:
prohibited, ,hen II ma, be presumed 1h,i
anronr taking pl..7tures is kno"Qin~ly endan
gering miliu ~ sccurit~.
Normally. \.:.S Fors do not ha the
authority to dcu1n c1,ilians o ff pou u ccpt
undc-r ce,ruin circumumces.

Individuals can bf apprehended if cau~h,

performing scriou, cmninal oflen,c and
thtrc is re,uon to bclic,c the person ould
flee if no action wort taken b<lore Gnnan

With nothing clnalfled in view, this perimeter guard ii ovem1actlng by putting his
hand over the CIIIMra l1n1. (Photo by Randy Yacklal)

security of U .S. Force.) or i) a iu~,m c- irvm

justice and there is a pn11ible deia, on 1h, re
1pon1< of German police, hr can
l,, ap
Olhrr than those chrrt situauons. off-pc,,c
ucurity forces have no legal aurhorm 111
stop or question anrone ouuide thr ~ate.
II a person is apprehended under ,host
condition,, the pprehendin~ au1horil\ h,,
the right 10 search 1ht ind,.,dua! for " ,.
pons and t,iden of the oH,n-. b<tur.
turning him o,er ro Gtmun l:utho riti..-,
Any penon dc111ned b, t.: S. F""" ",II
not be transponed b, L'.S. .ll r U)~b 11r
iround tnnspon:uion.' He "Qill b(' d.:t.1ini:-J
tn the immediate area and rurni:d OHr w
Germon police.
When soldie.r~ on guard n , 1;pproach~J
,hut art , cn ~r.11 sttp>



The lim 1h1ni; 10 do u call rh< pt>l1

Then n rengthtn the ptrimct~r for.:c: anJ t <.
con any photographer> 1h11 approa.h. D,,
no1 ,ry ,o prt\'tnl photognphy Ouh1d, of
tht pttamtttr
AH mNl1a \isits 111 be coordinated ~, chC'
Command Public All" Olk,. H <..,,n,.
mand Public Affain rer rr,(nutr\ ~ I \ n,n
prtstnt. then the mtdi~ pcr~onnd .1 r1: n1 11
1u1hori:ttd t O imC'fYIC~, phrito,.:rlrh en tdnt
Rdt'r t htm to the Publ1\ At uir\ l 1:ti\ ... ,
Bui do not oHrrca.;1 11 n,, ..\,.,air ..
rcprnC"nuu,C' n t htrc. h tht:h: 1, n,, " '1 ...,.
fied mueri11 c~post d .and mcdu r ..-r. . ,,.,n"
U t not lttt fflplln~ tO brt Jk lhf~'U1
:, J ~i-h. r1'
r1mttC'r, thtrt a no rcuon to ~C't ".,., .... , 11.. d.
Rtmcmbcr th1;t if .a con"cn- 1~ ~t1.rp..:.! J t ..
rest st"/ or a "'"' i:onie, 10 , tJur i1,lJ
s1u an u io co takt a pinurt oi ~ 1 ; 1C\r

police orri,ed.
truck. don't h,s u mcn and 'Joml)h 11 ,~r
The German polic:t cm rcque11 1h11 U.S. tht pa,emtnl. An inc,dtnt like thi, , 1n b~
Forces apprehend rhe indj,idual.
come a n ory in itst lf and set ~idc"r cir.:uJ.1.
If a person hu kno,.ingly endangered 1hr 1ion than tht ori~lnal plcturt.

High-tech helpers for laps

New secretaries sit down on job



b, Barbara Blockburn
Prr, hin~ C able Staff \l. ritcr
, "Hey 1htre, ho.,.'re all you S6rh F,eld Ar
ulle~ Command Sold><r>? I'm Lulu 1hr
1 hear ,ou bfen looking for some no
srcmarits. Looks like rou bten lookinF fnr
>om, hrlp upduinf iour ~1is,ilc S1a1u,
BoarJl JnJ transiernni;: lht' iniu m thr lidd
in .a mor1r. timel~ m,annC"r ...
, ou u, you ,,n1 a
to makt \'our





, ommand more combat rudy? ..

"Wel l, help i, on 1hr a.1, I'm comin~ 10
the S61h command. olMg ...i,h fifteen of my
lo,ely co..,orkcr; and ,..,.'rr gonna do lot
more 1h1n ,11 on ~our lop.
We're slim 1nd trim and t"re ustr
fnendh. so ,ou don, h" c 10 ...Or'} about
~m,ng' our ;..,,., crossed. Al l you ha.-, 10
d o i~ turn u, lln , .and ~r'II Jri tht r<"~C. "
wcrc ~onn, hrlp all iuu lonng ban,1,on> kC'<'P :t.11\" l()n~rr O ur con ,trsauom
1th t Jt h n1hr , -.111 b.. ,u ,hon and 0 14;e1

1h11 an cnrm, .,,IJ ha,e a much harder 1im

loc.. ing rou.
"'Th.u 's btcaust t can send messa~cs ,hat
used 10 ukt a couple of hou" in ten 10
rwrhe seconds. if you 1rc11 us right. And
even ,hough t lo,t 10 talk . ..,t -.on ' t tic up
the phone lone, b<cauu 1hr proplc "' ho
make '!s plan 10 h a\t us tn n1mu O\'U ud10
W J \'C'>

"IX'r come in sm,11 packa~c> but do ,

b,g iob. If ,ou flip our lid. l'Ou'II find our
lace i, pleas,n~ IX c ha,c ' iull-s,u kt\
bo ard for c.uoer 1, p,n~ ,nd dual d,,~ dm "'

"You can call us laptops. or you <an <JIJ

us Automutd \\:'ork Sutions. ,ou .,an
. l,cn
call us honty, don't e,er ,~11 ui. stupid .
Wt'"t got a mtmon ,ou , ould111'1 brlit',4.,
Our 640K is mure ,han 1hr comincd 1n1d
ligtnce of 1hr s.ecrc-lir1es 1n chr mcwu: 9 h,'1


~ don, rven ukr coff break,. and

we don, ~et md until i ou do.
..'' t'rt' ~onn:i. 12:i"c sonl~ ot n)u )Vh:J14.r . .
-.ho neC"d us .i ch.ani:t ,~ lrun hcni "' mk"
us 1i~k. I'll bet ,.., can teach you a 1h1n~ or
f''- 0

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