The Pershing Cable (Sep 1987)

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Yol. 25, No. 6

Nth Fleld Artillery Command

September 1987

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(Left) MG Frank Schild, commander of W8K5, dr8pn thl Bundnverdi.nltkntUZ on the neck of MG Raymond E. Haddock, , _ r com11111ncMf of Sith F..ld Artillery
Commend (Penhlng), who ahlllH tuinda with Robert Ruder, Beden-WOrtt1n1btfg'1 MCteta,y of ei.te. Audlr pr9eentld MG H9ddoc:k with !hi medal, which la the
hlghHt peec,..tlme IIWllrd given by thl Federal Republic of Germany, during thl Ch1n99 Of Command cemnony held Augult 4 It Hardt Kaurne. MG Hlddock
guided the unit through the 1uccHaful fielding end deployment of the Pershing 2Mlaalle Syetem during hie tenure n Commander. (Right) BG Roger K. 8Nn pllMI

!hi Command ColOFI beck to CSM T. A. Jeckaon, command Mfgeanl me for, Sith FA Cmd, an act which aymboUzn , ctuinge of com11111nd (for r.telld 1toty eee pege 5).

56th Command
changes hands r .

Haddock "as praised for his contributions

,o the combat rudiness of the command and
The lentr also g-a ve Amha.sudor Bun's
"personal , hanks for a superb performance.
MG HLddoek's continued mphasis on
trainin~. maintenance, dist,;iplinr ind h.t\'ing

of the )rd Infantry Division Arullcry and

Chief of Staff for 1hr 3rd lnfan,ry Division
(Mhaniicd) in Wunburg. West Germany.
BG Bean ..,as born 1n Y.k.ima, Wash., on
July 17, 19~0. Upon completion of the Reservo, Officers Training Corps curriculum
and th rducaiional course ol study at East
em Washington Univrsity in 1962, he ..,as
commissioned a ,tcond lieutenant and
a'"arded a Bachelor of Arts degree in Busineu. He also holds a Master of Ans degree
in Intemat.ional Relations from rhe Uni\'er
si~ of Alabama. mili1ary education in
eludes completion of the Buie and Ad
vanced Officer Coums of the Fitld Artillery School and tho Armed Forces Staff Colloge. He is also a graduate of the Air War
Preparatory 10 his most recent duties, BG
Bean served in a vuiery of imponant ca.reer
building assignmenu. He wu a Staff Officer
/or Security Auistance in the Office of tho
Dcpul}' Chief of Staff for Or.rations and
Plans, United States Army. e:usigned 10
Fort Hood, Tous, ho performed duty as S3
(Optmions), later Executive Officer /or the
2nd Division Artillrry. Ht also
commandd a Field AniJler, Barulion and
served as Assinant Chief of 'Staff, GS (Plans
and Policy), and Chief of REFORGER
Planning /or ,he 2nd Armored Di\'ision.

fun resuhed in the 56th Fidd Artillery

He has received numerous awards and de

by Carl l'unis
Psh,ns Cabl< S1aff Wrim

Brigadier Gonoral Rogor K. Boan took

command of th< 56th field Anillm Command (P<rshing) on Augun 4, ai Major
General RO\mond E. Haddock, the form<r
commander. bid the unit fare,.,,ell in a
change of command ceromoni held on
Hardt Kascmt in Sch,.abisch GmUnd.
During , he Change of Command core
mon\', Haddock ,..,. promotod to th< rank
oi Maior Gtntral and a'"uded the Bundes,ordi<n1tkr<ui by Badcn-\l:'iimemborg's
Sccretar\' of $mo, Robert Ruder.
~IG Haddock assumed command of th<
5oth Field Anillerv Brigade in Jun l 984,
and guided ,ht unh through the successful
ficldin~ and deployment of the Pmhing 2
~li!Sile Sysm.
In , letter, .,rinen b, U.S. Ambassador 10
\\.' est German,, R,;cha'rd Burt, and read by
Viet Consul General Jane Whitnev. MG

Commind~s sclcction for thC' Superior un:t corations including the Ojstinguished Flying
Cross (with Oak Leaf Cluner), the Bronze
A,.ard on Juh J.
~H'; Haddock loaves Pershing to murn to Sur Medal, the Purple Hon (with Oak
t ht l "nitcd Sures to ukt the posi1ion of Luf Cluster), and the Meritorious SC"rvicc
Chi ot Su fi, Training ,nd Doetrino Com Medal (wi1h Oak Lnf Cluster). Addi,ionally, he is the recipim, of Se\'eral Air Me
m,nd , TRADOC).
BC- Gneral Bean com to the command dais ,..i,h v Dvice, and th< Army Comfrom ,m assignmen1 a.s tht Assinam Division mendation Medal (with three Oak Leaf
Corr:mandtr, 9th Infantry Division (Motor Clusters). Badges for <raining accomplish
ized , a, Fon Le...,i,, w.,h. Ht ha, h,ld a ment include the Army Aviator Badge and
id~ \'ari~~y of . impo1:an1 command and ,he Parachutist Badge.
He and his .,jfe. C riss, have two children
suft posuuons including Deputy Com
mand<r of VII Corps Artillery, Commander - Shannon and Sarah.

(From left) MG ~ymond E.

Hlddock, BG Roger K. BNn nd CSM T. A. JllCkson

pntplll9 tor the peHlng of the Commend Colors.


Roger K. BNn, the new comm11ndef ot the Mith F.A. Commend ahakn hllnda wlttl hll new deputy commanding officer,
Col. Randall J. Anderaon, at the -ptlon held after the Chllnge
of Command -.mony.


Dlmonatratlng th aplrlt of German/Amerlcmn p rtnerahlp thll exlata b1tWNn the

Bundea.,.etir and the U.S. Army, a Germ11n Army alemnt ol Panzergrenldlerbriglde
30 trom Ellwangan merchn In the Pua and Review held part of the Change of
Command ceremony.

Photos by Randy Yacklel

On the Cover: Left photo by Stephen Schroeder
Right photo by Randy Yacklel

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