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~I. 26, No. 2

Nth Field At1111try Comm1nd
February 1988

Superpowers sign treaty

NATO's Pl/ Strategy Successful
bi J ohn K. D'Amato
Public A fl,iu 1-COIC
On December 8th. President Rogan and
Gencnl xcrttar')' M,khail Gorbach<" signed

a historic trcan "':hich mn eliminatt a

....hole nngt or in1trm<di11e . ~d shon rang

nuc:lnr misiiles.
Tht 11-F T;nn is not official U.S. policv,
ho,..vrr, unul ,/,er mificl!ion b) ,ht L'.S.
Scna1t, and dcbatts btgan in '11:'uh,ngton,
0 .C. on th< 2Sth of Janua'),
The Trtm c.lls !or tht rtmoval and dt
uruetion o( all t.: .S. and Sovie, ground
launched ballu,tic and cruise- syst(fflS,
dtploytd and non-dtplo\'Cd. hing ran~<
bt,9.ttn 30: and 3,<4~ mtlci.
Aording to tht ~lcmonndum of Undcrmndin~ bttn tht l.ini1cd Siam and
,he So,itt Un,on. 247 of ,h, U .S. Arrm 's
Pcnh,n& 21 and H2 or 1he Air Forct's
(GLCM). " ell u 6SO So,ict SS-zo,. 170
S54's and


but the moment when the countries that

had commincd 1hcrn1thu to deploy the
mimlu did so.
Fielding continued until all 108 Pershing 2
miuiles '"" in place, in Domber t 98~.
The dcplovmtnt had rtquircd heroic ,Hon
by Comni.,,d soldiers, ..ho faced dcrnon1tra1ions somctimtl numbering in 1he ctns
of 1housands. Th< S61h Field Artill,n Com
m,nd urned the Amr Supcrio'r Un11
A1'ard !or th< action, of ns soldiers during
thi, ptnod.
Pershing 2 fielding complmd tht >:ond
pan of the T,.in,Track ,,rment. The So
vieu suddrnly bcumt intut('1:ied 1n 1he f1rs1

pan of the Agrt<rnent, the n<goti,11on pro,

ctss, and thcrt wu a great o t m o, cmcn1
in months. culm1n,iin~ ,n tht
signing of the Jr,.;F Treaty on Dcmbtr 81h.
Although officiI 1nnounmenu ha"e not
bttn mid,, planning hu begun on "'1thdra
wal procedures and clauJficauon or sodicrs
holding missile-specific MOS,. Pcndin~ ra11
fiution of ,he True,, 1-ATO leaden muSt
also mak, several force adjuumen, d
s,ons, such H which uniu ,..ill r<pbce th<
rtmovcd missile sy1tems nd ..-hai ~appcn,
to the basts vacat<d by Ptrshin un iu.


For more on INF, s pagt 2.

SS S's :art sr.cc1flca.lly urgC"ttd

by tht Trcary lor rtmo,a .

In adduion to tht inirrmedi1tt rangc nu
clear miuilc,, 17C U.S. Ptrshing !A's, 726
So,iet SS- 12 and 20C SS-1) shoncr-rangc
miuile sysccms: are a ho , chcdulcd for rem<>
val and drstruion.
The Trtal" An,dos oblig the ,.....o ,o d iminitc all of the missac
S\'Urms ...i,h,n thret )'.tars of racifieauon
a'nd bins them therufm . Vcrifiution. a
stumbling block during the negotiations ,nd
, kt, 10 ,ht dftiveness or the Trem. is
spelltd out in
stion oiled' 1hr
ln1ipec-1ion Protoco .
The SS-20, longer nng< inttrmlme
missile. with thr indcpendentli rirgmbl
" 'arhud,. ,.,,s dcplO\'ed bi th< Sovm
Union in 1973. The sec kilomoter range of
the SS-2C, ,llov.-ed tht So,itt Union 10
threaten all of ~ estern Europt from buts
wtll in,id, ,he U.S.S.R.
Th dcplo1cd ss-2c, ,...,. meant to ,up
plemtnt a So"i<t miuile force of shontr
nnge SS-4's, SS-12's and SS-ll's, ,.,hich
could be launched from dinances of 2,000
kilometers or less.
On October 28, 1977. WtSt German
C h,ncellor Helmut Schmidt brought cht So,ict SS-20 threat to the forefront of ,he
Nonh Atlantic Trtatv Organizuion's auen
tion. ,n a 1pch at iht lnttmuion,1 lnsti
tu1< !or Stmtgic Stud,ts in London.
NATO, looking !or way to convince the
So,ieu to -nhdra .. the ss-20,. responded
to 1he new thrtai with 1wo-prongtd ma
tcg, - tht "Tw,n-Tuck Agrmen1" of
1979. One p,n of the Agrtcmcn, calltd !or
continutd ncgo1111ion s with the: So\ieu for
the rtmo\'II of the S5-20's ...hile anothtr
cal ltd !or the deployment of , now. long<r
range missile, the Pershing 2.
Tht defloyment of Pmhing 2 btgan in
198), amidst manivt domonstm ion, by
German citizen's concerned ... i,h the rival
of ,he n.... S)' stem. xcreu~ of State Gt0rg
Schult hu uid that th< crnicI point_in .he
11-F Treat) procus .,.., not tht s,gn,ng



First Impressions
LL COi. Mlc:hNI J. Paequ1911 (left), commender, 2nd Blttallon, Ith Fleld Artll
lery, Mid Brig. Gen. Ropr K. 8Nn (right), commanding general, 56th Field
Artlllery Com!Mnd (Perahlng), HC:ort Gen. John R. G1lvln, Supreme Allied
Commender Europe through the Muti.ngen St0f11ge ArN. The vllllt
1111 ftr9t time Gen. O.lvln h viewed the teelllty. (Plloto by C.rl Purvlt)

.-;...-:,~"'".~ ~ -~~-~~1!1- f!~: 1..r""!.
' ... .,. ..!~, , .. ... ..


INF: How will the sites be inspected?

Uni1td Stat Information Strvict
A i pirt of r/,, /nr,rm,d,ar, lhn,:t l\'udt.r .Foras Tr,,r,1
rh>t .., signtd on D.c,mbtr 8. 1987. rh, Un11.d Sweo ,nd
tht 5<,,i Union 1,.,., agrr.d ro an unprtttdtnrtd onmt
inspttrion rtgimt. Btlo tt somt ftt?uMr(. uktd qurs
rions , bour rhc n1rurt' ~nd purros~ o tht ,ns~ uonJ rt
qu,rM b.~ chc trtJr.,.

What are the kinds of on-site inspections

that will take place?
. .

Banlinr ]nspccuoni - to htlp 1.n vtnfy1n& tht 1n1ual ex

chan~ of upd.rtd dat, th<rt ii righ1 10 condu on-,n
1n1pccuom at the c~pcs of f.ac11iu, s hncd 1n the nut~' ,n
1h pmod from 30 to 90 davs afm tht rrea1y enttrs onto
force. Spific facili,its and bncs subj1 to such insp
,ion, arc limd on tht Mtmonndum of Undcrmnding
(MOt;) and art locmd ,n
Belgium, the Federal Repu
bloc of German)', Italy, th,
Ncthtrlands, the United
K,n~dom. the German Dem
ocuuc Republic and ClC
choslo,akia " "'ell ., bases
and faciliuei in ,he Unittd
Statt and ,he So,ict Union.
,~ ,!
Clo,c-out ln,ptctions when buu or mi111lc ,uppon
lac,hu<> no longer contain
neuy~limitcd items or sup

rcgudless of 1'1hcthcr or not they rnnain opeutiorul. For

the following live yurs, each pany can conduet IS Short
notict lnsptctions each year. For the Ian live yur, each
pany can conduct 10 Shon-noucc lnsptctions o cl. yur.
Tht sidn hn the right 10 conduct CIO$t Out lnsptc
iions .at facilities as they art eliminiccd.

How much notice will the Soviets provide

us beforc they carry out Shon-notice Inspections at our bases in the United States
and Europe?

The Soviets muSt notify us at lu11 16 hours prior to the

planned u rival of tht inspccuon tcim 11 ~ne of the points
of tntrv in tht Unittd Suttl which art S.n Fmiei,co and
Wuhi~g,on, D .C. At ,hot time. ...,. would kno"' o nl)' that
ont of many hcilitits would bt subjrct co inspection soon.
When So,itt inspcctou arrivt at 1 point of entry. cher will


pon treat)-limited sy uem~.

the pan,cs ,.,j(I ha,c thr right

conduct 1n1~ctaon$ co
obcrvc th,r treurprohibottd
acti,ities h.i,-c cu.std.
Elimination lnsprrnon,
the United Su , cs ind the


kinsk. USSR, ...,,11 not be under constant cscon Tht\t on

spectors will bt able 10 move around subjic-ct to some rt
strictions within a )0 kilometer radius o f tht fact une~

where they "'ill be ptrlorming ,heir in,pccuon du11<1

Can the inspectors move all around a base

or will their mov~ments be limited?
Inspectors' movemcnu will be limited to tho1e area,
'Within the boundaries depicted on the 111c dognm, tht a"
pm of the MOU. In add11ion, ,f bu,ld,ng "'ith,n tho,bo\lndaries is too small to contain a trcatylimitcd 11tm.
then the inspectors 'Will not be pcnnittcd to 1n1p<ct the ,n
side of that building.

How much time will the inspectors spend

at our bases?

It dtpends on the typt ol insptcuon. For Buelone. Ck,,

seout and Shon-notice inipections. lnsp~cton cin spend
up to 24 houn 11 ,he laci h,~
-..-thty art 1nspcc11ng If 1ht 1n
spnttd s1dt: JJrte.s, ino,p""
tors can spc-nd an addiuon, I
eight hours th< same i,;,!,
i,,. Bccau>c a large number
o mlssiJt 111 be chm1n1tcJ.
thcrt is no specified timr Jj.
miution for u ch Elim1nauon
in,ptction. The So"ict plan,
at Votkinsk and th< Hercule,
plant at Mi:n. L'u h m be
subject to Cormnuou, Porti l
Mo ni1or1n~ for up to 3 ~ tan
aftC"r entry iruo fore( of the

How manr inspectors

will bc on a inspec
tion team?

Thu depend, on tho "'P'

of inspecuon Baseline. Clo
s.eout .ins. Shon not1cc in
spection~ 111 be cond ucted
by tum, woth up to 1C
members. E limination 1n,pt\
t ions -.ill bf' conducted b, , ith up to 2: mcmt;.
crs. Up to l: 1nspt"1on d1

USSR hi"-e an obhguion ,o

ObUf"''C th~ dcsttUCUOn Of
m",1ln ind b1Jnchcn at c!i,

m1nath1n fac1li11c~


dtstr\t..:t1on pnx.rdurr~ arr ,ct

fonh ,n the El1m1n.arion Pro
Short-notice Jnsptctions ..
for )) years after the ue.ur

cn1tn into force. the sidts are

tntotlrd to conduc, shon-no
u ce ,nspecuons a1 agreed fic1
huts. The
ol facilitoc,
s.ubicct to 1n1pcction arc
i<len11f1cd in the treaty and
spe-c1fic fac1liriu ire lasted 1n
th< MOU.
Conunuous Porul Mon
itoring - Tht USSR hu
agreed that the Uni1cd Stat<>
cu , csubli~h a continuoui ponal mon uor1ng sysren n a
m1111lc facolm at Votkinsk. In mum, thr United Sum hu
agrtcd tO aJlo,., the 50\'im 10 mablish a S)'llem at the (or
mer Per,hing II m.issile facilit)' - Hercules Plant Number
Ont in Magna, Utah.

be at n.:h Conur.uous Mon1rormt snt .

Will the inspectors

equipme nt with them?


H ow many inspections will take place?

Siner mort than one missile or launchC'r c:an be dc-Hrov cd
a ume, there is no sc-t quou for Elimination ln~pccuOns
- during the chrccyear elimination period. the side, ..,,ill
conduct .u many an,pcclion a, ' " ne<cr uary to ob,, rvc tht
~hmini t.ion of i ll urms in tht unty subJtt t to clim1nu ion.
During the lim thrct ycm of the rrnt,, i.e .. before ,II
iucm, hi,c been eliminotcd, the pan,cs ha,c the right to
conduct 2C Shortnoticc Inspections per )' CU at lacrli1iu


1h11 ur subjrct 10 Basd.nt and Shonno ticr Inspections,

Inspectors my broni; hn<>r

mcuyrcment dr,icu. such u

inlorm us after four hours bur before 24 hours han dap, ed
"'hich U.S. facility ..,ill bt ,nsptettd. Wt , ill b~ obligtcd
to u.anspon the So,ict inspeccors to the inspection sitt ,...j.
hin nine hours of notification of 1he 1itc ,hey wish to , cc.
or course, identical procedurt, will apply when tht united
State condum Shon-notice ln,ptctions of So,ict lacili,its.

Will U.S. official accompany Soviet inspectors?

U.S. officials will company Soviet in,ptctors for the
murr time tht)' arc m a country inspccung U.S. fac:ilit1ts
juu u Soviet olfocials , ill accompany U.S. inspec,on the
entire timt they arc in a countr)' insptcting So"ict facilitie, .
Howc-"cr. the Sovltt lnJpectori at the Herculu plant in
u..h and the U.S. insptctor, at the m,ssilr facility II Vot

-:_ :

tape mnsure.s. as , r ll

vie~ a.nd other cquipmtnt IS specifit d b) thr puu,c.

sist thtrn in conducting 1nspenion.


BrlO Gen. RogerK. Bein

Public Affairs Olfioer
Maj. Gerard J. Han



Will the inspectors be military officers?

Some in~ptctou may bt members of the mil1u~,. bu1
this is neither required nor prohib11td by the trem

Will the inspectors have diplomatic immunity?

lnsptctors .,.ill h.-t limited diplomatic immun11, Th,
treaty sptlh our sptcific grounds for ...hoch th< L n,i<J
Sum or USSR may obJ<tt to or expel an 1n>ptor
(Rcprint.d from th< U.S. Poliry nd ln fo rm>ru>n T,w
from USJS. Th, qutsrions and m...,trs err d,,c/,,p,J ~.'
tht Arms Control .,,d Diurmam<nr AJ;tn, _,.


. __-

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mens, pori,blc .... ,~hon~ de

,icu, radla1io n dt t c.:tH' r, d\

-w-_., _ ,. . -..- .-- -....." ..,.,...Scll<-

NC01C - - - - - - - -- - - - -11FC John K. D'Amalo

ldfta. - - - - - - - - - - -- - Carl Purw11

11-tyn c-n


-lon ~""'"" ....- ...- ....1 - , A ~ l l - l l

2-ftt'I FA Vite,erit
Su- . , . . . , .._._,,_,......------- -- ~ - - , Yocl<lel


Soviet inspections
mark historical first
by SFC John K. O'Amato
NCOIC 56th F.A. Cmd. PAO

Eut met Wm with a historic handshake inside the

gates of the 56th Field Artillery Command Missile
Storage Area in Mutlangen, West Germany on July
In front of a bank of TV cameramen and still photographers, there to record the first verification inspection of a U.S. Army missile site in Germany, 2nd
Battalion, 9th Field Artillery Commander Lt. Col.
Michael J. Puquaren greeted Vladimir A. Akimenkov, chief of a nine-member Soviet inspection team.
The Sovieu, part of 21-man verification group,
arrived at Rhein Main Air Force Base in Frankfurt oo
the 4th of July, and announced concurrent inspections at Mudangen and at Wueschicm, a Ground
Launched Cruise Missile (GLCM) site operated by
the Air Force's 38th Tactical Missile Wing.
The inspectors from the U.S.S.R., accompanied by
ten members from the U.S. On-Site lnspeetion
Agency (OSIA) and rwo representatives from the Federal Republic of Germany, spent 21 hours at the
Command site as part of a "bueline inspection, designed to verify data contained in the lntermedjate
Nudeu Forces (INF) Treaty's Memorandum of Undemanding.
Ratified by the U.S. Congress on June I, the INF
Treaty calls for a series of inspections by both sides
starting in July and ending Septanber I. The process
of sending inspcetioo teams into another country for
the purpose of verifying Missile removal and destrUC
tion is unprecedented, and most authorities agree,
sets the stage for additional arms control reductions.
During the next three years, more than 2,SOO missiles, all land-bued with ranges of 300 to 3,400 miles

Up~ate F. Y.I.

will be descroyed by both sides in accordance with POV MOVEMENT

the INF Treaty - 859 by the United States and 1.752
by the U.5.S.R.
Recent changes concerning reimbursement for inU.S. inspcetors have 126 sites to inspeet in the land movement of your POV State that reimburseU.S.S.R., Czechoslovakia, and the German Democra- menu will no longer be made. Under certain circumtic Republic. A 30-mcmber team from the U.S. On- stances there arc exceptions to this new policy.
Site lnspcetion Agency under Army Brig. Gen. .RoA couple of examples are:
land Lajoie, left Frankfurt for the Soviet Union early
Soldier ships an oversized vehicle and it cannot
on the morning of July I.
be carried to place of duty.
The Soviets have 26 U.S. sites to inspcet, including
Soldier ships an inoperable vehicle which can12-missile related sites in the European countries of not be shipped inland.
Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, July, the If either of the above cases exist then the claim
Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
must be accompanied by DD Form 788, PCS orders,
In early July, Soviet teams had conducted inspec and a letter from Brancrhaven Pon directing
tions at the General Dynamics Plant 19 in San Diego, pick-up. Upon presentation and approval, the Finfacilities at Davis Monthan AFB and Fort Huachuca ance Travel S.:aion will determine and make the payArmy base in Arizona, Pueblo Army Depot in Col- menu of these claims.
orado and the Hercules Aerospace Company plant at
Magna, Utah.
The July 5th verification visit at Mutlangen wu the
first of the Soviet inspections at U.S. Army missile
Soldiers transitioning from the Army (ETS) are
sites in Germany, but baseline inspcetions arc ex- paid automatically through the month prior to their
pceted at the U.S. Army facilities operated by 1-9 in ETS, and in accordance with AR 37-104-J., all final
Neu Ulm and 4-9 in Hcilbroon later in July or early paymcnu of Pay and Allowances, Travel EntitlcAugust.
mcnu, and Accrued I.eave will be paid at the SeparaAt Mudangen, after bis greeting the Soviet team at tion Point. Pay and Allowances will be computed
the gate, Pasquarctt conducted a site and safety brief- from the fim day of the month through the ETS
ing, followed by introductions of 2-9 officers and date. No mid-month checks are issued during the
soldiers who would act as escorts to the Soviets dur- month of ETS and Casual Payments will not be
made. Accordingly, soldiers pending ETS should pr~
ing their stay.
The soldiers at Mudangen played host to th.c Soviet pare to meet expenses from the last automatic c.nd-ofteam from 10:50 a.m. "on the 5th until 8 o'clock the month pay through their ETS date. The Finance Ofnext morning, providing not only areu for work and fice cannot make any payments to soldiers during the
sleep, but also lunch, dinner and breakfast meals. separation month.
After their visit, the Soviets returned to Rhein Main
Air Force Base in Frankfurt, and flew back to the So- OUTPROCESSING
viet Union.
Soldiers who are outprocessing must have every
agency cleared and indicated on their clearance pap
en, CllCq>t Finance, MILPO, and unit rcgincr, prior
to their Finance outprocessing appoinanent. Unit
commanders or first sergeants must sign all clearance
forms and check them for completion. Soldiers must
also bring a copy of their request for leave or pass,
DA Form 31, when reporting to Finance for outproccssing. Compliance with the above procedures will
avoid delays in out processing.


In hldonc ~ng, 2nd eatt.non, 9th Field Artillery Comnwmder, Lt Col. Mlellael J. Pasqu....u, ahllkH hands
with Vladimir A. Aklmenkov, INder of Soviet nlM-ffllln, on-site v.rlflcltlon tnm. The Sovleta vlalted Mutllngen on July 5th, H f)llrt of ba...llne Inspection called tor by the Intermediate Nuclear Forcea Treaty.

Soldjers will not be charged for a day of leave if

they rerum to work on a non-duty day (AR 6305,
para 3-Sb(2)). DA Form JI. (Request and Authority
for I.eave), item 30, will include the statement: "Day
of return is not to be charged as a day of leave. If
DA Form 31 does not include this natemcnt, the soldier's day of return will be charged as a day of leave.
As a rule, non-duty days arc Saturdays, Sundays,
and holidays. Soldiers who work shifts, however,
may have other non-duty days. Commanders and
supervisors will monitor their leave programs to en
sure timekeepers meet regulatory requirements.

Team training secures p'3rimeter

by Stephen R. Schroeder
Penhing Cable Staff Writer

American soldiers weren't the

only ones training at a Pershing field
site in the German woods on June
One-hundred and twenty members of German Escort Battery 4802
had also deployed to conduct a
24--hour uaining exercise with Delta
Battery, 4th Battalion, 9th Field Artillery.
Lt. Col. Dietrich Kraushaar, the
German Liasion Officer to the 56th
Field Artillery Command, said that
the 4802 is one of three escort batteries that will be provided to the 56th
du ring a war.
The mission of the escon batteries,
according to Lt. Col. Douglas Taylor, former commander of 4-9, is to
provide extra security to Pershing
forces. "They will augment the firing
platoons in perimeter defense. Then,
as they increase their proficiency,
they will be expected to conduct patrols with the 2nd Battalior>, 4th Infantry and move out on external security operations.
Taylor said that they will be Lance Luhl~, 2nd Ptatoon.lNder, Deltll S.tte,y, 4th Bllltllllon, 9th Reid Artillery, brief members of the 4802 EKOrt
Battery on the organlutlon ol the !!11th Fleld Artillery Command. The Germen bettery, the flnt of three to be formed, could cially useful for route recon because
"they speak the German lingo.
provide edded eecurtty to Pershing sltw during an sctuel -,.

Pershing crews big news

by Stephen R. Schroeder
Pcrshlng Cab~ Staff Writer
For the, first time since Pershing II
missile deployment began in 1983, the
U.S. Army opened the gates at Mutlangen Missile Stor2ge Arca to a flood of
worldwide media rcpresenutivcs, Junc

The media came to document compliance activities as the command prepares
10 remove its 108 Pershing II missiles
and suppon equipment. "We have recorded the deployment, now we must
record the departure. We've waited a
long time for a chance like this, explained one journalist. He spoke from
experience. Once, he climbed a tree
outside Mutlangen to shoot a rare
photo which was later published in
Newsweek magazine.
The Intermediate Nuclear Forces
Treaty took effect on June t with the
exchange of ratified documents berwecn
the United States and the Soviet Union.
With the treaty now in effect the
scope of the 56th Field Anillery Command's oper2tions have expanded to include the removal of the PII missile system, inactivation of command units and
supponing Soviet verification inspections.

Media Day was held to brief news represcnutivcs on how the command will
.il::complish these new missions and to
give the reporters a chance to photograph missiles and gather background

Upon arrival, the newsmen were credentialed at the nearby Schicsstal parking lot and taken by shuttle bus to Bismark Kascrne.
Lugging and dragging man-sized tripods, video cameras, fragile lights and
other equipment, they rushed into the
Rodman theater to find the best seat or
shooting angle.
Anticipation filled the theater as more
media members arrived and time drew
near for the start of the show.
Bus after bus pulled up, let the journalists eagerly scurry off and pulled
away to pick up another group.
Then the rhythmic thump, thump of
helicopters drew near. Five huge CH-53
Sea Sullions appe.ared in the overcast
sky. Fifteen minutes later the 90-mcmbers of the Ministry of Defense press
pool flooded the theater.
Press passes proclaimed the presence
of prestigious magazines, newspapers
and television stations from acrou the
Reponers from the Washington Post,
Time magazine, Le Soir, the Daily Tele-

ABC - . Just one of the many televi,ton networke from .-ound the world thet sent
crews to Medle Dey. For related plcturN - pegM 4 end 5.

graph, Der Spiegel and Pr2vda flipped

through their press packs, jotting down
Television crews from Fr2nce, Spain,
the Soviet Union, the United States,
Czechoslovakia, Germany, Japan, Austria and Sweden worked hurriedly to

get their equipment set up.

Two rows of video cameras stretched
across the width of the theater, one
after another. A massive, tangled web of
wires and cords wound its way to the

Continued on page 4

Commander of the 56th Field Anille.ry Command, Brig. Gen. Roger K.

Bean, took the stage.
Tape recorders switched on, cameras
started rolling and busy hands began
writing. No one wanted to miss a word
or a picture.
This was a day awaited by many for In the past, news organizations
would have gladly paid a dear price for
a nibble of the cake being offered today.
The general welcomed the press and a
media day overview was given.
Capt. Scott Hill, plans officer for the
command, then gave a command ueaty
compliance briefing.
The reponcrs learned that the compliance plan calls for the Pershing missile sections to be placed in containers,
shipped to the United States and delivered to a selected site for destruction.
The rocket mot0rs are expected to be
eliminated by demolition or burning.
The re-enuy vehicle, minus the warhead and guidance clements, will be
crushed or flanened. "The physics packages themselves will be returned to
tbe appropriate national authorities for
disposition, Brig. Gen. Bean said.
The launchers will also be delivered
to selected sites for elimination. At
these sites, initial cutting will be done in
accordance with the INF Treaty.
At the end of the briefing, Hill reminded the audience that although the
command is commined to treaty com
pliance, it will maintain its combat reacliness.
"Our mission to maintain combat rcacliness docs not diminish with the introduction of the INF Treaty," Hill
said. "The 56th Field Artillery Com
mand will continue to conduct field
training exercises and undergo U .S. and
NATO evaluations.
After the briefing, the reponcrs bad a
shon question and answer period with
Brig. Gen. Bean.
The journalists conducted their own
INF inspections, when they were taken
to Mutlangen Mi$Sile Storage Arca aboard five double-decker touring buses.
The buses, brimming with cameras and
microphones, were met at the front gate
by several of the site's resident protesters.
An erect Pershing missile loomed behind the wall.
During the bus tour, the media was
briefed on many of the site's buildings
and complexes.
Brig. Gen. Bean remarked that most
of the facilities are "very generic. They
will be used by some soldiers in the fu.
ture, I am sure, he said.
The media was then let loose on three
tr.aining pads to and film
various missile displays and interview
They descended on the soldiers and
displays like a starving swarm of locusts
ready to devour every bit of news and
eve.ry picrure.
"It's nice to be able to do it the easy
way," said a CBS "I've
spent a lot of time crawling outside
fences and getting arrested to get Pershing shots.

"I think it was a good idea to let everyone in to see what a good system we
have," said Spec. Donald Doheny of
HHSB, 2nd Battalion, 9th Field Anillery. E>ohcny was stationed at one of
the displays at Mutlangen.
Another soldier on the training pads
was Spec. Scott McCall, Charlie Battery, 2-9. He believed that "our combat
readiness: played a big part in bringing
about the treaty and Media Day.
"It was nothing like I thought it
would be," remarked SSgt. Qyde
McLaughlin of Alpha Battery, 2- 9.
McLaughlin's "Hollywood Crew,"as
they came to be known within Alpha
Battery, was on band at the erect missile
display for interviews. At first I had
stage fright when I saw them (reponers)
all beading our way. It took. awhile for
me to come down to earth.

"It felt good to get so much recognition, McLaughlin said. "It felt good to
be in the spotlight, and it was good to
have our system and unit in the spotlight getting deserved recognition.
The "Hollywood Crew's" executive
officer, Capt. Mike Godwin, said the
event gave the whole battery a morale
boost. "The soldiers were able to sec
their accomplishment on television and
in the newspapers. There was a lot of
taping done and a lot of dippings cut
out of newspapers.

"Our combat readiness played a big

part in bringing
about the treaty
and Media Day"
Sgt. Willie Biggs, HHSB, 2- 9, said
be never thought be would be involved
in something so big. "We were told
there were going to be a lot of people,
but I never imagined so many, he said.
"Usually 'a lot' is SO or so.
A buddy of Biggs had a quote in the
"Stars and Stripes. "He bought 20 copies and sent them to all his relatives and
friends, Biggs said.
Summing up the feeling of most of
the soldiers involved, McLaughlin said,
"It was a day that I'll never forget. It
was like a dream.
After the M utlangen tour, the media
returned to Bismark Kaserne where
American Ambassador 10 the Federal
Republic of Germany Richard Burt,
German Federal Defense Ministry State
Secretary Dr. Lothar Ruh! and Brig.
Gen. Bean were center stage.
Doz.ens of microphones bristled from
the lectern, seeming to prod them to
speak. Floodlighu and popping earner:,
flashes lit the stage like small, artificial
suns and twinkling stars.
Below the stage the 154 journalists,
photographers and cameramen, representing 88 worldwide media organizations, jostled once again for position.
During his speech, Bun recalled being in Brussels in 1979 as a journalist
when NATO made the "Twin Track

On December 12, 1979 NATO unanimously adopted a "Twin Track.

strategy to counter the Soviet deployment of SS-20 missiles.
One traek called for arms conuol negotiations with the U.S.S.R., to restore
the intcrmediate nuclear forces balance
u the lowest possible level.
In the absence of an agreement, NATO's second track called for the deployment of 108 Pershing JI and 464
Ground-Launched Cruise missiles in
Western Europe beginning in December
At the time, mere was a grcai: deal of
uncenainty as to what the decision
meant,~ be said. "There was a great deal
of skepticism an.d even cynicism. It was
described as an arms build-up. There
was skepticism that we wanted to eliminate this whole class of weapons. There
was skepticism that the Soviets would
ever agree at the negotiating table.
"Now, standing here in 1~88," continued the ambassador, "I think it's
possible to say that the Double Track
Decision of 1979, the :Uro Option of
1981 and the deployment of missile in
1983 have vindicated the strategy of the
Alliance. Wc have been successful in eliminating this category of weapons.
At the end of bis speech, and Media
Day, Bun reminded his audience that
there is no free lunch in achieving
arms conuol obj.cctivcs but the first step
had been taken. "By demonstrating our
willigncss to maintain the military balance we have created the conditions for
real arms control, be said.
Media day provided the world a
glimpse of how the command and the
United States .,ill begin to meet the
INF Treaty's "real arms control" objectives.

The medl clo- In on n erect P1lf9h.

Ing n mlHlle and Its "Hollywood C...w."

More then 150 represeni.t1ve1 from 88

new, org1nlzatlon1 1tt1nded the command' Media Day on June a.


Standing IINlde an EL. CWO 2 Mllltt.w KOZll!lk 1xplaln1 how It wlll bl dNtn)yed. In lldclltlon lo thla dlaplay there an etect mlMlle, a mlMlle In transport mode, and mlulle.lhlpplng cont81ners on hand for
the lllldll to YIN.


Memberl of the prNt "lhoot" the c.matlng operation of a Perthlng II mlaslle. At the display, the media eaw how mlasllN wlll bl tllken 9flllrl befoni being lhlppad to the Unltld Stataa.

.. y -

tetevl,ton CHW from Wnt German Fledlo and Tetevltlon ru,het to

"II Media Day. (Below) I.Alter In the clay, TV Cl'$WI filled the front of
,mer1can Ambassador to West Germany Fllchard Burt and German
.olhllr Rilhl.


- =-, o1..., "'-

,. crew fTom Delta S.ttary, 2nd a,ttallon, tth F.A. dmllln a Parehlng II mlnlle
for the cameru. The dlaplay wH a popular attraction and Wit featured on HVIHI
T.V. broadcasts, while crew photot were u.ed In Time, U.S. Newt and World Fie-


port. and In do:ien, of newspapera around the -rid.

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