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l)ershina Cable

Vol. 21

No. 5

56th Field Artillery Brigade

MAY 1984

His Imperial Highness, Prince
Louis Ferdinand of Prussia visits the 56th Brigade, p. 3

The Heilbronn/Stuttgart
Chapter of the European
Rodeo Cowboy Association is
looking for good cowboys,
seep. 3

European firefighting equipment is coming to USA.REUR,

p. 5

Camera crew visits 1-81, p. 5

2-4 Infantry Warriors perform

ARTEP at Wildflecken, p. 8

A look at the women of 56th

Bde.; also background on women as a fighting force, pp. 10
and 11

NCOA annual Easter Egg
p. 12

Army Sgt. Maj. Gltnn E. Morrell, (R), USARUR

Command Sgt. Mj. James B. Crft (right rtar),
1-41 FA Command Sgt. Maj. Malachi Mitchtlljr.
(L) and 56th FA Bdt. Command Sgt. Maj. Southtrn
W. Htwict (C), wtnt on a tour of Htilbronn 's CAS
sitt on May 10 11 pan of Morrt/1'1 visit to tht
Ptrshing Brigade. At a luncheon held in his honor
that afternoon, Morrell discussed inuts of importance affecting solditn today. (story on p. 4).


I ""'"' ,o <xprcss my appreciotion, and
that of our ltllo"' citiuns. for the outstanding efforts ol all ,he uniformed and civilian
members ol the Deprtm<nts of Defense,
Sim, Army, and Air Force in implemen1ing
,he moderniution track of NATO's 1979
Dual-trick decision.
The highly succmful programs for 1hr
de,tlopmeni and dcploym<nt ol the Army's
PERSHING II sys,em and ,he Air Force's
Ground Laun,hed Cruise Missile (GLCM)
sy1<em required enormous efforu under ,he
most diflicul, circumS1anccs and lime
pressures. That boih sy51ems were read)' for
deploymen, is a ICSlimonial to 1he dedica1ion, prolmion,lism and hard work of
1housands of peopl<, and is in ,he very bes<
tradition of the Depanmcn, of Defense and
the >rrvices in\olved.
Simibrly, ,he con1ribu1ion of many in
both the Department of St.ate and ,he Department of D<fcnse permitted us to move
fon,...rd in lull coopemion with our NATO
alli wi1h deployments on schedule. All in,olvcd should be commended for a job <wtll

At th same 1ime, I deeply regret 1hat ,he

Sovie, Union was unwilling 10 reach a substantivt arms reduction agre<:mcnt that
would luvt made i, unnecessary to begin to
deploy thtse systems.
But 1his r<grtt should no, be 1aken as
detracting from tht coniribuiion ,o the pcce
and sccuri1y of ,he United Smcs and NATO
which the clfom of the people in your Depanments h,vc made. Wi,hout their dfons,
in the face of increasing Sovie, missile deploymenu, there would be an increasingly
des1abili.zing imbalance which would make
pt.ace less secure.
As a rul, of 1hcsc dforu, 1he credibiliiy
of our dcierrtnt forces is enhanced, and I
firmly bclicvt that we ore in a far ben<r
position to reach the equiiable arms reduction agreemen1 called for in the 01hcr irack of
the 1979' NATO decision.
I wou.ld appreciate your passing 1he con
tents of ,his letter to aU the men and women
of your departmenis who hc been involved
in this very significan, program.
Ronald Reagan

Farewell to 56th Bde.

As I prepare 10 leave my assignment as the
PERSHING Proiect Manager, I wish 10 acknov.lcdgc ,he excellcn, job which the 56th
Brigade has done.
The highlight of the program was meeting
PII IOC. Thi, accomplishment was the culmina<ion of years of planning, developing,
producing and 1esting a sysicm in which we
can all iakc great pride. No, only has ,he 56th
played a major role in the deploymen, of PU,
but you have also insured 1hat the P la systcln v.ill be kep, operaiionally ready un<il the
full transition is completed. All these accomplishmenu ha,e iakcn place during a period
ol political tension and dcmonS1rations
..:hich caused you to operate in a fish bowl

and made your job that much more difficult.

Please convey to the soldiers of the brigade
my sincere appreciation for their dedication
and perseverance. They arc truly ,he unsung
hero of ,his magnific,ent Army success. I
leave my assignmen, as PERSHING Project
Manager with confidence thai the symm will
"'ork well for the iroops and that i, will serve
as a significant deterrent against enemy ag-

William J. Fiorentino
Colonel, Ordnance

(Photo by J. 0 . Cochwln)

Weinberger, Marsh push payroll savings

The Department of Defense will soon be five years, bonds have the added protection
conducting the 1984 Savings Bonds cam- of a guaranteed minimum return of 7.5 per
paign. During the campaign, a Savings Bonds cent.
canvasser will bt contacting you to explain
I hope you will give ,he pyroll savings
the benefits of Sa,ings Bonds and invite you plan yo1Jr careful considemion when 1he
to ioin ,he payroll savings plan or give you an canvasser calls on you during ,he campaign.
opportuni1y to increase ,he amount ol your It provides one of ,he moSl convtnien,, depresent bond allo,mcnt.
pendable ways 10 save. h's an inves1ment in
When you join the pl,n, you select an our country and a better investment for you
amount 10 be m aside from each paycheck 10 at today"s market-based me.
buv bonds. The rcSt is au,omatic. You save
Caspar Weinberger
_pa)'day after payday, withou, intcrrupiion.
Today's Savings Bonds are bct1<r 1han
ever. They offer variable market-based me.
The Dcpartmen, of the Army will conduct
.Bonds held for five year, or more earn 85 the 1984 Savings Bonds Campaign during the
percent of market m. The rate is adjuS1ed month of May 1984.
every May and November 10 rcOcc, changes
During this year's campaign, a Savings
in 1he market. If marker mes rise, Savings Bonds canvasser will meei wi,h you to expBonds intercsi keeps pace. When held at least lain the meri1S ol buying and koeping Savings


Bonds and 10 an s"'cr your questions about

tho program. If you are nm ,lrcady par
ticiraiing, you will be asked to join the payrol savings plan. If you arc already a
membor, you will be asked to consider increasing your present allo1ment.
The payroll savings plan is a sure and easy
way for each of '" 10 enhance our personal
financial sccuri1y and have a siakc in the
future of our eoun1ry at the same time. An
amoun, set aside each payday for Savings
Bonds grows into a rewarding harves,.
If you do no, have a personal sa,ings plan,
Savings Bonds m e an excellent painless way
to begin one. The market-based intercsi me
is guaranteed while the bonds themselves arc
virtually loss proof. Addi1ionally. fedml income ux on inicrcst may be deferred and

Bonds are indeed a wise invesrment choice.

I urge each of you 10 seriousli consider
participating in the pa)'roll U\'ings plan .
When you put your savings inco Sa,ing~
Bonds, 7.ou arc building a brigh r fuwre for
yoursel , for your family. and for your
John 0. Marsh, Jr


there is no sute or local income tax liability.


NCOIC.._ ........._ .,_............ _

__ ,,.................- .....SFC Jim Cromblot

,._,.,...............- ...1-111 FA SpS J. D. Godwin (2732) ?7


Brig. Gen. William S -

1-1111 FA SpS Ron Allen (2733) 7101

3-Mtt, FA Sgt. I . a - Robinson (2712) 734
5511, en. St>' Judy Morwlnt (2733) 7195
2- <1111 Int. Pv2 - Mllltlr (2733) 8313

Publc Altoirs Officer

Mal- Ard'ony M. MaraYOta

Perahlng C.ble

May 1984

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