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l)ershina Cable

Vol. 21 No. 6

56th Field Artillery Brigade

Command Sgt. Mil. Southern W. Hewitt, 56th Field Artllle,y Brlglde
res to PreMnt the color1 to Brig. Gen. Wllll1m E. Sweet, brlg1de c o =
der. Incoming comm1nd1r Brig. Gen. Raymond E. Hlddoc:k w11t1 to receive
tht colors. Story on pp. 4 & 5


Soldier relates firsthand experience with

Army's "get tough" policy concerning DWI.
(page 3)

June 1984


Thi French 24th Fant- Bind pll'lorm1 during Allied Frllndahlp 01ys In
M6nch1degglng1n, which brought Glnn1n1, French, Dutch, end Americana
together for two CM1y1 ol 1port1 1nd celebr1Uon of friendship. Story on pp.

Sixteen soldiers from

Bravo Company, 55th
Maintenance Battalion,
prepare for a 100-mile
road march in Nijmegen, Holland. (page 3)

HHB, 56th Field Artil

lery Brigade adds a
new "twist" to P. T.
(page 8)


Haddock assumes bde. command

Story by Joyce Arrington
Photos by Paulette M. Dani<!
Troops from II units of ,ht 56th Fi<ld
Anillery Brigdt, and from the brigade's
Gennan counterpart uni,, the )0th Panicr
Gr<nadior Brigade, assembled on the Hard,
K>.Serne parade field for the bri~ade change
of command ccrcmo.ny held June I) at
Brig. Gen. William E. Sweet, the brigade
commander since July 1982, passed the bri
gade's colors and the command 10 Brig.
Gen. Raymond E. Haddock the S61h Brig
de's new commnding_ general, formerly
Chid of Staff and Deputy lnsullation
Commander at Fon Dix, New Jersey.
After the two generals inspect! the as
sembled troops, the colors wer< present<d
and the 84th Army Band played the national anthem, of America and Germany.
Command Sg,. Maj. Southern W. He
..; n, command sergeant major of the 56th
Brigade, took the unit colors from the color
guard and presented them 10 Sweet. Sweet
then pass! the standard 10 Lt. Gen. John
R_ Galvin, VII corps commander, who in
turn ga,e the colors to Haddock.
Immediately after the passing of the co
lors, Galvin ward! Sweet ,.i,h ,he Distin
guished St1'icc Mlal.
The troops pa11cd in review after rt
marks were made b)' Galvin. State Secretary
Herr Robert Ruder speaking on behalf of
Herr Lothar Spaeth, the Minister President
of Baden Wuerucmberg, Swett and Had
A reception follo..ed the ceremony
.,, here Haddock and his family were gret
t! and "'clcoml by his new command.

The eolora: p11t glorl11 end trldltlon .. .

Brig. Gen. Raymond E. Heddock (right), Incoming brigede commlnder, Ind Brig. Oen. Wlllllffl E. SWMt, brigade commander, prepere for the peMlllfl of the colors 1h11 1ymbollzea the ehlnge of COIIIINlnd.

lntplratlon for pr11ent ende1vora ..

Perahlng C.ble


a guide

Into the future.

June 1984

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