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Miss America Tour visits 56th


Bringing with them an abwidanc:e or 1alent, charm

and good cheer, the Min America Tour oerfcrmed for
soldiers and family membm ol the 56th t"ield Artillery
Bri,ade at the Haidt Spartsplltz, Aauat 16.
Susan Powel~ Mia Amcric:a 1981, frmi Enid, Oklahoma, headlined a IOur rponson,d by the USO and the

O.vla Travel Aaency. Tbe allow included - , and daia

rouwa aloa& with comody lketcbel.
FolJowin& their performance, the UWpc WU flowa to
lnnerinpn. wben they 11111, liped a.qrapba and
- with the .olcllen riaa AlpM lllttery.
f:tt1al~ 4ht Fidel Artillery, .,,_atly cm Combat
A1at S1atus.

For many or the - - , it wu their nnt helicopter

nipt, and they apent their time in the air ,napping
pictura ol Oermu c:utles perched oa moun1ainsidea
illoD& the way.
T1ie Yilit to the bripde ..,.. put ol the IIOIIP't four- - aedule ol per-.! appeuanc,e1 and allow perfor- - ror U.S. F o r e s ~ in Germany and kleland.

Vershina Cable
Vol. 18, No. 3

56th Field Artillery Brigade

Beptember 1981

37 remembered by citizens of German town



The i,eoi,le of ~ltz ltil1 remember the traslc bellcopter crash .tbat claimed the l i - ol 37 young Americu
IO!dien A1aust I J, I971.
They 111ill remember, and tend the lf'OIIDCII of the
monu_ment they cooatl'v.ctod at tbe c:ruli aite, with the
US. Army enginem. In 1973.
remember, and place flowers at tbc monument

tbroug ttbe lleUOIII ol the year.

And eacb year In Augllll, tbcy remember by boltln1
memorial aervice1 at tbe lite in boaor of the 3j IIOld.iers
from the 2nd Bat1alion, 4th Infantry, and the roar belicopcer crewmen from the I I tb Aviation Group wbo diod
in tbuccldcnt.

Nearly SOO Pegnltz citlzcns turned out for tbia year',

ICl'Yic:a, beld Augua 16, to remember.
01tcata of bonOf ror the acmca wen Mr. and Mrs.
Walter L. Cborry &lid retired Army Ms,t. &lid Mrs.
Walta: J. Pyzit, parenta ol two of the yoeqIOldien wbo
lost their liva in the tragic accident.

Repreientin1 tbc United S1ate1 Army were Brig. Oen.

Sidney O.Yia, commander of the 56tb Ficld Artillery
Bripde. 2/4 Infantry c:cmmandcr Lt. Col. Jama R.
Carlaon, and an honor auanl from HHC, 2/4 Infantry;
aad membm of the 76tli US. Army Band.
Rep,escntina 1bc Bllndcawebr were Oberst (Col.)
Franz Jotef Fischer and an honor pare! c:ontinacnt. Fint
Mayor Conrad Loebr ol Peplitz addreaed tbe gatberin&, followed ia tum by O.via and F'11eber.
ln addition to Ille meuagca or tbe featured 1peakcrs,
the ICl'Vicea also included readina ol All:bibald MacLeish's ~ "TIie Youn& Dead Soldiers" by (Private First
Clua) Joacbim Hoerl, 1 role call or the dead by 2nd Lt.

Froderic:ll R. Merz, and implratlonal mlllic by various

Followina a 21-pn salute and the American and West
Ocrman aation,,I antbema, the IOlemn IOU1ld of 'Tapa"
eclloed ICrOU tbc rollin& bills.
Yes. the people of Pegnlu remember, u if the you,na
aoldien who diod were their own.


~ . ,i ,... :

2nd LL FNlderlct R. Merz, 2/4 Inf the rol o.11 of the IOldlen who died In the 1171 tr.-y Gemllll town ol PegnltL (U,I. ArmJ pholo bf DM H8Nltt)
/l .


Page 3

Pershing Cable

September 1981

Senator tours site

Warner impressed
with CAS troops
Sen. John W. Warner (R-VA), toured the 56th Field Annlery Brigade Aug. 13, with
special emphasis on the Combat Alen Site (CAS) at lnneringen.
The vis,t to Pershing wu one of more than a dozen stops Wal'ller 1111de at Army
ins1allations in Germany.
The senator is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
After lnspcctin& the CAS location, Warner viewed a mock missile "count," where troopt
from Alpha Battery, 1st Battalion, 41st Field Artillery demonstrated their ability to pn,pare the Pershing missile for action.
following the demonstration, Warner talked to the troops, commcntina favorably oa Ille
superb professionalism of the soldien.
Prior to his departure from lnneringen, Warner panicipated in a promotion ceremony,
pinning on the stripes of newly promoted Sp4 Lawrence J. Snide, a Pershing missile crew
member from Alpha Battery, 1/41.
We were all greatly honored by the visit of Senator Warner. We welcome the opponuni
ty to put the Pershing soldier on display for all our elected representatives.


~ ~

w. w.,_ (RVA) plM 8p4 t a on L I i - J, Snide, Alpha,

,,., mlNlle ~ w . during Warner'- Nit to the lnlllflnGn CAS.

Senator John

(U.S. AnnJ photo bJ Gn9 Allen)

New leadership arrives at 56th FA Brigade

CSM SouttMm W. Hewitt has assumed duties as
the Command Sergeant Major of the 56th Field Artillery Brlaade.
He replaces CSM Carl E. Brown who retired.
Hewitt arrived from the 2nd Battalion, 42nd Field
Anillery in Crailsheim, Germany.
He is a 26-year Army ~eteran.
A native of Florence, S.C., Hewitt entered the Army
after graduation from bi&h school.
He and his wife Janet reside in the Schwaebisch
Gmund community. They have five children, Tammy
17, Tracy IS, Terrie, 11, Michael, S, and Roy 22, who
remained in the United States.

Col. R.Q. RounNYllle recently assumed duties as

the Deputy Commanding Officer of the 56th Field
Ar1illery !Brigade.
He replaces Col. Billy W. Fugitt, who was reassigned
to fort Sill, OK.
Rounseville arrived from the Military Science Department at the University of Virginia in Charlottsville,
Rounseville, a 22-year veteran or the Army, is a
native or Groton, N.Y.
Rounseville attained a Bachelor's Degree i.n Forestry
at the State University of New York. College of Environmcnta l S<:icnce and forestry, and also obtained a
Master's Degree in Business Management at Colorado
State University in Fon Collins, Colo.
He is accompained here by bis wife, Jackie.

LL Col. ChartN W. lic:llel

Col. R. G. " - ' " '. .

CFC drive begins

this month for Bde

Lt. CoL Chartee W. Bloke! recently assumed duties

as Executive Officer, 56th Field Artillery Brigade.
He replaces Lt. Col. Gary L. Poff who was reassigned to Fon Braea, N.C.
Bickel arrived rrom the 3rd Infantry Division Head
quanen in Wuerzburg, where he served three yean.
Bickel ii a 22 year veteran of the army, six of which
were spent as an enlisted man.
A native of Indiana, be attended the Univenity or
Nebraska where be received degrees in economics and
lepl science.
He and his wife, Gutbrun, reside in the Hardt Housing area in S<:bwaebiscb Gmuend. They have three
children, Sonya 20, Charles, Jr., 19, and Christine, 17,
who an: attendina school and working in ~ United

The 1982 Combined Federal Campaign - Overseas Area will be held during September for the
56th Field Anillery Brigade.
Voluntary campaign gifts will assist 21 Intern&
tional Service Agencies, American Red Crou,
USO, and 27 National Health Agencies in their
respective missions or service to people at home, on
base, and around the world.
The goal is to offer each Department of Defense
employee, military or civilian, the opponunity to
ass,st persons with problems and to improve life
situations through the medium or the CFC agencies.
This year's campaign theme, "Put a Little Love
in Your Heart and Give Generously Throuah the
CFC," illustrates the person-to-person approach of

the CFC campaigns.

The agencies of the CFC arc the link between
caring persons and those suffering distress.
Key people have been designated as CFC leaders
in each area to provide additional information and
Gifts may be made through payroll allotment. or
by direct conlributions" Through the payroll allotment plan, donations may be spread over l 2
montlu, beginning with the first pay period in 1982.
Ir desired, one or more specific agencies may be
desianatcd to receive an individual's donation.
Representatives will be designated for each unit
of the 56th Field Artillery Brigade, and all soldiers
will be offered the opportunity to contribute.

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