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Vol. 29, No.

56th Fleld Artlllery Commend

Update FYI


Security Control


S1arting March 1990, 1he G-2 section will begin

random inspeciions of briefcases, baggage, or any
ocher containers that belong to personnel entering
or exiting rhe Command Building on Bismarck
K.iserne (Bid~. 50-1).
lmplemetauon of 1he DA's Activity Entry and
Exie Program v.ill be conducted to provide a credible deterrent 10 those who would be inclined to
remo\'c classified material without authority.
A random method of inspection will be used
and results from inspections will be recorded and
filed "'ichin the G-2.
As a r eminder, courier cards or courier orders
are required when removing classified material
from 1hc military community,
For further information contact SSC Hernande, , SSO '-JCOIC/SPC Walker, SSO Clerk a1
ETS -l275-SS I18S2.

Black History Month

"The Father of Black History, Cmer G.
\X'oodso n, A Living Legacy" is 1he theme for
199~'s Black H istorv Month.
Black Hiscory M~nth and other special/ethnic
observances " 'ere instituted by 1he Department of
Defense to adnnce cultural awareness in 1he mili-

February 1990

Hel lbronn

Schwaeblsch Gmuend

Present Soldiers

11111111 Proposed Soldiers


Present Vehicles

License Plates
H EIDELBERG, Wm Germany - Effective
Februar:,, 12, all new privately-owned vehicle
(POV) license plates issued by the USAREUR Registry of Motor Vehicles will be of a new cype.
The ne"' license plate is white with a double
black band across the top and bottom of the plate.
In addition to being issued ,o newly licensed vehicles, the new plates will replace, at registration
renewal, old plates that begin with the designation
AA through OW. Replacement of rhe remaining
license e lates will be announced later.

Proposed Veh icles

New units revealed

by Gerard Hart
Public Affairs Officer

tar~ community.

Carter G. Woodson originated the idea of Black

H im,ry Month in the early twentieth century to
promote 1he accomplishment of Black Americans.
The Department of Defense adopted the program and has celebrated Black H istory Month in
Fcbruarv since I 976.
The focal point this year is education and bl3ck
For more information about Black History
:V!onth celebrations in your community contact
)'t>ur local Equal Opportunity representative.

Neu Ulm

. _German and U.S. government officials presented a

imm plan for the follow-on use of Pershing facilities
m West Germany to community officials in Command locations during early February.
The proposals were briefed to the mayors and
town councils of Heilbronn, Schwabisch Gmiind,
and N eu-Ulm by a representative of the Federal Ministry of Defense. The proposals identified U.S. units
currently stationed in West Germany which .;..ould
move into the vacating Pershing facilities in 1991.
56th Field Artillery Command units wiU inactivate
in compliance with the terms of the Intermediate-Range N uclear Forces Treaty which went into
effect on June I, 1988. That treaty requires the elimination of all Pmhing missiles by May 31, 1991.
The Command will retrograde all Pershing missiles,
turn in all equipment, and inactivate units by June
The proposed _moves would facilitate the improved
read.mess of units currently stationed in locations
which are inadequate to support the improved readiness.. This i_mpr~ved readiness includes providing the
moving umts w11h state-of-the-art Anny equipment
to. be better able to perform their peace and wartime

Pvt, 2 Mike Jo,-,

s urveyor,
2nd Bn., 9th FA,
p11rtlclp11tea In a
ol the complex

Involved In aurvey.
See page 5 for

Under the proposal for the Heilbronn military

community, the 34th Signal Battalion and Headquarters, 93rd Engineer Brigade would move from Stuttgart to Heilbronn. The 237th Engineer Battalion would relocate from Wharton Barracks to Artillery Kaserne in Hcilbronn. Waldheide would be used for
!'laintenance and equipment storage as well as a trainmg area for the engineer and signal soldiers.
Two commands will occupy the facilities in
Schwabisch Gmiind. The Headquarters, 2nd Corps
Support Command and the Headquarters, 30th Medical Group uniu will move from Stuttgart. The 2nd
Corps Support Command will bring the 800th Material Management Center, 229th Movement Control
Center, and 16th Data Proceuing Unit to su_pport it.
The 31st and 128th Combat Support Hospnals, the
42nd and 651st Medical Companies, and 428th Medical, Optical, and Maintenance Support Unit ...ill
move to support the 30th Medical Group. Mutlangen
will house wartime host nations support units.
Neu-Ulm will receive units from several locari,:ms.
The 2nd Battalion, 14th Field Artillery will move in
from Bamberg. The 2nd Battalion, 77th Field Artillery will come from Augsburg, while the 557th
Maintenance Company will move from Aschaffcnburg. Co. D, 1st Engineer Battalion will move
from Stuttgart to support the field a.rtillc.ry units.
Civilian jobs and local national employment
should remain stable as the community suppo rt requirements remain relatively constant.

Slam dunking the

Company, 38th

Signal, bre.ka his

fell by hanging on
the rim. See page

T for story.

Pershini; Csb/6
Febrvary 1g90

~, 1..





..,: ? i

arid"'19rlds a hand f
ng Centur on Sh eId
Sgt. WIiiiam Thompson (right) and Spec. Nathllnlel Jackson plan their movement, u aquad from 1pecl1I pl1n1 platoon, 56th

d Ur1

the V Corps Blue Force, in the force-on-force, free-play exercise.

The role of the 56th Field Artillery
Command in Centurion Shield '90 was
smaller this year than last. However,
the support of personnel and facilities
"have remained the same but the level
of participation and media coverage
have increased considerably." according
to Sgt. Robert Annis, operations
noncommissioned officer (NCO) with
56th Field Artillery Command's G-3.
More than I 00 soldiers, officers and
enlisted, were sent to various locations
within the 15,600 square-mile maneuver
"We had 20 cooks, private through
Sgt. I st Class that reported to Crailsheim, McKee Barracks," said Annis.
"We also had five escort officers and
three drivers attached to the Allied
Press Information Center at Dolan
Barracks in Schwabisch Hall.
The 193rd Aviation Co., performing
the same mission as last year, acted as
an escort service supplying two helicopters to support the Joint Visitor
Also, 30 command officers were sent
10 the Warrior Prep Center at Ramstein
Air Force Base. According to Annis,
they served as fire support officers
while working in response cells.
"Some officers were used to input in
formation about battle scenarios into
the computer used to simulate battle ex
ercises. Also, they monitored the play
ers progress, recorded it and updated
the game board," Annis stated.
Officers may not have engaged in the
heat of battle but, four NCOs from the
Command had some "hands on experience" during the mock war.
Four of our NCO's lived in the field
and took part in the battles acting as
Maj. Gan. Peter Boylen, Jr., (right) 1oth Mountlln Division commender, and Lt. Gen.
Henning von S1ndrart, Commander-In-Chief, Allied Force, Cantrel Europe w1lk liaisons between the corps," Annis smthrough the 10th Mountain's main command post, set up behind Hardt Housing dur- ed.
The majority of the command's partiing REFORGER '90.

of Baden-Wilrttemberg and Bavaria.

During REFORGER American soldiers
from Stateside bases crossed the Atlantic
and linked-up with European-based
Talk of reduction in forces continues forces to execute a large-scale field
to make headlines, but emphasis on training exercise.
Inside the maneuver box there were
quality training endures.
During Centurion Shield '90, com- less than 80,000 allied and U.S. troops
The number included maneuputer simulated battles took the place of
some costly field maneuvers without ve.r damage control teams; umrires and
personnel in the area contro centers,
sacrificing effective wartime training.
This year's high-tech Return of For- the umpire control center and the exces w Germany (REFORGER) was ercise control center.
Vll Corps, the Gold Force, battled
conducted January 15-26 in the states
by John L. Morgan
Staff Writer

~ --

~t ~:ci,, plan. platoon :-n:::-~,::

:"':h~:~:r, :~av~~~~:e~! thJ~~~~
Centurion Shield.
cipation involved the Special Plans Platoon, Headquarter and Headquarters
Battery, 56th FA Cmd., meshing with
the 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry}, Fort Drum, N .Y.
Before Centurion Shield '90 began,
10th Mountain and Srecial Plans established a division-leve position in a de
fense posture in the southern portion of
the maneuver box. According to Sgt.
First C lass Michael Gray, NCOIC of
Special Plans Platoon, it was the first
time they deployed under an infantry
doctrine rather than field artillery.
"We looked and med just like lightinfantry," Gray said. "However, our
four-day mission was completed before
the actual battle began.
56th's support of the light infant<'
could also be seen at Hardt Kaseme and
around Hardt Housing Area.
According to Annis, the 2nd Battalion, 9th Field Artillery's motor pool
bays and empry buildings were used 10
house more than I, I 00 Mounuinccr
soldiers. Also, soldiers in the field were
rotated into garrison 10 utilize 2-9's
shower and laundrr facilities.
Meanwhile, 10th Mountain operated
their division main command post behind the Hardt sportsfield, according 10
Annis. Throughout the exercise,
ground-guides and their vehicles maneuvered safely through Hardt Housing
and its elementary school areas.
Further still, the 4th Bn., 9th FA operated a 24-hour dining facility.
"They served soup, coffee and
through prior coordination they
provided hot chow to rhe soldiers in the
field," said Annis.
Even though the role of the com
mand in last year's REFORGER was
more involved, the participation of the
56th during this year's Centurion Shield
was just as important, according to Anms.

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