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Running Head: Breast Feeding

Yazmin Avalos
University of Texas at El Paso
Professor Kinley

Running Head: Breast Feeding



When mothers describe the joy of boding with their babies by breastfeeding is it
something that all mother would want to experience. Breast milk contains antibodies that help a
baby fight off viruses and bacteria. Breastfeeding lowers babys risk of having asthma or
allergies and babies who are breastfed exclusively for the 6 months have fewer ear infections,
respiratory illnesses. Making the decision to breastfeed is a personal matter. Its also one thats
likely to draw strong opinions from friends and family. Courtney Jung, (October 2015)
Overselling Breast Feeding, New York Times advocates the line from supporting a women in her
decision to breast-feed into compelling a woman to do so. For the second choice it is a picture
where there are three women in a public stall breastfeeding their child. Breastfeeding should not
be something to be ashamed of, its something that women have to do to feed their child.

Audience and Purpose

Courtney Jung, (October 2015) Overselling Breast Feeding, New York Times the
intended audience are women and mothers who are breastfeeding. In the picture Breastfeeding ad
the intended audience are also women who breastfeed and have to hide from the public. The
purpose of the information presented in the New York Times Article is to inform women about
benefits and statistics of breastfeeding. According to researchers in the Center for Disease
Control and Prevention (2015) 79% of American mothers initiate breastfeeding, and 49% are
still breastfeeding at six months. In the picture the purpose of the information presented is to
inform about the controversy of women breastfeeding and having to do in a private place. The

Running Head: Breast Feeding


way audience tie in with the purpose is that the general public does not approve of women
breastfeeding in public. It has been a big controversy everywhere and women have been dealing
with this problem for a long time. What the audience knows is that breastfeeding is a necessity
for women and their child but when doing it in public it makes not acceptable. In the picture the
women know that they have to breastfeed their child no matter the time or place and knowing
that they have to hide is wrong. Women have been harassed because of breastfeeding in public
and the general public isnt aware that the mother is just doing what the baby needs. They see it
as a form of disrespect and public indecency because of breastfeeding. In the New York Times
article it shouldnt take long to read and understand, because the statistics are well defined and in
the picture it can clearly be seen that the women having to hide from the general public to be
able to breastfeeding their child without being harassed. The language being used in the article is
formal because it has information that the general public should be able to understand. It is
appropriate to the audience because it clearly states facts and stories about women who
breastfeeding and have been harassed for doing it in public. In the picture it doesnt have much
words, but what is on the picture the language is formal because the women are asking for a
private place for two where they are away from the public. Its also clear that the sadness and
humiliation of the mothers is from having to feed their child in a stall because otherwise they
would be harassed by the public and would not be able to feed their child. In the article the
vocabulary is not that hard to understand. According to Jung (2015) It turns out the American
mothers breast-feed just as much, and often for much longer, than women in many other Western
countries. It may have some medical terms because there is medical facts and doctors have done
research on the benefits of breastfeeding. When breastfeeding it has a nearly perfect mix of
vitamin, protein, and fat that a baby needs to grow. It is appropriate for the audience because its

Running Head: Breast Feeding


not hard to understand. When seeing the picture it is easy to understand what the women are
doing. They are hiding from the general public in a dirty stall breastfeeding their child. In the
picture the women also seem sad and kind of ashamed or humiliated for having to do something
that is necessary in a public stall. The significant similarities between the two genres is that both
the article and the picture are arguing the right for women to breastfeeding in public places
without being looked at or being harassed. A difference is that in the article it has the research of
many doctors who agree that breastfeeding is better for a childs growth. It also has stories of
women who have been harassed or have been told what to do when seeing them breastfeed in

Ethos, Pathos and Logos

The credibility the audience establishes in the article is credible because it has a variety of
statistics and researchers who have worked on this controversy for many years. It also has the
names of very well-known doctors who contribute to the research of breastfeeding and
organizations that help women who breast feed become eligible for government help such as
WIC to receive nutritious food. According to researcher Dr. Kramer (2015) Measuring does
response effects in a large group of subjects his research challenges the finding of many
observational studies. It is effective because people have a better understanding of what women
have to go through when having to take care of herself and her baby. The way the article helps
evoke an emotional response by the audience is by reading all the stories that women have been
through when breastfeeding in public. According to Jung (2015) Friends, acquaintances and
even strangers began to lecture me about breastfeeding. When reading these stories it makes the
reader have a better understanding of what women go through when being harassed or judged

Running Head: Breast Feeding


because of breastfeeding their child in public. In the picture it also make the viewer see what
women will do just to breastfeed their child. In the article the types of evidence that are used to
support the claims of the information in the genre is name of researchers and doctors who have
been working on this controversy for many years. It also has the names of centers for disease
control and prevention that will help women understand the effects of breastfeeding. It is
appropriate for the article to have names and facts about these people who are involved in the
campaign of breastfeeding in public because it also makes it more credible and have a better
understanding of what women are going through in todays society. The similarities between the
article and the picture is that women will do anything to keep their babies healthy. Another
similarity between the article and the picture is that the article has many heart moving stories of
women who have been harassed, while the picture can mean so much without having to say
anything, and by the looks on this picture it is heart touching having to see these mothers
breastfeeding their child in a public stall because they look afraid of what the general public
could say to them. In the article I picked it creates the appeal to ethics which is ethos because it
is a means of convincing the public that breastfeeding is not meant to offend anyone, while the
picture I picked is pathos because it in a way it is convincing the audience of an argument by
creating and emotional repose of watching women being harassed because of breastfeeding in

Structure and Delivery

Courtney Jung, (October 2015) Overselling Breast Feeding, New York Times the
information is well organized and can be read with no difficulty. The article had paragraphs
which makes it easier for the reader to understand. The layout is well put because it doesnt have

Running Head: Breast Feeding


many ads that distract the reader from the article. On the sides it has related content that can be
beneficial to audience if they are interested in this topic and would like to pursue the reading and
understanding of this controversy. In the picture if clicked on, it takes the reader to another
website where it has more information on the background of where the picture came from. The
layout is well organized and has little to no ads. It also has some information on why the students
from the University of North Texas created the ad to support public breastfeeding. The colors in
the article are neutral, they dont strict the reader and it doesnt have any visuals. It does have
some ads that dont contribute to the article, but they arent too disruptive. The font on the article
is easy to read and the link to other related contents do work. The picture is the visual and it is
clear what they are trying to say. The colors are not distractive and the picture is a good quality.
The way these elements contribute to the purpose of the genre is that they tie everything together
to make the reader have better understanding of what women have to go through just to feed
their child. They dont make the content dramatic because they want to focus on whats
important and thats the right for women to be able to feed their child in public without being
lectured or harassed.

The genre that was more effective in conveying its message was the article, because it has
more information on breastfeeding. It also had many stories of what women had to go through
when feeding their child in public. The article also had statistics and well-known researchers who
support women on breastfeeding in public. The information on the article is credible and has
other related content that support the article. Although the picture had a strong message, the

Running Head: Breast Feeding


article was more effective in conveying the message. Breastfeeding is something that women
should not be ashamed to do in public because it is a necessity for another humans life.

Running Head: Breast Feeding


Courtney Jung (2015) Overselling Breast-feeding

Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. (2014) UNT Student Ad to Support Breastfeeding

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