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Dear Reviewer,

This is my second creation of The Professional Educational Portfolio. After completing

this portfolio and my courses for this semester I should be on my way to receiving my
Rank 1 in Educational Technology. I would like to start by explaining why I chose the
field of Educational Technology. As a High School Business teacher, I work daily with
technology and have a passion for learning more of what technology can help the world
accomplish. I get excited when I see a student learn how to use a technology in a way
they had never thought before or even learn how to use a new technology.
I also have a passion for wanting to help other teachers to integrate technology into
their classroom, as long as that technology supports the outcomes the educator is
striving toward. These are the reasons for attempting the Rank 1 in Educational
Technology program at Morehead State University.
Throughout the many courses I have taken for my Rank 1, I have created many projects
that will be showcased on the website, as well as completed various writings on the
topics discussed within the elective courses I have chosen. Through these projects and
writings I hope that you will see my growth within the field of educational technology,
skills and abilities gained through the coursework completed, as well as my enthusiasm
for one day working in this field to help others integrate the use of technology.
Within this portfolio you can see the knowledge and skills that I have obtained, while
also learning to reflect so that I may grow, both as an individual and as a professional.
Throughout the projects that I have showcased and core questions answered, you can
see the depth of knowledge that I have gained, and the degree of mastery that I have
obtained according to the ETS, ISTE and AECT standards.
I look forward to the feedback that I obtain and the ability to reflect upon and grow in my

Gregory D. Spears
Gregory D. Spears

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