May 05 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 05, 2016

Why should everyone love and respect their parents? Bhagawan lovingly
explains to us today.

There may be a wicked son, but not a wicked mother.

It is because of the noble feelings of the mothers that
sons become virtuous, intelligent, attain exalted
positions and earn name and fame. It is the mother
who fosters and nourishes you. It is she who knows
your choices and preferences, and fulfils all your
needs. So be grateful to your mother always. First and
foremost, you should show gratitude to your parents,
love them, and respect them. Your blood, your food,
your head, and your money are all the gifts of your
parents. You do not receive these gifts directly from
God. All that is related to God is only indirect
experience. It is only the parents whom you can see
directly and experience their love. So, consider your
parents as God. God will be pleased and will manifest
before you only when you love and respect your
- Divine Discourse, 6 May 1999.

If you honour your parents, your children will honour you. Baba

05 meI ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:hr iek nUM,Awpxy mW-bwp nwl ikaouN ipAwr krnw cwhIdw hY Aqy aunHW
dI ie`zq krnI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr : iksy dw pu`qr,duStqwpUrn qW ho skdw hY pr koeI vI mW, duStqwpUrn
nhIN ho skdI[iksy vI mW dIAW au`qm BwvnwvW kwrx,aus dw bytw

sdwcwrI,bu`DImwn,cMgI pdvI pw skdw hY Aqy ies sMswr iv`c Awpxw nW Aqy

mShUrI pw skdw hY[iek mW hI hY ijhVI quhwfw pwlx-poSx krdI hY[auhI
jwxdI hY ik quhwfIAW ie`CwvW Aqy pihlI psMdW kI hn Aqy quhwfIAW
swrIAW,zrUrqW nUM pUrw krdI hY[ies leI,hmySw AwpxI mW dy iehswnmMd
hovo[quhwfw pihlw Prz bxdw hY ik qusIN Awpxy mW-bwp dw D`n-vwd
kro,aunHW nUM ipAwr kro Aqy aunHW dw sqkwr kro[quhwfw KUn,quhwfw
Bojn,quhwfw idmwg Aqy quhwfI D`n-dOlq,quhwfy mW-bwp v`loN,quhwnUM qohPy
hn[quhwnUM,ieh qohPy is`Dy qOr qy,Bgvwn qoN nhIN imldy[Bgvwn nwl,jo vI
cIz sMbMiDq hY auh,Ais`Dw AnuBv hY[kyvl mW-bwp hI hn ijnHW nUM qusIN,is`Dw
vyK skdy ho Aqy aunHW v`loN id`qy ipAwr dw AnuBv kr skdy ho[ ies
leI,Awpxy mW-bwp nUM,Awpxw Bgvwn hI smJo[jd qusIN,Awpxy mW-bwp nwl
ipAwr krn lg pau gy Aqy aunHW dw sqkwr krn lg pau gy, Bgvwn KuS ho
jwx gy Aqy quhwfy swhmxy pRkt ho jwx gy[(06 meI,1999 dy idvX pRvcn)[
jy qusIN,Awpxy mW-bwp dw sqkwr kro gy qW quhwfy b`cy vI quhwfw sqkwr krn

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