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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam May 06, 2016

On the auspicious occasion of Mother Easwaramma day, what is Bhagawans

message to us on the role of a mother in our lives? Bhagawan lovingly explains
to us.

Never look down upon any woman. They are most virtuous.
With all sacred feelings in your heart, respect women and be
respected. Love and Respect your mother, obey her
commands. Never disrespect your mother or hurt her
feelings. Try to satisfy her in all respects. Only then will the
seed of devotion sprout in you. Mother protects her children
in many ways. Even after death, she will come back and help
you. Everyone should follow the dictum,Mathru Devo
Bhava (Mother is God) in letter and spirit, and receive their
mother's love. Mother Easwaramma was full of love and
sacrifice and she led a life of fulfillment and peace. In order to
propagate this sacred ideal, this day is being celebrated as
Easwaramma Day. This is to emphasise that each one of you
should make your mother happy. If your mother is happy,
Swami is happy.
- Divine Discourse, 6 May 1999.

If you honour your mother, the Mother of the universe will guard you against harm. Baba

06 meI ,2016
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:mW eISvrA`mW idn dy SuB idhwVy qy,Bgvwn swnUM dsdy hn ik,swfy
jIvn iv`c,mW dI, kI BUimkw hY? Bgvwn ,ies bwry swnUM,smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: iksy vI mihlw(iesqRI) nUM,burI nzr nwl nw vyKo[auh,mhwn sdwcwrI
huMdI hY[Awpxy idl dI piv`qr BwvnwvW nwl,iesqRI dw mwn kro Aqy aus qoN
mwn pRwpq kro[AwpxI mW nwl ipAwr kro,aus dw sqkwr kro Aqy aus dw

kihxw m`no[kdy vI AwpxI mW dI byie`zqI nw kro Aqy kdy vI aus dI BwvnwvW

nUM,Tys nw phuMcwau[aus dI, hr hwlq iv`c,qs`lI krvwau[qW hI quhwfy
AMdr,BgqI dI Bwvnw jwgy gI[mW,Awpxy b`icAW dI ,keI FMgW nwl r`iKAw
krdI hY[ie`QoN qweIN ik mrn qoN bwd vI,auh quhwfI r`iKAw krn Awvy gI[hr
iek nUM,ies Drm dI pwlxw krnI cwhIdI hY ik mW,Bgvwn hY Aqy AwpxI mW
dw ipAwr hwsl krnw cwhIdw hY[mW eISvrA`W,ipAwr Aqy iqAwg nwl
BrpUr sn[aunHW ny Awpxw jIvn ,svwrQhInqw Aqy SWqI nwl bqIq
kIqw[ies piv`qr AwdrS dw sMdyS dyx leI,ieh idn,eISvrA`mW idn dy rUp
iv`c mnwieAw jWdw hY[ies leI,quhwnUM hr hwlq iv`c,AwpxI mW nUM,KuS r`Kxw
hY[jy quhwfI mW KuS hY qW,svwmI KuS hn[(06 meI,1999 dy idvX pRvcn)[
jy qusIN,AwpxI mW dw sqkwr krdy ho qW ies sMswr dI mW,quhwfy iksy vI
nukswn hox qoN , r`iKAw kry gI[(bwbw)[

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