The Terracotta Army

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The Terracotta Army

The warriors, horses and chariots of the terracotta army were buried
in three pits between five and seven metres beneath the present
ground level. The pits were divided into trenches paved with brick
ad covered with a timber framework of pillars and cross-beams. The
soldiers, chariots and horses were wheeled into position within the
trenches. Wooden planks were laid across the top, then thick reed
mats, and finally soil. A fourth pit as found, but it was empty.
Pit 1

The structure built over Pit 1 in 1979

allows excavation and restoration work to
continue all year round

Pit 1 is the largest of the

pits. It is rectangular in shape
and measures 230 by 62
metres. The soldiers and
charioteers are arranged in
battle formation of 11 columns
in a series of parallel trenches,
210 metres of heavily armed
infantry stand four abreast.
Among their ranks are the
remains of wooden chariots,
now decayed, and the terracotta
horses which drew them. Three
rows of archers form the vanguard and at each side a single column
of spearmen face outward. Warriors in the rearguard were armed
with crossbows.
About half of Pit 1 has been excavated and 1087 soldiers, 32
horses and traces of eight wooden chariots have been uncovered.
Archaeologists estimate that
Pit 1 may yield more than
6000 warriors, 160 horses and
40 chariots.
A building in the shape of
a giant hangar was
constructed over Pit 1 to
protect the site and the
excavation and restoration

work being carried out. More than 1000 soldiers have been restored
to standing position.

Pit 2
Pit 2 is L-shaped and covers an area of about 6000 square
metres. Excavations have so far revealed around 900 soldiers,
of threeand
trenches of Pit 1
including kneeling and standing archers,
showing the timber framework constructed
over the corridors housing the rows of
terracotta warriors

Archers armed with crossbows kneels in the front line. Behind

them stand more archers ready to fire over the front line.
War chariots are arranged in eight groups of eight, each one
with an officer archer and three infantrymen, one on each side and
one at the rear. Charioteers wore distinctive long-sleeved armour to
protect their arms and hands.
Cavalrymen stand in front of their horses. They wear a short
belted garment, close-fitting long pants and an armour vest.

More than 350 chariot horses, 124 cavalry horses and the
remains of 89 wooden chariots have been uncovered in Pit 2/ Traces
of the original colouring remain on some of the figures. Only a part
of Pit 2 has been excavated. A building has been constructed over
the site to allow excavation and restoration work to continue.
Archaeologists estimate that Pit 2 may hold up to 1300 figures.
Pit 3
Pit 3 is the smallest of the three pits. It is U-shaped and covers
an area of just under 500 square metres. It houses the battle
headquarters of the terracotta army. The ranks of officers can be
distinguished by uniform, armour and headdress. At the front of the
pit, facing east, is a canopied chariot drawn by four horses and
followed by four armoured soldiers. These horses and soldiers were
found in good condition, but many of the other 64 warriors found in
Pit 3 were smashed. Numerous bronze weapons were uncovered in
this pit.
Although many of the soldiers weapons were removed in
ancient times, thousands of weapons have been uncovered
including swords, daggers, halberds, spears, axes, crossbow triggers
and arrows. Many were made from a copper-tin alloy combined with
other elements such as nickel, magnesium and cobalt. Some
weapons were coated with chromium oxide to prevent corrosion.
Many have been found sharp, shiny and untarnished.

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