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Columbus Lesson


The Story

In 1492 he sailed the ocean blue with the Pinta, the Nina and the
Santa Maria.

He found the new world according to western world. Though

there were already people living in this part of the world. He
thought he was actually in China.

The Story (cont.)

Columbus claimed the land for Spain

even though societies had been
living there for a long time.

He was looking for Gold in this new

world and made it seem like he found
more than he did. He also took
people back to Spain with him and
his crew.

The Story (cont. cont.)

Sadly when he and his men came over to the new world they
brought over illnesses never before seen by the native people.
Due to this many of them fell ill and died.


Why did he think he was in China?

Why did he take the native people from their land?

So the journey would be more famous

Did he mean to get them sick?

He thought he could learn from them and they could learn form him.

Why did he lie about the gold?

China was the closest known land mass so people thinking he would be in
China would be a very reasonable expectation.

We dont really know but it happened.

Where the native people mean to them?

At first they were but he overstayed his welcome and then they retaliated to
his meanness.


Coloring Activity!!

Create a colorful map that shows where Columbus started and ended
up. You can even make little boats and people to demonstrate what
happened during his journey.

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