Shresttha Dubey 1

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Lambert High School

805 Nichols Road

Suwanee, GA 30024

To whom it may concern:

Shresttha Dubey is truly among the top three students I have encountered in my career. Mr. Dubey is an
exceptionally logical and analytical thinker. This is paired with his ability to comprehend and absorb information
almost faster than I can present it. Mr. Dubey takes his incredible abilities and seeks to sharpen them through
debate with anyone who can keep up. He is unafraid to wholeheartedly commit to and argue an idea until there is
simply no more to be said. Mr. Dubey passionately works to share his knowledge through leadership positions
that provide the opportunity to inspire and guide others.
Shresttha Dubey is one of the rare students who constantly elevates the conversation and debate in a classroom.
Because he rapidly comprehends new information and ideas, he constantly engaged me in debates about our
content. I wish I had counted the number of times I finally had to pronounce that we simply had no more time to
debate because we still had information to cover for the rest of the class. Mr. Dubey frequently found himself
unsatisfied with my unceremonious declarations and sought me out before and after to school. Even now we
routinely engage in debates about anything controversial that is on his mind. Perhaps our most heated debate
was about the value of GMOs for modern agriculture and society. We both had to stop and research various
aspects of our argument and resumed the debate over several days. Our most recent debate was about the prison
system and rehabilitation of prisoners in the United States. Perhaps his most valuable trait as a thinker and
debater it that he is willing to reassess his platform if truly compelling evidence and arguments arise. He does not
take the change lightly, but he is willing.
One of Mr. Dubeys more impressive qualities is the maturity that he pairs with his incredible intelligence. A
hallmark of his brand of intelligence and maturity is the almost cynical sarcasm he frequently uses to
communicate. His understanding of the world is so far outside of the norm in a high school that he cant help but
sarcastically poke fun at the world as his peers see it. He has already grasped perhaps the most essential
understanding of adulthood; nothing is black and white. People of his age usually see things as simply right and
wrong. Mr. Dubey understands that the opposition exists because there is always a good reason to oppose any
stance on the decisions that matter. His views are developed by working to understand both sides of the debate
and carefully determining what he thinks is the best option to balance the decision.
Finally, Mr. Dubey has the drive and initiative to seek leadership positions that he can use to inspire others. He
has been in leadership for Science National Honor Society for two years now. He is working to overhaul some of
our policies and procedures to make us function more efficiently and to inspire greater accountability on the part
of our membership. Most impressive to me is his leadership of MDJunior. The goal of MDJunior is to inspire
selfless service among its membership through partnerships with medical doctors. He has created the chapter at
Lambert and decided the best way to inspire people is to engage them in ethical debates about medicine for half
of the meetings. The rest of the meetings are dedicated to conversations with medical doctors that Mr. Dubey
contacts and invites to speak to the membership about medicine.

I cannot recommend Shresttha Dubey highly enough. He is truly exceptional among his peers is so many ways. He
will be an invaluable addition to your institution. Shresttha Dubey is one of the few who is so much better and
more worthy than even his impressive resume indicates. Thank you so much for your time and careful
consideration of this stellar candidate.
Jessica Ventre
Lambert High School
678-965-5050 ext: 411308

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