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Daniela Moya

Professor Isbell
ELED 300
28 February 2016
Module 2: Writing Assignment
What do planning, climate, and motivation all have in common? An effective
teacher with an extended knowledge of how these factors correctly apply in her
classroom. In this paper, I will outline chapters 4 through 6 of Learning and Teaching:
Research-Based Methods by Don Kauchak and Paul Eggen and how they relate to
TExES Padagogy and Professionalism Responsibilities EC-12 competencies: 3,4, and 6.

Chapter 4 Planning for Learning relates to competence 3. Both of these state why it is
importance for teachers to plan prior to teaching, the factors that influence planning, and
describe planning modules. Planning is described as the opportunity to personalize the
curriculum in Chapter 4, having the ability to do this while accomplishing the required TEKS is
helpful to for the emotional security of the teacher during the lesson. Planning establishes a
clear learning objective to follow during the lesson. It provides the steps to having ideas and
material organized. Teachers, learners, materials and resources, time, context, content, and
motivation are all factors of lesson planning. A planning module provides the sequence that
ensures all aspects of the lesson from hook to closure are accounted for.

Effective Teaching
Chapter 5 Effective teaching relates to Competency 4, this chapter explains how
classroom climates factors contribute to a positive learning environment. These factors are
caring, safety, and learning focus. Caring is important to close the gap between student and
teacher. A teacher that can empathize with her students will have the students motivation. A
safe and organized classroom goes hand and hand with classroom management. Lastly, having a
learning focused discussion maximizes learning, because it prevents conversations of topic
Increasing Learning Through Student Involvement
Chapter 6 Increasing Learning Through Student Involvement relates closely to
Competency 8, as they both discuss appropriate techniques used by teacher to involvement
students and in doing so motivating them to think. There are different forms of involvements
such as doing a science experiment first hand or having verbal concept checks to measure the
students understanding. Questions can be used to guide the learning process by emphasizing on
important topics or lesson objective.
An effective teacher has an extended knowledge of lesson planning, factors of a positive
classroom climate, and student involvement through motivation. Effective teachers acquire this
knowledge through positive and negative teaching experiences.

Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2012). Learning and Teaching: Research-Based Methods (6th ed.).
Boston, MA: Pearson.
TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC-12 competencies

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