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BCA- 501


Question1: What is e-commerce? Discuss its success and

failures. Discuss the various laws for e-commerce in India.

What is e-commerce?
We focus on digitally enabled e-commerce E-commerce is the usage
of web and internet for business transaction.

Transaction between organization and individuals.

E-commerce process has two participants, buyer and seller, like in
traditional business model, there is one more participant known as
merchant server.

Discuss its success and failures

Target the un-targeted
Know your customers thoroughly.
Target need that are unseen by your competitors.

business planning

Know your source of revenue, break even and the strategic details.
Decide on the future goals that you want to achieve.

Business friendly e-commerce software

Choose software that is easy to manage and allows you to focus on core
business activities.

Create a web store with a difference

Branding is important for the success of your online business.
Attractive domain name can play an important role in branding.

Make your hot sellers most visible

Create your specialty.
Show your best product/service first

Do not let your customers forget you

Customer relationship management is important.
Pamper your customers to generate permanent sales.

Discuss the various laws for e-commerce in India.

1 Reserve bank of India (electronic fund transfer system)
regulation, 1996.
2 Model customer agreement, defining terms conditions of EFT
existing in the RBI, EFT system.
3 Amendment to the Bract, 1934, to promote and establish the
EFI system.
4 Amendment to the bankers books evidence act,1981 enlarging
the definition of records to include the banks copy or
microfilms, magnetic tape or any other of electronic data
retrieved mechanism.

Question 2:
write short notes on:
The main advantages of EDI are:

Paper handling is reduced ,saving time and money;

Data are exchanged in real time;
There are fewer errors since data are keyed only once;
A large volume of repetitive standards actions.
Very tight operating margins.
Strong competition requiring significant productivity improvements.
Operational time constraints.
Trading partners* request for paperless exchange of documents.

b Strategic planning for EC

Strategic planning determines where an organization is headed over
the next year or more, how it is going to get there and how it will
know if the results are successful.

1) Environmental analysis:
It playas central role in strategic management.
Companies conduct environmental analysis to identify market
opportunities anew threats and also to anticipate changes in highly
complex and dynamic environments.

2) Competitive factors:
In formulating an e-business strategy, a company must consider the
strategies of their competitors.
A competitive analysis allows them to identify the competition within
the same market in order to analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

3) Economic factors:
The economic environment consists of factors that affect consumer
purchasing power and spending patterns.
The environment in which an organization operates is very much
determined by macro-economic factors.

c) Wireless technology

Wireless transmission technology now booming in IT-industry.

Radio waves are Omni-directional, means they can travel in all
direction form source, so that transmitter and receiver do not have to
be aligned physically.



Wireless technology

Convenient alternative Relatively new

to network cabling


Connects two
buildings where
physical media are

Transmitter and
receiver must be within
line of sight

Radio wave

No distance limitation

Susceptible to
atmospheric and
security limitation


Operates at speed of
light wireless data

Limited to short
distance and line-ofsite application

D) ERNET network

The following services are available on the ERNET network:

Electronic mail
File transfer
Remote login
Mailing lists

Network bulletin board service

Database access
Directory enquiry
Several issues need to be addressed in order to have harmonization of legal and
regulatory systems for e-commerce that could be acceptable to all states in India.

Telecommunication liberalization
Recognition of electronic documents
Electronic funds transfer
Dispute resolution
Domain names
Intellectual property protection

e) Internet security
The original internet protocol (IP).
By combining firewalls, IPSec and SSL, we can build a very secure
e-commerce system over the internet.

IPSec protocol

Internet protocol security is a suite of protocol used for securing

private communication over internet.
IPSec protocol creates a standard platform to develop secure network
and electronic between two machines.
Secure tunneling via IPSec creates circuit like connection via
network through which data packet can move.
Encryption is used to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and
authentication of the two ends in the private network.
Internet key exchange (LKE).
An application layer protocol authenticates each peer in an IPSec
This is done by adding a new IPSec header between the IP header
and the IP p0ayload.


And Introduction to

Q=1: Discuss the characteristics of inventory

management. Also explain its nature and
characteristics of inventory management

improve customer service

reduce certain costs such as
ordering costs
stock out costs
start-up quality costs
contribute to the efficient and effective operation of the production
finished Goods
essential in produce-to-stock positioning strategies
necessary in level aggregate capacity plants
products can be display to customers
necessary in process-focused production
my reduce material-handling & production costs
raw Material
quantity discount and freight/handling $$ saving
certain costs increase such as
carrying costs
cost of customer responsiveness
cost of coordinating production
cost of diluted return on investment
recued-Capacity costs
large-lot quality cost
cost of production problems

Nature of inventory
Two Fundamental Inventory Decisions:
How much to order of each material when orders are placed with
either outside suppliers or production departments within organization
When to place the orders

Independent Demand Inventory system:

Demand for an item carried in inventory is independent of the demand

for any other item in inventory

Finished goods inventory is an example

Demands are estimated from forecasts and customer orders

Dependent Demand Inventory system:

Items whose demand depend on the demand for other items
For example, the demand for raw materials and component can be
calculated from the demand for finished goods
The system used to manage these inventories are different from those
used to manage independent demand items

Inventory Costs:

Costs associated with ordering too much

Costs associated with ordering too little
These costs are opposing costs, i.e., as one increases the other
The sum of the tow costs is the total stocking cost (TSC)
When plotted again order quantity, the TSC decreases to a minimum
cost and then increases
This cost behavior is the basis for answering the first fundamental
question: how much to order
It is known as the economic order quantity (EOQ)

Balancing Carrying against

Ordering Costs
Annual Costs ($)

Total Annual



Total Annual
Stocking Costs
Large Costs

Nature and Functions

Receive material
Send for quality control
Rejected material
Monitor rejected stock
Send accepted stocks to stores
Conversion of unit of measurement
Issue to cost centers
Monitor consumption at each cost center
Monitor critical stocks
Monitor stocks for quantity and valuatio

Write short notes


ERP is one the most widely implemented business software systems

in a wide variety industries and originations.
ERP implementation utilizes various ERP software applications to
improve the performance of organizations for.
1 Resource planning,
2 Management control and
3 Operational control

ERP software consists of multiple software modules that integrate

activities across functional department from production planning
parts purchasing, inventory control and product distribution to order
Some popular vendors of ERP are:
Microsoft dynamics
People soft
ERP is a process of managing all resources and their use in the in the
entire enterprise in a coordinated manner.
ERP is a set of integrated business application or modules which carry
out common business functions such as general le: ger, accounting or
order management.

b Modules of ERP
Key to an ERP package is tight integration between modules so that all of
the core business modules are related.

Manufacturing module:

The manufacturing module is used to record data related to the

manifesting department of the organization.

Data is recorded in this module when bill of materials have to be

created work orders have to be created are receipts are to be created
for recoding completed work orders.

Sales and marketing:

Sales and marketing module is used to record data related to sales

department of the organization.

Inventory management:
ERP inventory management module facilitates recording of data in
the inventory department.

CRM (customer relationship

CRM provide customer data integration or master data management
The sales channels from in-person (field sales to)to phone (including
telemarketing)to online.

Financial management:

It includes functionality for general ledger, which is the core of ERP

financial management.
These modules also handle function for accounts payable and
receivable fixed assets financials reporting and treasury


DSS are interaction computer-based systems, which help decision

makers utilize dada and models to solve unstructured problem.
OLAP refers to querying and accessing on-line database.
DW refers to specific technical architectures for storing and accessing
large amount of data.





Solution types

Optimization model
Finding the best solution
Satisfying model
Finding a good but not necessarily the best-solution to a
Commonly accepted guidelines or procedures that
usually find good solution.

Problem solving factors

Multiple decision objectives

Increased alternative
Increased competition
The need for creativity
Social and political actions
International aspects
Time compression

d) Production planning and control

In the process of evolution of manufacturing requirements planning
(MRP) II into ERP, while vendors have developed more robust
software for production planning, consulting firms have accumulated
vast knowledge of implementing production planning module.
Planning: consideration of all input variable to achieve
predetermined output goals
Resource planning
Material planning
Manpower planning
Machine planning

Monitor WIP work on progress
Monitor production phase wise for every unit
Line rejections

Monitor daily production

Daily production and dispatch report
Monitor stander vs. actual consumption

Control: remedial action to prevent variance of output from

planned levels

Production planning Stages

Defining objectives
Setting priorities to attain objectives
Examining internal & external environment of planned
Determining achievable targets
Determining inputs needed to achieve targets

Effectiveness: goods to fulfill customers needed
Maximizing output: product/service quality meets
planned quality specifications

Functions of production planning

Product selection & design
Process selection planning

Function of production control

Inventory control
Time management

Phases in production planning & control

Pre-planning-product planning & development
Demand forecasting

Benefits of production planning & control

Higher quality
Better resource utilization

Limitation of production planning & control

Based on assumptions
Resistance to change

Measuring Effectiveness of production

planning control

Requirements for Effectiveness of production

planning control
Sound organizational structure
Delegation of authority

Planning & control of reserves; deterministic/nondeterministic system
Reliability theory: probability

e) SAP
Founded on April 1, 1972, by 5 IBM employees.
First product-financial accounting software.
From mainframe to server-client based application utilizing 3-tiered
The presentation layer.
The application layer.
The database layer.
Integration between ABAP and the database system.

Open SQL statement, query, update, or delete information

from database.
GUI development
Integration with other system
ABAP objects-develop application with object-oriented

Advanced Java

Q=1: Explain the RIM architecture and the method of its

Ans =1
RIM architecture








Physical Network

1. Client Application:
This is the application running on the client system.
The client obtains a reference to the remote server.
Once reference is obtained, a method can be invoked on the remote

2. Stub:

The Stub is a server-side proxy on the client.

It represents the server on the client side.
Any remote call is passed onto the Stub.
The stub marshals the method call.
Marshalling is the process of converting data into a network-ready form.
Marshalling is nothing but encoding and serialization of data.

3. TCP/IP and physical network:

RIM runs over the TCP/IP protocol.

4. Skeleton:
The skeleton is the client-side proxy on the server side.
It receives network data from the Stub.
It then un-Marshalls the data.
Un-Marshalling is the reverse process of marshalling.
The Stub once again Un-Marshalls it and return the result to the client

Method of its working

The working of RIM is given below:
1. Create a server application.
2. Register the server instance with a registry/directory service using an alias
3. Create the client application.
4. The client application looks-up the registry using the alias name
5. The client obtains the remote server instance.
6. The client invoked methods on the instance.
7. Server processes requests and sends back results to the client.

Program to display a message through RIM
Import java.rmi.*;
Import java.rmi.server.*;
Import java.rmi.server.unicastRemoteObject*;
Public class hello extends unicastRemoteObject implements hello interface
Private string message;
Public hello (String Msg) through Remote Exception

Public string say () throws Remote Exception
Return message;
Import java.rmi.Naming;
Public class helloclient
Public static void main (String args [])
Hello= (Hello Interface) naming. Lookup (//local host/hello) ;
System.out.println (hello.say ());
Catch (Exception e)

System.out.println (helloclient exception:+e);

Import java, rmi.*;
Public interface helloinetrface extends Remote
Public string say () throws RemoteException
Import java.rmi.Naming;
Import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
Public class helloserver
Public static void main (String args [])

Registry r= java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry.CreateRegistry (1099);
R. rebinds (hello, new hello (Arsenal Football Club, THFC forever
in our Shadow,);
Catch (Exception e)
System.out.println (server not connected:+e);

Server is connected and ready for operation
Arsenal Football Club, THFC forever in our Shadow.

Q=2: write Short notes on:

a) Advanced RMI concepts
RMI uses the JRMP-java Remote method protocol to communication
It works on TCP/IP.

Role of the Registry

The registry hosts the remote reference using an alias name.

The registry is itself a remote application.
By default, the registry runs on port 1099.
The registry maintains a hash Table.
It provides a solution for bootstrapping problem.

Changing the default port where RMI Registry is running

In the server application, create a new registry and bind the remote
reference to the registry created by your program
Arithlmpl server = new arithlmpl ();
Registry reg =LocateRegistry.createRegistry (5000);
Reg.rebind (arith, server);
In the client application, lookup for the remote reference on the port
of your registry.
Arithnt server=(arithlnt)naming.Lookup(rmi://;
(It is assumed that the server application is on the system with ip

b) Troubleshooting
If path is not set properly, i.e. java<java source file> say bad command or file
Go to Start->Setting->Control panel->system.
Go to Advanced tab and choose environment variables.
In the system variables or use variables section, choose path and
click Edit.
If path is not available, click on new and type path in the
variables name field.
Choose ok three times and close all windows
Close all command prompts and start them again
If any of to the application does not run properly, set the class path.

Go to your folder, type set class path =5 class path%;

Repeat it for all command prompts you open.
Class path can also be set in the Environment variables.
In this create a new environment variable named class path and give
its value as the path of your directory.
In the client program.
In the main method. Type the following line
System.setSecurityanager (New RMISecurityManager () );
This will set a security manager for your client application.

c) JavaBeans
The JavaBeans APL makes it possible to write component software in
the java programming language.
Components are self-contained, reusable software units that can be
visually composed into composite components, applets, application
and servlets using visual application builder tools.
JavaBeans component are known as Beans.
Components expose their features to builder tools, for visual
A Beans features are exposed because feature names adhere to
specific design patterns.
A JavaBeans-enabled builder tools can then examine the Beans
patterns, decide its features, and expose those features for visual
A builder tool maintains Beans in a palette or toolbox.

Beans support introspection class relies in two ways:

1. By adhering to specific rules, known as design patterns, when naming
Bean feature:
The java.beans.introspector class examines Beans for these design
patterns to discover Bean features.
The introspect or class relies on the core reflection API
2. By explicitly providing property, method and event information with a
related Bean information class:
A Bean information class implements the Bean info interface.
A bean info class explicitly lists those Bean features that are to be
exposed to application builder tools.

Java Bean Feature

Properties: These are a Beans appearance and behavior

characteristics that van be changed at design time.
Events: Bean use events to communicate with other Beans.
Builder tools can examine a Bean and determine which
events that Bean can fire and which it can handle.
Persistence: enable Beans to save and restore their state.
JavaBeans uses java Object Serialization to support
Methods: A Beans methods are on different from java
methods, and can be called from other Bean or a scripting

A Naming service is analogous to a telephone operator.

When you want to call up someone over the phone and you do not
know the persons phone number.
A naming service is an entity that performs the following tasks:
It associates names with object. We call this as binding names to
It provides a facility to find as object based on a name. We call this
lookup or searching for as object.
Naming services are everywhere in computing.
When you want to locate machine on the network, the Domain Name
System (DNS) is issued to translate machine name to an IP address.
If you lookup IKC.COM on the internet, the name IKC.COM is
translated into the IP address of this site.
But one type of object is important, namely a directory objects.
A directory object is different from a generic object because you can
store attributes with directory object.
These attributes can be used for a wide variety of purposes.

Directory metadata defines the structure of your directory.
It defines the schema of how your directory is laid out.
Metadata supplies a set of rules about your directory, such as
restriction on tree branches, restrict on attributes, and more.
Overall, directories are not very different from databases.
You can think of a directory as a scaled-down, simplified database.

Problems with naming and directories

There are many popular naming and directory products out today.
Directory vendor differentiate product line by offering different types
of service.

Unfortunately, this leads to different naming and directory standards.

And each directory standard has a different protocol for accessing the
It also means you need to download a new library, learn a new API,
and test new code each time you use a different directory.

Person 1
Person 2
Printer 1


Computer 1



Computer 2

e) Servlets

Servlets are modules that extend request/response-oriented

such as java-enabled web servers.
For example, a servlest might be responsible for taking data in an
HTML Oder-entry form and applying the business logic used to
update a companys order database.

Servlets are to server what applets are to browsers.

Unlike applets, however, servlets have no graphical user interface.
Servlets have become most widely used within HTTP servers
because many web servers support the servlets API

Other user of servlets

Here are a few more of the many application for servlets:
Allowing collaboration between people: A servlets can synchronize
request. This allows servlets to support system such as on-line
Forwarding requests: Servlets can forward requests to other servers and
servlets. Thus, servlets can be used to balance load among several
servers that mirror the same content, and to partition a single logical
service over several servers, according to task type or organizational

Architecture of the servlets package

The javax.servlets package provides interface and classes for writing
The architecture of the package is described below.

The servlets interface

The central abstraction in the servlets API is the servlets interface.
All servlets implement this interface, directory or, more commonly, by
extending a class that implements it such as httpServlet.



Http Servlet

My Servlet

The servlet interface declares, but does not implement that manage the
servlet and its communication with client.
Servlet writers provide some or all of these methods when developing
a srevlet.

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