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Genre Analysis

Genre Analysis on Donald Trump

Ricardo Estrada
The University of Texas at El Paso

Genre Analysis

The first genre was a video called Donald Trumps Newest Campaign Ad done on the
Jimmy Kimmel show. It was a short clip that acted like a campaign ad for Donald Trump. It was
done when Donald Trump Had barely began to run for president. Therefore, the thesis was stated
for the video to make fun of how Donald Trump reacted to the questions that he was being asked.
The second genre was an article called Republicans Need To Treat Donald Trump As The FrontRunner by Nate Silver. In the article it went on to talk about how Donald Trump fits in with the
Republicans and how his rank is compared to past republican candidates. This articles thesis
could be implied to be about Donald Trumps hances of actual getting elected to be the next
The intended audience and purpose for the video is for people who watch the Jimmy
Kimmel show. The discourse communitys that fit in with the video are for any young adults, and
adults. Due to the fact that the comedy show airs late. The audience likely knows who Donald
Trump is, and his sayings. Though the video is mostly to make people laugh they really wouldnt
want to know anything, but instead just laugh. Since the video is one minute and twenty-two
seconds long the audience will spend about two minutes with this video. Also it was made to
entertain people with political jokes.
The attended audience and purpose is for republicans that dont see Donald trump as a
front runner for the presidential election. Which means that the discourse community for this
article is for republicans that are and arent going for Donald Trump. What the audience knows is
most likely that he is running for president, and some of his statements. However, what they
dont know and might want to know is that he is a front runner. Also how he compares to the
candidates that he is going against, and candidates in the past elections. This

Genre Analysis

article is not that long, so it will probably about ten to fifteen minutes. That is about how long I
took although some of the time was also spent looking at the different charts that it had. With all
of that in there the authors purpose was to inform people on Donalds Trump actual standing in
the election.
The video does not establish a strong credibility, because it is meant to be funny not
informative. Although the clips in the video are actual clips of what Donald trump is saying. Just
that they are serval clips of some words that he is saying edited together. On the other hand, the
article did have a strong amount of credibility. It presented you with facts and statistics of
Donald trump being a front runner. Also it gave an easy explanation to understand what he was
saying. Making it easy for us to believe that his information is credible. For example the author
would say something like So is Trump a Genuine front-runner like Romney or more of a
turbocharged Buchanan? The answer is probably a little bit of both. (Nate Silver ,2016)
The video showed a lot of good emotions. Since it was meant to be a funny video of an
ad for Donald trump. It made people laugh. Allowing you to find a great deal of humor in the
video. Also you only need to know a little bit about trump running for president to find the video
funny. Now the article does not have pathos. Since the author wrote this article mostly to be
informative. He didnt seem to put his opinion instead all he did was state the facts. So it really
didnt make you feel any emotions.
The logos on the video could be argued because it uses bolded words throughout the clip.
Also it shows the campaign slogan at the end of the clip with Donald trump saying that he
approves that message. However, the bolded words repeat over and over again throughout the

Genre Analysis

clip, and the words are great and best. (ABC,2016) These words are meant for the joke and dont
show any logic. On the other hand, the article does completely show logos. It gives you a chart
labeled The Republican 20/20 club that shows you the year of the candidates there votes in
Iowa and New Hampshire and whether or not they won the nominations. (Nate Silver,2016) It
also gave you another chart that gives you the primary forecast. Since it has these charts and
facts it is considered to have logos.
The article and the video have different types of structures and styles. In the article you
have a more serious and informative structure. It gives you information from the beginning all
the way until the end. Answering the titles question with a lot of evidence, insight, and charts. It
was not limited at all as it gave statistics about republicans from the 1980s to the current
republicans. Although you could argue that it is limited to only taking about republicans.
However, since the article is based on Donald trump and other republican it doesnt make since
to talk about democrats. It also uses a very formal language. With some political terms, but other
than that most of it is simple vocabulary.
The video is limited because it is just a short funny clip. So it doesnt have enough time
to go in depth like the article or need to since it is supposed to make fun of Donald trump. As for
its layout it is made to be a campaign ad. Which fits perfectly with what the comedian is trying to
make fun of. With that being said its language was in formal, and it doesnt use specialized or
hard vocabulary. Instead it used the key words greatest and best to mock Donald trump on how
he answers some of the questions he is asked.
With that being said the video has a more effective way of conveying its message
because even though it is a joke it clearly gives you a clear method throughout the whole video.

Genre Analysis

Meanwhile in the article its title is why republicans need to treat Donald Trump as a Front
Runner, yet it goes of topic and talks about other past candidates. Another thing is that since the
article is really informative it doesnt give you the feeling that it is arguing a point other than just
trying to feed you information. Therefore, the video had a better way of conveying its message,
because the joke depended on it and without it the video wouldnt make since. Although both the
article and video could make you say that Donald trump is not going to disappear before this
election is over.

Genre Analysis

Cited Sources
Silver, N. (2016). Republicans Need to Treat Donald Trump as The Front-Runner. Retrieved
February 12, 2016, from

"Jimmy Kimmel Live! | Donald Trump's Newest Campaign Ad." ABC. Web. 27 Feb. 2016.

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