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Lit. Review on Donald Trump

Ricardo Estrada
The University of Texas at El Paso


Literary Review

Donald trump is a real estate developer who is involved in large, profitable building
projects in Manhattan. You might also know him from when he starred in the tv show the
Apprentice and the Celebrity Apprentice. He is currently running on the republican side. With
Ted Cruz as his main rival. Also as of now he leads in many of the polls and has won over many
states. Holding a great lead in the republican nominee election. The following are four questions
that will help discuss what kind of candidate Donald Trump may be:
1. Does Donald Trumps Background give him the qualities and characteristics of
being a good candidate?
2. Has Donald Trump ever run for president before and if so did he change sides as a
strategy? Also does it have to do anything with him choosing the republican side
even though he was a democrat?
3. What are the pros and cons of Donald Trump becoming the next republican
4. How does Donald Trump compare to the democratic candidates Hillary Clinton
and Berny Sanders?
The main purpose of this paper is to research the candidacy of Donald Trump through the
2016 election.
Does Donald Trumps Background give him the qualities and characteristics of being a good
Donald Trumps background does support him with some key qualities and characteristics of
being a good candidate. Since Donald Trump is running for president and winning almost in all
the polls on the republican side. We should go into depth about his background. After all he isnt
like all the other candidates that have some sort of a political background. Donald Trump was


born 1946 in Queens, New York. His parents described him as a very energetic child. So he was
sent to the New York Military Academy when he was thirteen years old. In hope of channeling
Donald Trumps energy in a positive manner. Then once he graduated from there he went to
Fordham university then transferred, and finished his college in Wharton School of finance at the
University of Pennsylvania with a degree of economics. Once he finished with college he
became strongly influenced by his father to pursue his career as a real estate developer. Where he
became involved in large profitable building projects in Manhattan, and in several other job
positions from investing stocks to running companies. Donald Trump also became famous when
he was stared in the NBC reality series The Apprentice, and the Celebrity Apprentice. Another
thing is that as of now Donald Trump is a billionaire who constructed giant feats ranging from
skyscrapers, to golf courses, casinos, and hotels. With all of this information it shows use that
Donald Trump has a great amount of experience in economics and financial problems. Which is
a good characteristic for him as a candidate, because a president that can keep a good economy
and even make it better. Will have great success in making America a greater place, by bringing
in more jobs and allowing the people of America to be wealthy.
Another thing that information on Donald Trump says about him is that he is very hard
working and very energetic. With him being a positive and very energetic it gives him the power
to pursue many things. Meaning that he will be involved in many activities. This is a good
characteristic for him because if he becomes the president of the united states he will need to do
a lot of things. Also a president that is able to manage a lot of things he will be favored by the
people. Given the fact that the more a president does for his people the more they will respect
and honor that person. Another thing is that the president need to take care of the United States
he or she needs to have this energetic characteristic.


Another characteristic that Donald Trump has is to be a idealist. This is good because it
allows him to introduce a lot of new and creative ideas. That make him try to seek new solutions
to many problems. Although it also has its down falls because even though you may have many
ideas they might not all work, or make sense to other people. This is why Donald Trump needs to
be a person who listens and absorbs more of what the people are saying. Instead of just focusing
on his own ideas. Once he understands this characteristic better he will be able to have more
success as a candidate.
Has Donald Trump ever run for president before and if so did he change sides as his
strategy? Also does it have to do anything with him choosing the republican side even though he
was a democrat?
Many might not know Donald trump has actually tried running in some of the past
elections. For instance, Trump announced on October 7,1999 whether or not he should seek the
Reform Partys nomination for the presidential race of 2000.However he did not continue on
because he did very poorly in the California primary. So he withdrew his candidacy. Donald
Trump also tried another time to attempt to run for the presidential election in 2012, but didnt
because he associated himself with the Birther movement.( Editors,2016).
Which is when a fringe group believed that President Barack Obama was not born in the United
States. Which once again discredited his political reputation. It wasnt Until June 16 ,2016 that
Donald Trump Final decided to carry out his decision in running for president. It was at Trump
Towers that Donald Trump announced that he was running for president, and where he added his
statement and we are going to make our country great again and I will be the greatest jobs
president that God ever created. ( Editors,2016) When he joined a crowded field
of more than a dozen major candidates.


Whats interesting is that even at this time Donald trump also made a harsh remark but it
didnt hurt his campaign. For example, the remark that he made about the Mexicans. That caused
people to dislike him and even NBC to end their business relationship due to Donald Trumps
statement. Yet he still stayed in the race this time even though he once again did something to set
him back in running in the election. Even better he continued making some other outrageous
statements like the one on john McCain. With him talking about his reputation as a war hero and
stating Hes not a war hero. Hes a war hero because he was captured. I like people who werent
captured . ( Editors,2016) Yet somehow with all of this he managed to lead in
the polls. It doesnt make since he used to be deterred from running because of some statements
in the past, but know he says a lot of bad statements and he leads in almost all the polls and is the
front runner in the republican side. In fact, he even did bad in a television debate that took place
in the middle of September of 2015, and then went on to hold a significant lead over his rival
The fact that he is doing this well has to be that he chose to run on the republican side. He
picked the republican side strategically because he knew that he would be able to beat his
competition with the information from the polls. Another thing that he knew was that his
comments even though they were harsh they were bringing him great attention. In other words,
people were paying more attention to him because of his comments helped draw the attention of
many people. Another thing that helps prove that Donald trump knew that choosing to run on the
republican side would help him is the fact that in Trumps past he donated $1.3 million between
1989 and 2011,54 percent of it going to the Democrats. now why would he donate, favor, and
support the democratic side so much if he was a republican. (Carl Cannon,2015) That is why


even though he was a democrat he chose to run as a republican because he saw it as a better
chance of allowing him to win the election.
What are the pros and cons of Donald Trump becoming the next republican nominee?
The pros of Donald Trump becoming the next republican nominee is that it shows that
anything is possible. He has no background of being a politician yet he is in the lead and most
likely going to be the republican nominee. Another great thing that he can bring to the plate is his
confident and powerful personality. Something that is very important because we complain
often about our election officials being in the pocket of lobbyist and special interest. (Mark
Hughes). So now we cant say that any more with Donald Trump because theres only a small
chance that he could be manipulated or dominated, with his personality. Also Donald Trumps
business experience is another great pro. Due to the fact that it involves a lot of negotiation. So
he has negotiations with business leaders and governments around the world. Which are better
than most of the candidates that are just politicians.
The cons of Donald Trump winning the election is that even if he wins the republican
nominee. The GOP politicians dont like him. It is due to the fact that Donald Trump is a
business man and not a politician. The republicans think of him as a fake. None of the
republicans are showing respect to Donald Trump, and this is very ironic given the fact that he is
in the lead of the republican side by a lot. Another con would be that even though
Donald Trump wins the election. The republicans would refuse to get behind
Donald Trump in the convention could possibly stage a dramatic walkout of
delegates, in the storm Thurmond dixiecrat style? (Chris Weigant,2015)


How does Donald Trump compare to the democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and
Berny Sanders?
According to the CNN/ORC polls Both of the democrat candidates on top of front-runner
Donald Trump. With Hilary Clinton beating Donald Trump at a ratio of 52% to 44% among the
registered voters. Also with Berny Sanders beating Donald trump at a ratio of 55% to 43%.
Among the registered voters. However, these are only polls and there are three problems with the
polls. First there done several months prior to the race so its not that accurate. Second trump has
consistently confounded polls and projections that predicted that he could never win. Third is
that there are currently six candidates in the race. So that could have a effect of the outcome.
Meaning the results may come out differently when it is a head to head matchup.

The charts below represent the answers of people who participated in a survey called
Donald Trump. The first question asked how Donald trump compared to the democratic
candidates responses showed that they tough that Donald Trump was 75% likely to be evenly
matched with them and the other 25% thought he had a high chance of beating the democrats.
Then the next two questions went more into detail. Telling us that 100% of the people thought
that Donald trump could beat Hillary Clinton but not Bernie Sanders. However, the most
interesting response is that 75% believed that he did not have the characteristics to beat the
democrats.(Ricardo Estrada,2016)
Although this survey gives us certain responses they are not full reliable. Due to the fact
that the survey sample was only four people. Also they were all in the same age range so there
was not a variety of people answering the questions. Another thing that could have been


misleading in the survey is that I switched the wording of the question in the third question from
the second. So in reality the survey did not have a depiction of how the votes will come out.

How does Donald Trump compare to the democratic canidates? Can Donald Trump win against Hillary Clinton?



evenly matched
high chance of beating the democtats

yes no

Figure on question 1

Figure on question 2

Can Bernie Sanders beat Donald Trump in the election? Does Donald Trump have the caracteristics needed to beat the Democrat nominee?


Figure on question3


yes no

Figure on question 4

To sum it all up Donald Trumps background does supply him with enough good qualities
to be a great president. Even though he was believed to support the democrats he strategically
chooses to run on the republican side. With the pros of him running are the great things he wants
to do to help make America great again, and to show that you can do anything you put your mind
to. However, a con will be that the republicans dont like him at all so they arent going to

support him if he becomes the republican nominee. Also that even if he did win polls show that
both Hillary Clinton and Bernie sanders would beat him.



Cited Sources
B. (n.d.). Donald Trump. Retrieved March 13, 2016, from
Donald Trump general characteristics. (n.d.). Retrieved March 13, 2016, from
Stewart, E. (2016). Here's how Donald Trump would handle the U.S. economy. Retrieved March
13, 2016, from
Collinson, S. (2016, March/April). Donald Trump has almost won the nomination. Now he has to
win the GOP. Retrieved March 13, 2016, from
Weigant, C. (2015, July/August). Thinking the Unthinkable: Donald Trump, GOP Nominee.
Retrieved March 13, 2016, from
Aglesta, J. (n.d.). Poll: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders both top Trump. Retrieved March 14,
2016, from
Hughes, M. (n.d.). What would be some pros and cons of Donald Trump becoming president?
What would happen if he became president? Retrieved March 13, 2016, from



Cannon, C. (2015, July 21). Why Donald Trump Didn't Run as a Democrat | RealClearPolitics.
Retrieved March 04, 2016, from

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