Anotation 3

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Ricardo Estrada

RWS Thursday 3:00-4:20

February 12,2016
Annotation # 3(website)
Silver, N. (2016). Republicans Need To Treat Donald Trump As The Front-Runner. Retrieved
February 12, 2016, from
1) The articles purpose is to compare Donald Trumps stats to past candidates with similar
ratings. It does a good job convincing you that Donald trump has a chance to win the
election. It backs it up with facts, statistics, and past republicans that are like him.
2) I did like this article because it did a good job explaining everything. By showing past
statistics on how other candidates did in the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire and
comparing it to how Donald Trump did.
3) I think I can use this article for the most part. Although it might have some negative
things most of it is positive .one thing that I would quote would be where it says And
whichever Republican emerges from the establishment pack isnt necessary a favorite
to beat Trump one-on-one. (Nate Silver,2016) This shows us that the author believes that
Donald trump has a shot at becoming the next president.

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