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Grading Policy

The grading components for our class are:

Concert Attendance (40%)
Practice Journals (12%)
Daily rehearsal points (28%)
Performance and written tests (20%)
Concert attendance is mandatory for members of this band class. Except in the case of serious
illness or family emergency, students are required to be at all performances. Excuses will be
handled on a case by case basis, and I must receive written confirmation from a parent. Each
missed performance will dock your grade proportionately.
Like any other class, you will have homework in band. Your homework is to practice your
instrument outside of our rehearsal time. You will log this by filling out your practice journal.
This page will be turned in to the collection box before the end of the day on Monday. This log
will need to be signed by both the student and the parent.
Each week the student will receive a practice grade. This grade is averaged from their time
practiced, and their self-assessed improvement. Students are asked to practice 90 minutes a
week. Scores for this portion will be calculated by (minutes practiced)/90. Scores for the
improvement portion are calculated as follows:
A - 3 or more plus signs
B - 1-2 plus signs, no minus signs.
C - Mostly check marks, 1-2 minus signs
D - Mostly minus signs
F All minus signs
Your grade in this portion of the class will be determined by your behavior in our rehearsals. In
the Discipline Policy, the consequences for misbehavior is clearly outlined in the strike
system. These consequences also have an impact on your grade. You receive 100 points at the
beginning of the year. With each strike three or beyond, you lose 5 points. Your grade is
dropped accordingly.

We will take tests in this class. Throughout the semester, we will have four performance tests and
two written tests. Each performance test is worth 4% of your grade, each written test, 2%. You
will know about each test at least a week ahead of time, and it is your responsibility to be
prepared for it.
Performance tests are grade based on an included rubric. 75% of the grade comes from this
rubric, and 25% comes from your own written reflection, due the day after the performance.

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