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Wilber Rosales
Professor Deadrick
English 102
3 May 2016
Reflection Paper
This semester class of English 102 has been a class filled with so much information and
challenges. I have gained new knowledge that pushed my boundaries of not only writing, but the
format of argumentation as well. In order for me to grasp and utilize new information taught in
this class, I had to remain academically focused. Many standards and expectations were set in
order for me to reach my potential and if possible, to excel. It was no easy task, but it was
completely doable. Looking back at myself in the class, all these expectations and assignments
reflected my performance. In relation to the expectations, I believe my performance was well
because I met most of them.
One expectation in English 102 that I met was to use valid information literacies on
assignments. This includes using logical issues, using outside information, locating reliable
sources, avoiding plagiarism and so on. In my exploratory paper, I provided examples of these
valid information literacies. For this paper, I explored the serious and controversial issue of air
pollution. To introduce this issue, I used outside information that is valid to give the reader a
general background of this issue. In this exploration paper, I provided information from reliable
sources. I used sources from two influential organizations called the Council on Foreign
Relations and Climate Central. Furthermore, I used a source from a private university known as
Massachusetts Institute of Technology that specializes in science and engineering research. My
paper also avoided plagiarism. When using text directly from my sources onto my paper, I cited

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my work and added quotation marks. This allowed me to use valid information directly from the
source without stealing their work. Using college level information literacies helped me meet
these expectations set by this course.
Another expectation from this course that I met was to always provide organized content
when writing. In English 102, an organized paper should always include a claim, reasons
supporting the claim, evidence backing up your reasons, and refutation. My submitted papers
were never disorganized and always contained these writing devices. For example, in my paper
on weather or not Rober Eberts argumentation was effective or not, I used the correct format
mentioned above. I introduced the topic of violence and why Ebert may have thought the movie
The Raid: Redemption was too brutal. This introduction led to my claim that Eberts
argumentation was effective. Following the claim, I stated that Ebert was effective by using
rhetorical analysis, logos, pathos, and ethos, which were my reasons. I backed up these reason by
providing evidence directly from Eberts review. My bias in Eberts criticism towards The Raid:
Redemption, which was based off personal context, caused a refutation. I contradicted myself
because my bias may have led to a negative opinion on Eberts criticism. By using an organized
format, I met the expectation of quality content.
Lastly, I met a personal goal of mine through this course. In my Introductory Goal Setting
Assignment, I stated that I hoped to improve my writing skills in general. Through the lessons
learned and assignments I have completed, my appreciation for writing has increased. I am able
to express my thoughts and reasoning without committing simple grammatical errors. I also have
a clearer sense in detecting these grammatical errors. For example, when reviewing assignments
from classmates, it is easier to catch these mistakes. It could be something as small as a missing

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comma to something as big as a missing claim. My writing skills progressed a bit more
compared to the beginning of this course leading me to a fine performance overall.
Although I exceeded in many parts of my expected English skills, I still have concerns
over a certain area. An area which is very well important in argumentation and reasoning. My
rhetorical analysis is usually not strong, which is something I need to work on. I understand the
meaning of each means of persuasions, but sometimes using them is where I fall short. In my
visual argument assignment, my lack of rhetorical analysis noticeably shows. In this assignment,
I analyzed pathos to show an emotion appeal on my visual advertisement, but that was it. My use
of logos and ethos were not present, which could have provided a stronger argument on why my
ad was effective. This caused my claim and paper to have weak evidence, which once again,
weakened my persuasion. In the future, in order to improve my skills of using these means of
persuasion, I need to examine examples much more. By examining examples of ethos, logos, and
pathos, it will be easier to distinguish them when given specific context. Once my use of these
three means of persuasion are worked on, my arguments will become stronger.

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Rosales, Wilber. Exploratory Paper, Air Pollution. 8 April, 2016.

Rosales, WIlber. Introductory Goal Setting Assignment 14 February, 2016.
Rosales, Wilber. Rhetorical Analysis of Argument, The Raid: Redemption. 6 March, 2016.
Rosales, Wilber. Visual Argument. 3 April, 2016.

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