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AUN ee LCA SAS ad TAY EDUCATI N EDUCATION CONGRESS bots See MAY 26-27, 2016, ViVANTABYTAJ, SURAJKUND, DELHI a aca ™ WORLD y i Oo) ae a = ts as La ate Ne) | Shey so Niels fee] iC Tasty as eee eer ed Esser ast anesonatia am eenchnaretenont ery Se hetran rginime eth Renee eee aac alan ca eprennctotn rete rater lean om ‘focused on the conversations and Seteaeen a ee Sere Pea ae nant eee Seema hey peeve acentony eeeienrrenreery Feeromecmnnt erates nt rennin eee] Fermentor mri DONOT iss ie chance tobe apart of he 6th anal Pere ead eon peace eee er en ey reer) Pa sae ey Eats pe ear 1 “ewtmchlte 9915 16011 nny ers ed reed PST Ce EARLY EDUCATION: \ A FOUNDATION FOR THE FUTURE ‘hid developments a continuous and curative process, so that what proceedsinfluences what follows. The fst Sto Beare of a sie re ‘lobaly acknowledged tobe the most erital years for slong development since the pace of development in ‘these years is extremely apd. The global events and ‘theres emerging fom varius social economic, and ‘demeraphic changes in the ast few decades have also inuence Early Education india, ‘mete tapped (0th diver ae growing mid cas epson ning income levels and ‘seating dad fornoh eu ‘toeaion fortes Rapid ‘test and ie of cee {aries the oer actor ate ‘wang the demand er bande ‘shoal intiarandTer Meies ‘oTHeprescheol maketh eo ten same condition happenin {heft ew qr. ith ome ‘oPayersareloking at bon reac ‘and inegeic onthe expand ‘har mate resch (Somehavebeeadoted tances reel ters haveemphaied an rapes cne @ HIGHLIGHTS OF THE be EE ¥-12 EDUCATION ( ey Ne) ies) SECTOR IN INDIA werd eae K-12 Education Vision Eel yl and Hombre: ie 137.1 tage aon) 841 “sremanszene Coo) 418 oH 123 33 ea iain) Skit ED INDIA ST aa) eee) ea preeotict ea iain) Skit ED INDIA ST aa) eee) ea preeotict —— EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY: =~ Le ered Cee eT ere Picea erat’ Cire ere Preateneeeiaseaeal ns ere eee) AGENDA (EC 2016 Reales er een alien ~ Cees eet hetero! eee eee ee prorcennetareeerent ened DAY 2 - AGENDA JEC 2016 cco Sd pete cette ee eee ced Ie erlgheron ts meciortntn pneassioonieante P17 a oS ee seals en ad ieee : ene : SVN ALS lui 50 ee rene) ids) (o Peale THE IMPORTANCE ree ky CAM ea) Z [oN ol Ree tte d Go Re ete ere ae te ua cer Coe aac eee ‘oppartuntis and avenues to those working in the Secor forthe ee eee tee we ee ae OS CT FL) opm ale! Somme Be atesocs aa OSU eee Ey TUT lg Wg HUE eee ne tee Ce ud Biggest pel in the Education ssc reer Ete eu Rees eee eu ed fen Pree CTA ate aS our events and shows 2016 | Eliiltenms ralifise FRANCHISE INDIA Your growth is our business Conference registration feo Paymentmethod (icles Contra Reese ‘SFamae ne htangs apo prank so my ‘Straand Rod, Fardabod- 121005 (dudes Cite Kes BGO a, ere {onc odie rd led ‘Award nomination fee For occunt ders please coma te above. brdnrertecan) 15.1500 totes per nomination ‘Option :0nin payment lass Serecetacantetienatpadages J hauaetoncoudnematinondoreetwoning nena) J swrfancheraco/aymert xtewarshp Call today! Conference Registration Sponsorship Award Nominations Exhibition 08595350505, 09311789274 08595350525 09313034080 09022352762, | | | avishnu@franchiseindia net FRANCHISEINOA pawn tee Franeising Entrepreneur ISENDACOM Yeurronth obsess

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