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"The Tears of a Wolf"

Cayla Figgins
Out of the Mist Comic:
Wizards of the Cost:
Dungeons and Dragons Wikipedia:

1) ACHLYS (GALE): Achlys is an air genasi, native to the city of Fortuna in the realm of
Invidia of the Demi Plane of Dread. She is born of a high elf and air genie and both of these
characteristics come out in her appearance. She is petite, standing roughly 57 with a lean body.
Her skin in the pale blue of an early morning sky and her hair is white with three streaks of
powder blue weaved through it. Her eyes are a golden yellow, like the sun, and her hair and
clothes flutter slightly as if a constant breeze accompanies her. By day, she is known to the
people of her city as Gale: the poor orphan of a heinous murder. By night, she works as a
freelance assassin, always itching for the next kill. Achlys got into the business after the murder
of her parents by her childhood friend, Malvina. After tying to find her, she realized that the
only way to catch an assassin was to become one. She trained and worked as a hired hand,
mostly killing monsters, but even the occasional person seemed to bring her a thrill and that
scares her. She tries to hide her bloodlust to everyone but her target, but with every kill, it just
becomes more seeded.
2) BEREN: Beren is a noble paladin from Touraine in the Plane of Dread. He is human and
stands 62. He has hazel eyes and a youthful face framed by a black van dyke and Caesar
haircut. He wears full white enameled armor is a deep read cloak covering it that clasps around
his neck. He follows the god Belenus and his holy symbol to her is displayed on his kite shield.
He wields a longsword and acts noble and humble in everything he does. He has suspicions of
Achlys, after learning she is from the same plane, but still treats her respectfully.
3) PAXON: Paxon is a young dragonborn from the plane of Eversun. His is 64 tall and has an
athletic build, mostly due to the constant battles being waged in his home realm. His scales are
dark blue and his yellow eyes seem to piece out from them. His armor is chainmail made from
the bones of his fallen enemies. He is very friendly and use to working as a team. He is now
looking as a way to redeem himself as a warrior after the decimation of his clan. He carries two
swords fashioned out of the bones of his enemies as well: one a rapier and one a scimitar. He also
carries the head of a Thri-Kreen to remind himself to never forsake his honor.
4) MARA: A beggar from the plane of Fayrune, Mara knows how to take advantage of any
situation and remain inconspicuous. She is a 54 human with black, raggedy hair and her face is
covered in a white mask. Her skin is dark, mostly from dirt, and she rarely takes her mask off,
even when asleep. Under the mask, her eyes are black and ringed with dark circles and a manic
expression is ever present. She wears dark grey robes and carries a dagger with her. She loves to
sing creepy songs in an attempt to inspire others. The people who know her thinks she is a crazy
drunk. This is true, but she knows how people work. Her laughter and seemingly nothing may
seem unsettling, but she knows how to make people do exactly what she wants, even if they
dont know that.
5) ROGAR: Rogar is a dragonborn fighter, standing 63 and proud of it. He doesnt speak
much and prefers to let his actions and mussels do the talking. His scales are a dull grey and his
eyes a light silver. He has always been independent and is quick to act in any situation. However,
he hates to be shown up by anyone and can be a little klutzy in his hast to act. He is one of the
three companions from Fayrune accompanying a caravan on its way to market and was hired to

protect it from bandits and other threats. He wears standard plate mail and uses two longswords
as weapons.
6) SERAPHINA: Seraphina is a wood elf ranger from Fayrune, hired with Rogar to protect a
caravan. She is about 53 tall with caramel skin from her life in the sun and light green eyes.
Her skin is speckled with freckles, especially on her shoulders and nose, and her hair is a deep
red-brown. She hates being left behind or setting still and feels like every moves you make
should get you closer to your goal. She also hates deadweight and believes everyone must do
their fair share in any situation. She has lived most of her life in a forest and love nature in all its
beauty and destruction. She wears leather armor and uses a longbow most of the time, but is also
adept in the rapier.
7) GORSTAG: The last of the companions of Fayrune accompanying the caravan. Unlike the
other two, he wasnt hired to protect it at all, but his aim is in fortune. Gorstag is a human bard
from the town of Yhaunn off the coast of the Sea of Fallen Stars. He is 60 tall, skinny, and has
dirty blond hair and green eyes. He is a bard by trade and plays the pan flute to entertain the
member of the caravan when they make camp. However, he is also a con-artist and is adept at
cheating people out of their money with his marked cards or just picking it right from their
pockets. He comes from a peaceful part of the realm, so has never had to battle much, but he has
trained in the crossbow and longsword while his father was still alive. He isnt a bad guy and
willingly helps the homeless and orphans, but he takes no shame in taking what he needs from
those who have more than what they deserve.
1) LORD MARKETT: Markett is the Lord of Arbincrest and, while he rarely leaves his castle,
he never lacks ways of causing terror and chaos in his realm. No one dares cross him for the
consequences involved and his long life of powerful rein causes him to see everything as
temporary amusement. The companions find him linked to several horrific incidences in
Arbincrest and, possibly, their only way out. Unfortunately, Lord Markett knows exactly who
they are and that they have been ruining his fun as of late. His skin is pale and his black eyes
glint red when he is angry or enjoying himself. We wears fine clothes of red velvet with white
lace fringes around the collar and neck. He carries a single gold longsword incrusted with red
gems on the hilt and there is a constant look of amusement to his face.
2) THE WEARWOLF: The monster haunting Rose and Thorn during the night. His fur is
matted and caked with blood. He is skinny, as if he hasnt ate in many days. He is also the father
of Thorn and Rose, cursed by Lord Markett. In his human form, he was a handsome noble with
long blond hair and blue eyes known as Duke Edward Windswept.
1) ROSE: The elder sister to Thorn. She is 8 and has the black hair and brown eyes of her
mother. She tries to be brave for Thorn, but is really shy around strangers and tormented by the
monster in her basement. She wears a light blue dress with white lace as well as a gold locket
around her neck embroidered with the depiction of a windswept field.

2) THORN: Thorn is the 5-year-old younger brother to Rose and, when not scared out of his
mind, can be competitive and impulsive. He has the blond hair and blue eyes of his father and
carries around a stuffed bear wherever he goes. He wears a pair of brown pants and a white shirt
covered with a light blue vest similar to Roses dress. He also wears a gold ring around his
thumb with the same field depicted on it as Roses locket.
1) ARBINCREST: Arbincrest is one of the many realms of the Plane of Dread and ruled by
Lord Markett. The realm is surrounded by a thick mist and, while not impenetrable, is highly
unpredictable. It acts as a doorway to other realms and, at times, other planes of existence.
Arbincrest's skies are in constant overcast and the only sign of daylight is a small orb of light
smaller than the tip of your pinky. It is covered in dense forests, cast in almost complete
darkness, that climb up hill and mountainsides. The animals of the forest are monstrous in size
and, in some cases, actual monsters. The people and places of Arbincrest seem normal at first
glance but, upon closer inspection, are shrouded in darkness. Citizens are very distrustful and
rightly so. Crime is high and, as long as a crime is not committed towards one of the authority
figures, mostly overlooked. People take matters into their own hands and murder, adultery, and
theft are everyday occurrences. Anyone asking for help is immediately suspect and the only thing
that seems to talk is coin. Eye contact outside of business is seen as a threat and, because most
homes and trades are passed down, outsides have a very hard time finding a place in society.
2) THE WINDSWEPT HOUSE: The home of Rose and Thorn is a tall, three-story house that
stands far apart from the other homes in the area. It looks a little tilted, as if a strong wind could
blow it down. The first floor consists of a kitchen, dining room, foyer, and sitting room. The
food found in the house looks in perfect condition, but is tasteless. The sitting room as monstrous
game mounted on the walls and varying sizes of crossbows on display. The second floor as a
large bedroom and two smaller ones. One of the smaller rooms looks like a servants quarters and
the second, a nursery. There is also a study with many books on dark magic. These first two
floors a perfectly clean like they had been cleaned that very day. The walls are also covered in
engraved paneling that looks joyous at first glance, but has dark imagery hidden in the pictures.
The third floor consist of the childrens bedroom, a play room, and a dressing room. Unlike the
first two floors, it is extremely dusty and the open windows allow leaves and bugs to fly in. The
basement consists of one large floor. A crypt, eating area, and small bedrooms are in the first
half. The back is a large ritualistic chamber.
A COLOR NOTE: Outside of the home everything should take on a grey hue to it besides the
protagonist. This grey-cast should also be shown in the top floor of the home and the two
basement levels. In contrast, the first two floors should be every colorful and artificial looking.
Background imagery should be silhouetted with very low detail, especially during battle
sequences to keep the focus on the action and main characters.


The first six panels should consist of two rows with three panels each with the seventh panel at
the bottom taking up the space of both rows. This scene depicts the companions entering
Arbincrest. The left three and bottom panels with focus on Achlys while the right three will
depict one of her soon-to be companions. Each speech indicator should have its own speech
Establishing shot of ACHLYS. A bloodied dagger is held out across the panel with a set of
golden eyes and pale blue skin reflected back. In the background, a dark figure lays on the floor
with dim lamplight illuminating it.
Establishing shot of BEREN. He sits on his knees, sweat dripping down his face. He is slumped
over in defeat and his eyes are closed. His sword and shield hang loosely in his hands on the
ground as a wall of mist surrounds him on all sides.
SFX: pant
ACHLYS is climbing out of a, now dark, second floor window. Into a deserted alleyway. She is
in an all-black, leather suit and black cloak. The hood covers her hair and face, but her cloak
flutters out behind her as she is halfway out the window.
Establishing shot of PAXON. He is lying on the sandy ground, swords at his side and covered in
blood. There are dark forms of bodies all around him that are shaped like dragonborn. His eyes
are half closed and a thick mist is creeping towards him from the background.
SFX: wheeze
1. PAXON: Im sorry brothers
ACHLYS is running down the ally. The walls are dark stone and dark windows, some with bars,
can be seen overhead. Her cloak is flowing out behind her.
SFX: swish
Establishing shot of MARA. She is walking down a deserted road towards a wall of mist up
ahead. Buildings tower on both sides and she is walking towards it casually. There is a half
empty bottle in her hand and she is singing with her back away from the foreground.
2. MARA:


ACHLYS comes to the end of the alleyway and is about to run around the corner when a wall of
thick mist blocks her way. She stops right is front of it in surprise. The walls of the ally are on
both sides of her and she is in the foreground of the panel with the mist blocking her exit.
SFX: gasp!


The first six panels should consist of two rows with three panels each with the seventh panel at
the bottom taking up the space of both rows. This is a continuation of page one. Each speech
indicator should have its own speech balloon.
ACHLYS turns around to find the mist as crept in around her as well. You can now see her face,
as her hood is falling off, to see her eyes wide and mouth open in horror. The mist from the street
can be seen behind her in the left-side background as she faces the right foreground of the panel.
The mist coming from the ally can be seen in the right foreground and may block the readers
view of her in light fog.
SFX: turn
Establishing shot of ROGAR. He is walking towards the left foreground of the panel. In the
background there is a campfire surround by a few sleeping forms. A wagon is to the left side of
the background, past the camp, and the whole area is densely wooded. One of the figures is
setting up, but they are all silhouetted so no features can be made out. ROGAR has a sword
raised as he peers into some wisps of mist.
SFX: lift
This is an above shot of ACHLYS in the ally. The mist has surrounded her in a circle that is
closing in, leaving only a small space between her and the edge of the circle. She now has her
dagger raised close to her chest in defense and her cloak and hair lays limp.
Establishing shot of SERAPHINA. She is walking towards the background to what can be seen
of ROGARs back in the mist. She is carrying her bow in her hand and the campfire is seen
shining behind her, illuminating her back. She whispers Rogars name and this should be
indicated by small text in a small speech balloon.
1. SERAPHINA: rogar!
ACHLYS is covered in mist, crouching over wither her hands over her head and eyes clothed as
she screams.


Establishing shot of GORSTAG sneaking in from the left side of the panel. The faint light of the
campsite shines behind him. The back half of ROGAR can be seen almost totally covered in the
mist as he walks towards the right edge of the panel. SERAPHINA is behind him, just now
entering the mist. The background is dense, dark forest and GORSTAG is laughing to himself.
SFX: hehe
GORSTAG: suckers!
A down view through the half-open eyes of ACHLYS. This should be demonstrated by making
the shape of eyes in black around the panel. Below is the front of her outfit and black boots
standing on the edge of a dirt road. He blue hand can be shown, still clutching the dagger at her
SFX: open


This should be divided into three rows with one long panel each. Each speech indicator should
have its own speech balloon.
A view of the road from the left to right hand side of the panel. The companions are scattered
around it. ACHLYS on the far left and BERON on the far right. The three companions from the
campsite are in the middle, standing close to one another. MARA is between them and ACHLYS
and PAXON is between them and BERON. Behind them is a forest that goes as far as the eye
can see. The sky is grey and the small dot of a sun can be seen behind the cloud cover.
On the same road as before, all of the companions start walking towards the group of three in the
All the companions are crowded around in a circle, showing the bewildered look on their faces.
1. PAXON: So am I dead?



This page should be divided into four panels and three columns. The first and third column
contain one panel and the middle contains two. The background should be of the forest and road,
but loosely outlined and grey, keeping the focus on the characters conversation.
The companions are all looking at BERON as he speaks and looking a little shaken. MARAs
expression cannot be read because of her mask and, besides BERON, ACHLYS is the only one
that doesnt look totally panicked or shocked. The three companions from Fayrune will share a
speech balloon do to answering the same thing at the same time.
1. BERON: No, my friend, you are not dead. Can I ask where you all are from?
2. PAXON: Eversun.
Companions still looking at BERON as he addresses MARA and ACHLYS. MARA shrugs and
tilts her head to the side with a laugh.
SFX: hehe
4. BERON: And you two?
5. MARA: Who knows? Fayrune sounds okay!
Everyone turns towards them, looking at them closely for the first time. PAXON and ROGAR
look a little creeped while SERAPHINA and GORSTAG look shocked by their appearances.
BERON keeps his calm demeanor, but his eyebrow is raised in suspicion of ACHLYS.
6. BERON: While your appearance is strange, I see no shock on your face. From what realm in
this plane do you hail from?
7. ACHLYS: Fortuna. Yourself, paladin?
8. BERON: Touraine.
SERAPHINA speaks up, looking impatient with the two, and speaks directly at BERON.
9. SERAPHINA: What do you mean this plane? Where are we!?
10. BERON: My lady, I do not know, but I believe the mist has brought us here from our
respectable homes. Wherever we are, it is far from where you are from.



Same design as page three.

At this point everyone goes into a panic talking directly at BERON. SERAPHINA is glaring at
ROGAR. MARA is looking at PAXON and ACHLYS is looking off the panel, away from the
group towards the sound of faint crying. The crying should be written small and towards the far
left of the panel where ACHLYS is looking. Everyones speech balloons should be around the
same height as if they are all talking at once and when ACHLYS speaks a second time, this
balloon should be at the bottom of the panel.
SFX: sob
1. ROGAR: Cant we just go back?
2. BARON: No, its3. SERAPHINA: I should have never followed you!
4. ACHLYS: Do you hear that?
5. PAXON: So Im not dead?
6. MARA: Maybe were all dead! hehe
7. GORSTAG: I need a drink
Everyone looks towards ACHLYS who has a finger to her lips. The crying can still be heard, but
louder this time, so the font is a bit bigger.
SFX: sob sob
9. ACHLYS: Quiet, I can hear something.
The party looks towards the sound that the cries are coming from and see the top of a house
behind the trees that they had not noticed before. The top of the partys heads can be seen in the
foreground looking up the road. There is a break through the trees that the road follows that
seems to be heading towards the house. Two distinct voices can be heard now, but their cries are
still faint, so the speech balloons should be small and directed at the house.
10. PERSON 1: Mommy! I-I want Mommy!
11. PERSON 2. Shuu, Thorn *hick* Its o-okay
BARON rushes past the party, running towards the house towards the left of the panel. The rest
of the party is fallowing, but not is as much haste as him. ACHLYS is thinking to herself as she
follows at the back and her balloon should look like a cloud to differentiate between verbal
12. BARON: Those are children!
13. ACHLYS: Idiot



This page should be divided into four panels, each taking up its own row their own row.
A break in the trees as they come up to the Windswept house. The foreground of the panel should
show the end of the road with trees on the right and left. On the far right and left of the
background, the edges of two other, one-story, houses can be seen. The Windswept home is in
the center of the background and tilting slightly to left. It is three stories high and looks dark and
overgrown. Paint is chipping off and a few shutters hang loose. THORN and ROSE can be seen
sitting on the ground outside the front door, crying and holding one another.
SFX: sob sob
BARON walks up to the two children and kneels down in front of them. The rest of the party
stand behind him on the far right side of the panel. The front door and side of the house can be
seen on the far right with the children in front of it, looking up at BARON. PAXON is talking to
MARA quietly and she just shrugs.
SFX: sniff
1. BARON: Children why do you cry?
2. ROSE: The monster!
3. PAXON: What are you?
Same setting as the panel above, but ROSE and THORN are standing and holding BARONs
arms. ACHLYS is looking towards where they came while the others talk amongst themselves.
4. ROSE: Please kill it. It is in the basement.
5. THORN: And it keeps us up all night. We are so scared!
6. BARON: I swear, we will rid the beast. What are your names?
7. ROSE: Im Rose and this is Thorn. Thank you so much!
8. SERAPHINA: What the hell is going on?
9. ROGAR: I guess we are this guys band of merry men now.
10. GORSTAG: I bet they have some sort of reward.
11. PAXON: What is a basement?
12. MARA: Its at the top of the house.
13. ACHLYS: I dont care, but lets just get inside. NOW!
Looking, back at the road they came from, the mist is now at the tree line. From an upward
angle, showing the companions sitting at the base of the house in the foreground with the line of
trees in the background with the road in the middle, the road can no longer be seen.



This page will have a total of seven panels divided into three rows. The first and last row will
consist of three panels and the second will consist of one. While on the first floor and second
floors of the house, the colors should be very bright and the surfaces look pristinely clean.
Objects that the companions are not interacting with should have little detail and the color should
be a little darker to indicate it is out of focus.
The front door and side of the house should be seen on the left side of the panel. The door is shut
and a three or four lines should be drawn off the door to show it had just been slammed. No one
is seen outside the house, but the edge of the mist is on the far right side and a few wisps are seen
rolling off it.
SFX: slam!
This panel should be very dark. Four of the companions shapes are silhouetted in black, but are
mostly undistinguishable from one another beside height. The background should be a dark grey.
SFX: click-click
1. PERSON 1: I cant see a thing!
2. PERSON 2: Give me a second.
3. PERSON 3: I can see okay.
4. PERSON 4: I like the dark. hehe
ACHLYS is in the center of the group, holding a torch that illuminates the companions around
her. The door is seen behind them, but ROSE and THORN are not seen with the group. They are
all looking towards the foreground of the panel.
5. ACHLYS: Lead the way, paladin.
6. BERON: Its Beron, my lady.
This is a view of the home from the direction of the foyer they are standing in. ACHLYS is the
only one seen in this panel, lighting a lantern on the wall between the dining room and kitchen.
On the right side of the panel is a dining room with a long table and six chairs. This are flowers
laid out on the center of the table. To the left of it is a small kitchen with a table in the middle,
pantry in the back, and a cold fire pit with a large pot hanging in it. On the right side of the panel
is a sitting room. The back of a sofa and a chair or crushed red velvet can be seen. Another fire
pit is seen across from the sofa with a monstrous wolf head hanging above it. Between the left
and right side of the hallway, at the far end of the background is a spiral staircase leading up.



GORSTAG and ROGAR at the open kitchen panty. It is filled with delicious looking apples,
grains, dried meat, and other food. A yellow light should be emanating from the panty, located on
the right side of the panel, and the two are looking into it, mouths open in shock. ROGAR is
drooling a little. The preparation table can be seen behind them and, in the background is the
doorway to the hallway. MARAs masked face can be seen peeing in from around the corner.
SERAPHINA is in the left foreground of panel, looking at the carvings on the wall. Directly left
to the panel she is looking at, another panel shows the depiction of a windy field of grain with a
windmill on the left side. In the background a pack of wolves is seen attacking a deer. The image
makes SERAPHINA shiver. Behind her the back part of the couch is seen on the left side
foreground. PAXON and BERON are in the background at an open cabinet on the left side of the
panel against the wall. PAXON is holding a crossbow and several more of varying sizes can be
seen inside. BERON looks angry with his hands on his hips. Behind them is the doorway into the
hall. The torch ACHLYS lit is seen in the middle and the edges of the other two doorways are
seen. MARAs face is peeking out at them from the right side of the doorway.
SFX: shiiiver
7. BERON: Dont you dare take that!
ACHLYS is seen on the left side of the foreground, ear pressed against the wall and knocking on
it. She is in the foyer, at the wall next to the dining room. The doorway into the dining room can
be seen in the right foreground and the left half of the table and chairs are in the background.
MARA is standing between the table and the other side of the wall ACHLY is at, facing the
foreground through the doorway.
SFX: knock-knock
8. MARA: Whos there? hehe



This page takes pace in front of the stairwell. There are five panels and three rows. The first row
has one panel and the second and third have two.
BERON is standing in front of the stairs with PAXON, who is looking down at his new
crossbow. ACHLYS and MARA are standing in front of them. SERAPHINA is coming in from
the sitting room on the left. ROGAR and GORSTAG are walking in from the kitchen, ROGAR
eating an apple and GORSTANG shoving a piece of bread into his backpack that is already
stuffed with food.
SFX: munch
1. BERON: Anyone find anything?
2. PAXON: I got this-!
3. BERON: Anything that isnt stolen!
ACHLYS is shown in the foreground of the panel with SERAPHINA next to her on the left.
ACHLYS hair and clothes are fluttering again, but the wind seems to have no effect on
SERAPHINA. Their mouths are open as they speak and SERAPHINA is looking at ACHLYS
SFX: flutter
4. ACHLYS: The wall by the dining room is hallow. I think we have to go up to go down.
5. SERAPHINA: There are also some super creepy pictures on the walls.
BERON has stepped up to the both of them and is in the right side of the foreground. ACHLY
and SERAPHINA are on the left, ACHLYS further back. MARA can be seen in the background,
watching them as they talk.
6. BERON: Good work! What were your names again?
7. SERAPHINA: The name is SERAPHINA, but you can call me Sera.
8. ACHLYS: Gale.
Same placements as panel three, with BERON not facing away from the girls and pointing back
towards the stairs. His cape flutters up, blocking the background where MARA stood previously,
and his face looks determined. SERAPHINA has an awkward smile on her face as she watches
him, and ACHLYS looks annoyed as she thinks to herself. Her thoughts should be depicted as a
cloud speech balloon.
9. BERON: Excellent! Onward, then.
10. ACHLYS: What is this guys deal



A closer view of the stair case with the adventures walking up. The feet of ROGAR can be seen
where the stairs meet the ceiling. GORSTAG is behind him with a piece of bread in his hand,
talking over his should to PAXON, who is directly behind him and looking down at the
crossbow. BERON is the last, standing at the bottom of the stairs and talking under his breath
and his speech balloon should be small and behind him towards the right side of the panel.
SFX: step
11. GORSTAG: Hey, Blue Scales, show me where you got that crossbow and Ill show you
where I got this food.
12. PAXON: Definitely! And you can call me Paxon, friend.
13. BERON: thieves



This scene begins on the second floor of the house. The stairs come to a landing, but continue up
to the third floor. In front of the stairs is a long hallway with two rooms on each side. Like the
first floor, everything is very clean and vibrant. The hall has two suits of armor standing on the
right and left against the walls. They are both holding torches. The first room on the left is the
master bedroom and the second is a nursery. On the right, the first room is a servants quarters
and the second is a study. This page consists of five panels of two columns and four rows. The
first row consist of one panel. The three rows on the left have one panel each and the column on
the right has one panel that takes up three rows.
A view of the hallway as the companions split up between the four rooms. SERAPHINA and
GORSTAG enter the first room on the right. GORSTAG is still outside the doorway and
SERAPHINAs hair and leg is seen as she has entered the room. The bed can be seen through the
doorway a large window and brown wardrobe to the right of it. ROGAR is entering the servants
quarters on the right, which is very dark and only a silhouette of the bed against the wall can be
seen. Further down the hall, ACHLYS is entering the room on the right where the edge of a
fireplace and portrait hanging above it can be seen through the door. BERON is close behind her.
Across the hall, on the left, PAXON is entering the nursery with MARA uncomfortably close
behind him. Nothing can be seen in the nursery from the angle of the stairwell.
1. BERON: All right, split up. And dont touch anything!
In the master bedroom with SERAPHINA and GORSTAG. SERAPHINA is facing the wall, with
GORSTAG looking over her shoulder. The bedpost of the bed can be seen on the right hand
foreground with the two standing next to it, facing the background. The walls are similar to the
ones on the first floor, but, this time, the image shows three children playing in a meadow with a
swarm of bats over their head.
SFX: looks
2. SERAPHINA: Gorstag, come look at this.
ROGAR is standing in a small dark room in the foreground on the left side of the panel. The only
light is coming from outside the door and spilling into the room. There is only a small bed with a
grey blanket, perfectly made, and a chest against the wall that GORSTAG is looking into. It is
filled with fabric.



BERON is standing in the foreground of the panel, pulling a book of the bookshelf. He is seen
from about the chest up. The bookshelf is past the borders of the foreground and should be drawn
as if coming out of thin air. It is black with red markings. On the right side of the middle ground,
another bookshelf can be seen from the right side to about the middle of the panel. In the
background, ACHLYS is seen in front of the fireplace, looking up. There is a sofa behind her and
the doorway to the hallway on the left. The background should be in little detail to focus on the
This panel depicts ACHLY standing in the foreground near the bottom of the panel. She is only
visible from her shoulders up and greyed to put the focus on the image in front of her. Above the
fireplace is a beautifully painted picture of the Windswept family. Rose and Thorn are seen in the
front wearing fine clothes of deep purple with black lace. Behind them is their father and mother.
The mother is a beautiful young woman with long black hair and honey-brown eyes. She is
holding a bundle shaped like a baby in her arms, the cloth the same color as the familys clothes.
The father is looking at the bundle and is the only member not smiling.



This page consists of six panels divided evenly into two columns and three rows.
PAXON is standing in front of a crib. He is in the foreground with the crib in the background.
MARA is on the other side of the crib, looking in, and facing the foreground. The crib is the
same red as the rest of the houses furnishing and a small bundle lays in the center.
1. MARA: oooh! What is this?
2. PAXON: I think its a baby. Poor thing.
BERON is in front the bookshelf again, this time with the bookshelf in the background and him
facing it. He is looking down at the book he grabbed of the shelf. There is a faint light coming
from where the bookshelf and wall meet.
PAXON reaches in to pick the baby up. He is on the left side of the panel, facing the crib, and his
hands are reaching in. MARA is on the right side, looking up at him now, but still in her same
place, hunched over the crib.
3. MARA: Beron said not to touch anything.
4. PAXON: This is different, its a baby.
Same as panel two. BERON is still holding the book, but is now looking into the crack the light
is coming from.
SFX: huh?
A close up of the crib. MARAs dark clothes can be seen on the right side of the background and
PAXONs hands are lower arms are seeing from the left side of the foreground. He is now
touching the blanket that has become flat in his hands.
SFX: phoom
BERON is pushing the bookshelf out of the way. It swings outwards like a door revealing a small
room a chair in front of a desk littered with papers. There is a single candle, almost burned out,
on the right side of the desk.
SFX: open



This page contains four panels divided into four rows.

Back to the view of the hallway from the stairs as seen on page seven, panel one. SERAPHINA
and GORSTAG are running from the master bedroom to the nursery and ROGAR is running
towards the study. Curved lines should be drawn coming from the rooms they exited to indicate
where they came from. Voices are heard from both the nursery and the study and should appear
next to each other in the background as one big speech balloon, a tail on the right and left.
BERON is in the foreground in front of the desk, holding a piece of paper. He is facing the
foreground of the panel with ACHLYS standing to his right. ROGAR has just entered the room
and is standing in the doorway with wide eyes. The background to the study can be seen behind
2. ROGAR: What is it?
3. ACHLYS: A note
4. BERON: Its addressed to Duke Edward Windswept.
MARA and PAXON are still standing in the same paces. SERAPHINA is standing between them
on the far side of the crib and GORSTAG is next to her, on the right side of PAXON. PAXON is
holding the cloth in his hands and holding it up to SERAPHINA. SERAPHINA is talking to
MARA and MARA is shrugging. GORSTAG has his hand on PAXONs shoulder.
SFX: shrugs
5. PAXON: It just fell apart when I touched it!
6. SERAPHINA: Did that really happen?
7. GORSTAG: You okay, Paxon?
Same setting as panel two. ROGAR and ACHLYS are now standing over BARONs shoulder,
looking down at the note.
8. BARON: I think this is the childrens father.
9. ROGAR: Who is this Lord Markett?
10. ACHLYS: What does it say?



This page consists of one, full-page, panel. It shows the note Beron is holding and his hand can
be seen in the lower left corner of the panel. It is of fine parchment and written in ink. The script
is flowing and looks like it was written with a lot of care.

Duke Edward Windswept,

I wanted to write you personally to
express my thanks for all your services of the
past decade. You have been loyal and timely
in your duties and I wanted you to know it has
not gone unnoticed. I have also noticed some
slip ups as of late, but that usually
accompanies raising a family and I completely
understand. While your last delivery arrived
almost two days late, I want you to know that
I understand and I make efforts to
accommodate the needs of my people. I am
working on a way to assist your circumstances
as I am writing this and I hope it is able to
help with your management of family and
services to me. Know that I am not angry and
have even delivered a gift along with this
letter. Please enjoy!
Lord Markett


This page consists of four panels divided into three rows. The top and bottom row contain one
panel and the middle contains two.
The companions have come back out into the hallway. SERAPHINA, GORSTAG, MARA, and
PAXON on the left and BARON, ACHLYS, and ROGAR on the right. BERON is holding the
note and PAXON, the blanket. Everyone is talking at the same time.
1. PAXON: I sear, there was a baby inside!
2. SERAPHINA: Youre losing it.
3. GORSTAG: I believe him. This place is creepy.
4. ROGAR: Who is he, anyway?
5. BARON: Not a good guy. Quite the opposite.
Close up of BERONs face as he talks. He is facing the left foreground of the panel and his face
looks stern.
6. BERON: Hey!
7. BERON: I just found this note from Lord Markett. I know you all dont know him, but he is a
bad man. His name has spread to even my land.
Same as above, but now BARON is facing the direct left side of the panel.
8. BERON: If he has anything to do with this, we need to be very careful and should hurry. So
lets get going.


A view of the third floor as seen from the stairwell. Unlike the first two floors, it is dusty with
dead leaves scattered around the floor. Bugs can be seen here and there, crawling on the walls
and floors. To the left is a tall door with a huge iron lock on it. To the right is a hallway. There is
a doorway leading into a dark room on the wall in the background and the hallways also
continues into another room that cannot be seen from this angle. Directly in front, facing the
companions, is another set of armor.

This page consists of seven panels divided into two columns and four rows. The second row
contains one panel and the others contain two.
Up close of MARA and the suit of armor. It is on the right side and a head taller than MARA.
She is on the right side and taps it with her fingernail that is long and painted black. The eyes of
the armor can be seen glowing red just below the top of the panel.
SFX: tap tap
Same placement as above. The armor swings at MARA, but she ducks to miss the blow. The top
of her head is seen right below the arm. Lines should be drawn from the left and following the
movement of the swing.
SFX: duck!
The companions prepare to fight. The armor in the background has both arms raised, facing the
group. The whole group is facing it in the midground with swords drawn and bows raised.
ACHLYS is in the foreground with her hood raised and crouching behind the group. She running
towards the left side of the panel and her cloak flutters out behind her.
SFX: dash
1. BERON: Get ready!
PAXON shoots his crossbow at the monster, but it is deflected off. She is on the left side,
crossbow held up and the monster is looking at him from the right side for the panel.


SFX: clink
2. PAXON: shit!
The armor monster is standing on the left-hand side of the panel, looking past the border.
BERON comes rushing in from the right behind his shield. It collides with the monster and sets it
off balance as it begins to fall over.
SFX: slam!
3. BARON: The neck!


The monster is now lying on the ground with BARON on top of it. Its head is near the upper left
of the panel and the bodies are angled towards the lower right. ROGAR is bent over on the lower
left side of the panel, sword held in both his hands as he cuts the armor at the neck.
SFX: slllice
Close up of SERAPHINAs face. Her eyes are wide and her mouth is open as she yells.
4. SERAPHINA: What the hell was that!?


This page contains five panels divided into three rows and two columns. The last row contains
one panel and the first two contain two.
BERON is hunched over the now lifeless armor as seen from above. His hand is raised over its
and a white light is emanating from his hand. The armor is laying diagonally from the upper left
to bottom right of the panel and BERON is in the upper right corner.
1. BERON: It was enchanted by some kind of magic.
Close up of PAXONs face. He is shown on the left side of the panel, lines drawn in a circular
motion around his head to indicate he is looking around. The sound of sobbing is coming from
past the border of the right-hand side.
SFX: sob
2. PAXON: Hey, where is Gale?
ACHLYS is found curled up in the room that was further down the hall. The room is found to be
a toy room and there are dolls, a doll house, balls, and other items strewn about. She is on the far
left side of the midground with the toys in front of her and wall behind her. The companions
come in from where the battle took place on the left. The doorway to the other room can be seen
behind them and ROGAR enters there. PAXON walks up to her and the others stand in the
doorway, looking confused and speaking to themselves quietly.
3. PAXON: Hey, whats wrong? Did you get hit?
4. SERAPHINA: Did she even fight?


Close up of ACHLYS face. She looks distraught and tears are streaming down her face. She is
looking up towards the right side of the panel, addressing the companions.
5. ACHLYS: No! Im scared! I dont want to die!


Same setting as panel three. ROGAR can no longer be seen in the other room, but calls out to the
others from there. PAXON kneels down in front of her, holding hand. BERON is doing the same
with his head bowed and crossing his arm over his chest like a knight. The others stay back,
SERAPHINA with her arms crossed over her chest and is talking quietly to herself. ACHLYS
nods in answer, but think to herself, indicated by a cloud speech balloon.
SFX: nod nod
6. PAXON: Its okay, Gale. We wont let anything hurt you.
7. BARON: You have my honor, I will get us all home safe.
8. SERAPHINA: Uhg, men will believe anything.
9. ACHLYS: Ha, men will believe anything!
10. ROGAR: Guys! I found something!


This page contains five panels divided into two columns and three rows. The first two rows each
have two panels and the last has one.
ROGAR is standing next to a chest on the right side of the background. He is facing towards the
foreground and pointing at the chest as he talks to the companions past the border. The room is
filled with display mannequins for clothes of both a young girl and boy. The clothes are dusty
and two such mannequins can be seen in the foreground of the scene. The chest next to ROGAR
is relatively large and the lid is open.
1. ROGAR: In here I think she, wellPANEL TWO.
The open chest takes up the whole panel. In the chest, and curled up form of a woman can be
seen. Her white dress is covered in blood and shredded in places. Her black hair covers her face.
The chest is on the right side of the panel with BERON kneeling in front of it with his eyes
closed and hand raised. ROGAR stands directly behind him and the others make a semi-circle
around them.
2. BERON: May her spirit rest in peace
3. SERAPHINA: This place just gets worse!
4. ACHLYS: I think that is the mother.
4. BERON: We need to proceed with care.
The companions are coming out of the room with the chest and back to where the armor once
stood. The angle of the scene is from the locked door and ROGAR is running straight at it. Only


BERON, ACHLYS, and SERAPHINA are outside the door with the face of MARA peeking
around the corner. The stairs leading down can be seen between them and ROGAR on the left
and the playroom is behind them. The suit of armor is lying against the wall on the right.
5. ROGAR: Woah! Look at that!
6. BERON: I said care!
ROGAR is standing in front of the locked door with his back towards the foreground. It is locked
and doubled doored, almost two feet taller than the dragonborn. The wood is engraved with
beautiful designs that are painted gold. A large lock made of iron is in the middle of the door.

This page contains five panels divided into two columns and three rows. The first two rows each
have two panels and the last has one.
The door is now seen on the right side of the panel. ROGAR has stepped forward with a crowbar
in his hands and positions it at the lock. The rest of the companions stand together on the left side
of the panel, watching him.
1. ROGAR: Stand back, I got this!
Same positioning as above. ROGARs grip slips and he falls to the ground. The companions
follow his fall and he is seen in the lower right side, about to hit the ground. Lines should be
drawn in sharp downward dashes to indicate the slip. ACHLYS has stepped forward from the
group, not paying attention to ROGAR. Her right hand is in her left sleeve and she is looking at
the door.
SFX: clank!
The party is still in their same spots, looking down at the ground where ROGAR has fallen past
the border. MARA laughs SERAPHINA has a hand over her mouth, trying to suppress a grin and
BERON clasps his forehead in his palm. ACHLYS is crouched at the doorway, both hands at the
lock with small sliver tools poking in the keyhole.
SFX: groan
2. MARA: hehe


Same placements as above. The door to the room swings open. ACHLYS is still crouched in
front of it and the doors are pushed inward. The party that is standing look over at the open door.
ROGAR sits up from where he fell and looks at the door as well.
SFX: click!
The doors are shown open on the left and right side of the foreground, looking into the room.
There is a fireplace with one window on each side on the far wall. Identical beds are on the right
and left with the bodies of ROSE and THORN laying in them. THORN is holding his stuffed
animal. The children look very small, like they had starved in the room. In the middle of the
room, between the two beds, stand ROSE and THORN holding hands. They look less solid than
before and the back of the room can be seen in less detail through them.

This page consists of four panels divided between three rows. The first row has two panels and
the second and third have one.
The room now seen from the side. The companions are crowded inside the open doors on the
right side of the panel. ROSE and THORN stand on the right and one of the beds can be seen
behind them and through them on the wall as they look at the companions. SERAPHINA is knelt
down in front of them, looking horrified and BERON is standing behind her, looking at
SERAPHINA, with the rest of the party behind him.
1. SERAPHINA: What happened!?
2. BERON: Be gentle, Sera.
Same positioning as above. BERON is now looking at the children as they speak and
SERAPHINA looks like she is on the verge of tears.
SFX: sniff
3. ROSE: The monster.
4. BERON: Did the monster hurt you?
5. THORN: No.
Close up of ROSE and THORNs faces as they speak. Their faces look sunken in and the pack
wall can be seen vaguely through them. THORN is crying and his face is in his elbow.
6. ROSE: The monster killed Mommy and Daddy put us in here to keep us safe, but he never
came back.
7. THORN: We are so scared and cant sleep!


Same as panel one. BERON is now crouched down next to SERAPHINA with his arm around
her shoulder and she nods and cries into her hands. The party is now right behind them, fist
clenched in the air and looking determined at the children.
SFX: nod nod
8. BERON: I swear to you, we will get the monster. Right, everyone?
9. PAXON, ROGAR, & GORSTAG: Of course!

This page contains six panels divided into four rows. Rows one and three contain two panels and
rows two and four contain one.
Close up of ROSE and THORNs faces again. They are smiling. THORN is looking at the
foreground where he companions would be and ROSE is looking towards the left side of the
1. THORN: Thank you!
2. ROSE: The door to the basement is over there.
The companions are all in the bottom foreground of the panel looking at the background. In front
of the bed that was on the left side of the room, the wall swings open on its own in the shape of a
narrow door. Curved lines should be drawn fallowing the doors motion.
SFX: creeeek
3. PAXON: I thought this was the basement.
Same positioning as panel four on page sixteen. The door in the background can now be seen
open. The children have disappeared. Dotted lines should be shown around their outline with the
SFX in the middle. The companions are looking at the spot they once stood in shock.
SFX: poof
Close up of BERON. His hand is outstretched towards the right foreground of the panel with the
same white light coming from it. His face is in the left background and his eyes are closed.


4. BERON: Be at peace.
BERON stands up, looking determined with his hand clenched at his chest. He is in the center of
the foreground and SERAPHINA and MARA can be seen looking at him from the edges. Behind
him the open door can be seen.
5. BERON: Lets go! The sooner we right this wrong, the better.


Viewed from the side of the room, facing the basement door. The companions have descended
the stairs, BARONs red cape the only thing left seen in the doorway. GORSTAG and ROGAR
are still standing in the same place, facing forwards to the fireplace. They arent moving, but
there eyes are giving off a faint yellow glow. BERON can be heard yelling from the stairs.
6. BERON: I said lets go!


This page contains seven panels divided into four rows. The first row contains one panel and the
rest contain two.
The companions are seen at the bottom of the stairs in the middle of the background. BERON is
standing in the lead with GORSTAG and ROGAR on the stairs behind the others. On both sides
of the hallway, the walls are lined with ornate coffins. Three large ones on the right and three
small ones on the left. BERON is speaking in a whisper and his speech balloon should be small
and close to the party.
1. BERON: Okay, lets search. Be quiet and careful.
BERON is looking down at two of the small coffins. One is labels Rosaline M. Windswept and
the other Thornen K. Windswept. He is in the middle foreground of the panel with one hand on
each coffin to his right and left.
GORSTAG appears in the foreground of the panel in a small eating area. He is curled up under
the table. The table is simple wood with benches in the front and back. A closed cabinet can be
seen behind him. On top of the table is a bowl of rotten apples and a rat eating them.
SFX: shiver
MARA is facing a black wall with her back to the foreground. The wall is lined with small
alcoves. The one to her left has a severed finger and the one to her right has a black orb. She is
reaching for the one directly in front of her, clutching the handle of a knife made of bone.


SFX: hehe
2. MARA: So pretty!
ACHLYS and PAXON are seen through the open door to a small bedroom. A door to a second
bedroom can be seen on the far left of the panel. ACHLYS is hunched over a locked chest at the
foot of the bed. Only the bottom of the bed can be seem. She has he thieves tools in the lock and
PAXON is looking down at her, holding a torch.
3. PAXON: You have to teach me that!
4. ACHLYS: Hold the light still!


SERAPHINA is seen in the right side background of the panel with her bow raised as if she just
shot it. In the foreground is the top of the table GORSTAG is under. An arrow is protruding
through the rat that was eating the apples.
SFX: squeeek!
Same positioning as panel five. PAXON is stepping towards the door and looking at ROGAR
who is running off towards the right of the panel. ACHLYS is standing where she once crouched.
ROGAR is carrying a silver sword.
5. ROGAR: Mine!
6. ACHLYS: Hey!
7. PAXON: Not cool man


This page contains four panels divided into three rows. The first and third row have one panel
and the second has two.
In the kitchen area. GORSTAG is still under the table. BERON stands next to SERAPHINA,
complimenting her, in the background with the table in the foreground. ROGAR is crouched
down on the left side of the table holding the silver sword out to GORSTAG. ACHLYS and
PAXON are behind him, with their arms crossed, in the background and MARA in crouched on
the right side of the table, imitating ROGAR.
1. BERON: Nice shot.
Close up of ROGAR and GORSTAG under the table. ROGAR looks excited, showing the sword
to GORSTAG while GORSTAG looks terrified. The others overhear him talking and become
SFX: huh?
2. ROGAR: Rose! Look what I found.
Same as panel above. ROGAR no longer looks excited, but like he is in trouble as he looks up
past the table. BERONs boots can be seen next to him on the ground.
3. ROGAR: Oopse
Same placement as panel one. ROGAR is now standing and BERON takes the swords from him
angrily. This should be indicated with curved likes following the movement of BERONs arm


where it now holds the sword away from ROGAR to the right. GORSTAG peeks out from under
the table at the two. All of the companions are looking at the two. MARA is also standing now,
but looking at the foreground where the sound of a howl is coming from.
4. BERON: THORN!? When did-

This page consists of two panels divided into one column. The top panel should take up about
4/5ths of the page.
A long, dark hallway is seen on both sides of the foreground leading into a large, circular room in
the background. The room is surrounded in torches and a red glow is emanating from markings
on the floor. At the opening to the room is the black silhouette of a large wolf.
SFX: grrrrr
An up close show of the wolfs teeth. They are barred and saliva is dripping from the corners of
its mouth.


This page consist of one large panel action sequence.
The beginnings of battle. The wolf leaps into the air at the companions from the upper right
corner of the midground. The red room can be seen in the far background. Behind the wolf. Its
legs are outstretch and mouth open for attack. The companions are in the left side of the
foreground, ready to fight. BERON has his shield up and silver sword pointed at the wolf. On his
right, PAXON had both swords raised over his head, ready for a downward stroke. ROGAR is on
BERONs right with first raised. GORSTAG is behind him, cowering. MARA is in the far back
with her crossbow raised. On her right is SERAPHINA bow raised and just fired, arrow arching
right at the wolf. ACHLYS has he dagger out and is running around PAXON who is in front of
her. This should be indicated with curved lines following her movement. Her cloak is flying out
behind her and her hair is up as if in a high wind.


This page consist of three panels, each having their own row.
Up close shot of MARA. She is in the left-hand side of the background with her crossbow raised
towards the right side of the foreground. The bolt is just now leaving the crossbow and the
feathered end of it can still be seen in the corner.
SFX: clink!
1. MARA: Kill the wolf! Kill the wolf!
Close up shot of PAXON. He is in the right side of the foreground, his mouth open and a shot of
blue lightning hitting the wolfs side. The wolf is in the middle of the background, teeth clenched
around BERONs sword arm. BERON is on the left side of the background, face contorted in
pain and his shield pressed against the wolfs head.
PAXON is standing on the right side of the panel, facing the left. One sword is in front of him in
defense and his other sword is flying backwards through the air, his left arm thrown out to the
side where he has been shot with a bolt of ice that sticks though his shoulder. The wolf is
standing in front of him and now can be seen to be about half the height of PAXON. It is
hunched, teeth barred and an arrow sticking though its side. BERON is on the right side of
PAXON, behind the wolf, and has his swords raised to strike. On the left side of the panel
GORSTAG has run into ROGAR, wrapping his arms around him and knocking him off balance.
ROGAR is facing the wolf and his mouth his open. A shimmering blue-white line connects his
mouth to the ice in PAXONs shoulder.


SFX: slam!
SFX: aah
3. GORSTAG: Thorn, no! Its not safe!

This page consist of three panels, each having their own row.
SERAPHINA is seen on the left side of the foreground with her bow raised. Her arrow is in the
air and multiple, straight lines should follow it to indicate force. She is facing the wolf in the
background on the left side. It is swiping at BARON, who has his shield up, and it scratches the
surface. ACHLYS can be seen from the far left, sneaking up behind the wolf, her dagger held
ahead of her.
SFX: phoomp
Up close shot of BERON, ACHLYS, and the wolf. BERON is on the right side of the panel,
holding his shield up. The wolf is facing him and its claws are dug into the top of the shield as it
snaps at BERONs face. It had another arrow sticking from its back now. ACHLYS can be seen
on the right side. One are is wrapped around the wolfs neck as the other shoves the dagger into
its throat.
Same positioning as above. The wolf falls to the ground. The top of its back can be seen as it
falls, two arrow and a bolt sticking up. ACHLYS and BERON are looking down, following its
motion. Two curved lines should be drawn, following it slipping off BERONs shield, which now
has two sets of claw marks down it to about the middle.


This page contains three panels divided into two rows. The top half of the page as two panels of
equal size and the bottom half has one.
The wolf lays limp on the ground with its eyes closed. The feet of BERON can be seen on the
left and the feet of ACHLYS on the right. It is not moving and a pool of blood is forming around
it. Its head is facing to the left.
Same as above, but the wolf form is slightly faded and the shape of a man, curled up can be seen
The panel zooms in to just the figure. The wolf is now completely in the shape of the man. He is
naked and covered in dirt and blood. His blond hair is long and matted. His face looks otherwise
untouched and tears are falling from his eyes. THORN and ROSE yell from off panel to the left.


This page consists of four panels between three rows. The top and bottom rows have one panel
and the middle as two.
BERON and ACHLYS are standing on the far right side of the panel, looking down at the wolf at
their feet. ACHLYS is closer to the foreground with BERON in the background. GORSTAG and
ROGAR are on the left side of the wolf, facing the first two. Both of them are slumping to the
ground, eyes closed. Horizontal lines should be drawn to follow their movement. Between them
and the wolf, the ghostly forms of ROSE and THORN and huddled over their father, looking
down at him. The rest of the companions are on the far left, facing the scene.
SFX: drooop
1. ROSE & THORN: Father!
2. SERAPHINA: Father?
Close up of GORSTAG and ROGAR sitting up on the floor. ROGAR is on the right side
foreground with GORSTAG slightly to the left in the background. Both of ROGARs hands are
out his temples, eyes closed, and GORSTAG has his forehead in the palm of his hand, one eye
peeking up at PAXON. PAXON and MARA are on the left side of the panel, crouching over the
two from above. MARA is in the foreground, poking ROGARs forehead and PAXON is giving
GORSTAG a huge grin.
SFX: poke
3. MARA: You sure do fall down a lot, huh?
4. GORSTAG: uuuhhh what happened?
5. PAXON: Well explain later buddy. Its a doozy.


Close up of ROSE, THORN, BERON, and ACHLYS. ROSE and THORN are kneeling in front
of the body on the right side of the panel, looking up at the other two. ACHLYS and BERON are
looking at each other on the right side of the panel. ACHLYS takes BERONs silver blade,
holding it out to him.
6. ROSE: Thank you for helping him.
7. THORN: But you have to finish. You have to free him.
8. BERON: What do you mean?
9. ACHLYS: They want us to kill him. Use your sword.


The companions now stand huddled together. GORSTAG and ROGAR are now standing.
BERON is now with the other companions. His cape flies out behind him with the movement.
They are all talking almost themselves. ACHLYS does not follow, but a slice can be heard from
her direction to the right.
SFX: slllice!
10. BERON: They want us to kill it.
11. MARA: okay!
12. GORSTAG: What happened?
13. ROGAR: Its not dead?
14. SERAPHINA: Isnt he human now?
15. PAXON: For how long?


This page has four panels divided into three rows. The first and second row have one and the last
has two.
Up close shot of ACLYS. She is in the foreground on the left side, facing frontwards. Her right
hand holds the mans head up by the hair and the left holds the silver blade up at his throat,
cutting in. Blood spurts out on the blade and some speckles her face. Her yellow eyes are have
no pupal and her expression is lacking any emotion.
SFX: sput!
All of the companions are now facing her in shock. ACHLYS is now sitting on her knees on the
right side of the panel, looking down at the body. The bloody blade is at her side, held loosely in
her hand, and the body is back on the ground, a large pool of blood around its head. The
companions are standing ridged on the left side of the panel, looking down at her. THORN and
ROSE are gone.
SFX: shock!
Up close shot of ACHLYS face. She is looking up towards the left corner of the panel, face still
expressionless and speckled with blood.
SFX: silence


Same as panel above, but now ACHLYS is crying. Her eyes are closed a steams of tears cut
through the blood on her face.

This page has four panels divided into three rows. The first and last row contain one panel and
the middle contains two.
ACHLYS is sitting on the floor on the right side of the panel, facing left. Her head tilted up as
she sobs. MARA stands to her left, behind her a little and leaning over her with a cloth in her
hand. PAXON is kneeling in front of her, hand on her shoulder. The others stand behind him on
the left side of the panel, looking down at her. SERAPHINA and BERON have their eyes
narrowed and are standing farthest away. ROGAR and GORSTAG are leaning over PAXON,
looking worried.
SFX: sob
1. PAXON: Its okay, Gale. Dont cry.
2. ROGAR: Are you okay?
3. GORSTAG: What happened?
Close up of ACHLYS face again. She is looking up to the right of the panel, where MARA
would be standing. MARAs hand is seen, holding a dirty cloth and wiping the blood and tears
from ACHLYS cheek. ACHLYS gives a small smile. The edge of BARONs red cloak can be
seen in in the left corner of the foreground as he steps forward.
SFX: step
4. ACHLYS: T-thank you, uh5. MARA: Mara.
6. ACHLYS: Thanks, Mara.


BARON is standing on the left side of the panel, looking down at ACHLYS. His expression is
angry. ACHLYS looks up at him, eyes wide and face full of fear. She is holding his sword up in
both hands that are shaking. This should be indicated with jagged lines around them.
7. BERON: Why?
8. ACHLYS: I was terrified and he was suffering! Everyone knows silver kills werewolves and
he could have got up again and attacked if we did nothing!
Same as above. BARONs back is now turned towards her and he is walking towards the left of
the panel as he puts the sword in his hilt. ACHLYS is still watching him, but her hands are down.
The hand putting it away is covered in blood from the elbow down.
9. BERON: We should go. We have to find someone to help our wounded.

This page has four panels divided into three rows. The first contains two panels and the second
and third contain one.
Same depiction as page nineteen, panel one. The companions are seen walking up the stairs now.
ACHLYS is at the bottom, thinking to herself. In front of her is MARA then PAXON. At the top
of the stairs is a pair of feet, but is not distinguishable.
SFX: step step
1. ACHLYS: What a drag
The companions are in the foyer from where they first entered the house. They are in the
foreground of the panel with only the tops of their heads showing. BARON can be seen a little
ahead, holding the door open. The mist from before can be seen in the background, through the
door, and has receded away from the house slightly,
A view of the house from the side. The companions exit the house from the open door on the far
right side of the panel. They are led by BARON, who has his sword and shield up. Behind him,
they are in three rows of two. SERAPHINA and ROGAR behind him. PAXON and GORSTAG
behind them, and ACHYLS and MARA in the back and still at the threshold of the door. They
are looking worse for wear: BERONS sword arm is torn and bloody, GORSTAG and ROGAR
are pale with dark circles under their eyes, PAXON is clutching his should that is bleeding onto
his hand, and MARA and ACHLYS have blood splattered on their face and mask. Only
SERAPHINA looks untouched. The wall of mist is thick in the background and circles around to
the left edge of the foreground.


Same as above, but they have all move forward some more and the entrance to the house can no
longer be seen. However, the mist remains the same distance away. The companions, except for
BARON, put one hand on the person in front of them.
SFX: move
2. BERON: I think it is moving and we are in the eye. Stay close to be and be careful. Put a hand
on the person in front of you.
3. MARA: Mist, Mist, go away!

This page consists of five panels divided into three rows. The first two rows contain two and the
last contains one.
Same as panel four on the previous page. The companions continue forward towards the left side
of the panel, BERON leading the way. MARA has stopped, looking behind her and the others
have moved away a set or two. On the right side of the panel the mist has circled closer, blocking
off their escape.
1. MARA: uh-oh
Viewed from above, the companions are standing back to back in a circle. The wall of mist is
only about two feet away from them.
SFX. squeeze
2. BARON: Everyone stay close and dont move! Grab the person next to you.
Same as the panel above. The companions are looking up at the foreground as a voice is heard
coming from above. The speck balloons for LORD MARKETT should be black with white
3. VOICE: Welcome. I am Lord Markett.


A close up of the companions faces as the voice continues to speak. Some are looking up at each
other, others are still looking up. The speech balloons are at the top of the panel and the mist can
be seen in the background and both sides of the foreground.
4. LORD MARKETT: I cant wait to meet you in person. This is going to be fun!
The mist completely covers them and fills the panel. END is written in the lower right corner
of the panel.
LORD MARKETT: Ha, ha, ha!

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