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3. Dynamics 3.2, 33 34 35 Newton's laws of motion Linear momentum and its conservation Elastic and non-elastic collisions Centre of mass Frictional forces ORISEVS ‘@ state Newton's law of motion ‘© use the formula F = mdv/dt + vdm/de for constant mor constant v « state the principle of conservation of momentum, and verify the principle using Newton's laws of motion + apply the principle of conservation of momentum. ‘¢ define impulse as /F dt ‘ solve problems involving impulse distinguish between elastic collisions and inelastic collisions (nage of coin of reintion nt mgd) : Oblectives ‘© solve problems involving collisions between particles in one dimension ‘# define centre of mass for a system of particles ina plane + predict the path of the centre of mass of a two particle system explain the variation of frictional force with sliding force # define and use coefficient of static function and coefficient of kinetic friction. Summary (Newton’s Law) @ Newton’s First Law: The motion of an object does not change unless it is acted on by a net force @ Newton's Second Law: F,,., = ma @ Newton’s Third Law: F,,, = -F,,,, «When considering action reaction pairs it’s important to identify which forces act on a given object. 10 3.2, LINEAR MOMENTUM AND ITS CONSERVATION ‘Momentum and Impulse Momentum © Is dofined as the product between mass and velocty © isavectorquantly © Equation [Fa] © The unk finesr momentum s kg m 5 © The direction of th imis the sameas he Tygaiagigget tre momentum ste same as he drecvon © Itean be resolve nto vereal (y) component an horizontal (x) component P= poos! mvcos6 y= psin6=mvsind Impulse 7" © Leta single constant force, Facts cn an objctn @ shor ime Interval eolison), thus the Newton's 2* law an be writen a DP =F = Beconstant where Bi, final momentum P, sinitial momentum F simpulsive force © edna a the product of force, F and the timo, ¢ A the change of momentum © Is avector quantity whose rection s the same asthe ‘constant force on the cbect (© The SI. unit impulse is N sor kg m = 0 lithe foree acts ject is not constant then where F, :average impulsive force © Shceipuise tnd meer ere bit vector quanta ent Frolov eadents une Hem copes om Jy =(EFqy), t= Bag ~ Pix =v, —H,) consider 20 cotlsbnenty] J, =(F,,),dt = pay ~ Pry =mlv, —u,) I= (Fy )edt = poe ~ Pi. = mb © When two objoets in collision, the impulsive tows, F against time, #grach is given by the Figute 3.1 Example 3.2 : a{ms) Figure 3.2 An estimated force-time curve for a tennis ball of mass 60.09 struck by a racket is shown in Figure 3.2. Determine @ the impulse delivered to the ball, . the speed of the ball ater being struck, assuming the ball is being served so it is nearly at rest initially. m= 60,0107 kg a, From the force-time graph, J =area under the F -f graph 1 =F(l.8~0.2)x107 8x10") J=144Ns b. Given the balls initial speed, 1 = 0 J=dp= m(v-u) 14.4=(60,0x107 \v—0) v=240ms" Principle of conservation of linear momentum) Therefore p = constant ther states “in an isolated (closed) system, the total momentum of that system |s constant.” oR ‘When the net external force on a system |s zero, the total momentum of that system is constant." © According to the principle of conservation of linger momentum, Ina Closes system, wwe obtain DF=0 The total of Initial momentum = the total of final momentum From the Newicn's second law, thus = _ dp DF=# -0 dt dp=0 3.3 ELASTIC AND NON-ELASTIC COLLISIONS Elastic collision © Is defined as one In whieh the total kinetle energy (es wellas © *"¢ Properties of elastic collision are tolal momentum) of the system isthe same before and afier @. The coefficient of restitution, ¢ = 1 Shecoliaon bb. The total momentum Is conserved. © Figure 3.4 shows the head-on collision of two billiard balls. gully My Before colision —| = 6, The total kinetic energy Is conserved. OR Atcollision my, Aitercolision Pr MU, +MzU2, = NV}, +M2V2, (0.250}(20) +0 = (0.250), cos, )+ (0.900)v,, 5 =(0.250)(4cos 50°) +(0.900)r,, Vv, =4.84ms™ The y-component of linear momentum, Lby= Dy O=myvzy + mzV2y 0=(0.250)(- sino") + (0.900), v,, =0.851ms7 Magnitude of the soccer ball, v2 = (v,,) y +n, P , = (4.84) + (0.8517 =4.91ms7! Direction of the soccer ball, 4, =tan? “y |= tan OS Vox 4.84 4, =9.97 trom positive x-axis anticlockwise =_ fae 18040 Beton osama saome! ‘ator Figure 3.7 In Figure 3.16 show a 380 g tulle Is fred horizontally at two ‘locke at rot on aitcnless tabletop. The bullet passos through the fist biock with mass 1.20 kg, and embeds Heal the azcons biock, wth mass 1.80 kg. Speads ot 0.630 m 5 and 1.49 ms", respectively, are thereby given tate blocks. Naglecting the mass removed from the rst block bythe bul, stermine 4. the spoed af tho bullet mmodiatoy ator t omorgos trom the teat Block and to intial sped of tho bullet ANS. :721 m st; 987.4 m e+ ‘Aball moving wih a speed of 17 m s" strikes an identical ball ‘hat is intialy a eet After the cclision, tha incoming bal hi ‘been deviated by 45° from is oiginl ection, and the stuck ‘bal moves of al 80° rom the orginal direction as shown In Figure 3.17. Calculate tno spocd of each bal ator th colision Ta Figure 3.17 ANS. :8.80m 5-1; 124 ms 3-4 CENTRE OF MASS Center of Mass * Center of Mass is defined as the average position of the mass of the system. * Mathematically, it is defined by the following integral: xau= qf zdm o * For defined points of mass in a system, this integral can also be written as the following sum: rai EY ms @ Motion of the Center of Mass * The velocity and acceleration of the center of mass of a sytem is found the same way as the center of mass: eT Emer tt mate tne = o eg 2 ME Maas + gy ) * The advantage to using the center of mass to evaluate the motion of a system is that the center of mass acts the same as a single particle: P=Mves o Fa Magy ©

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