Lesson Plan 1: Ss. Will Read The Questions and Fill The Gaps in Worksheet

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Lesson Plan 1

Student name: Marwa



Lesson Title/Reference: Peoples lives

( past tense)

Grade: level

Date: 20-3

Time: 8:00 to

No. of

Learning Outcomes
Ss. Will answer the T questions.
Ss. Will discuss with each other in pairs.
Ss. Will listen to their classmates while answering
the question.
Ss. Will listen to the T instruction during the class.


Ss. will read the questions and fill the gaps

in worksheet.


Target Language
1. What do you see here?
2. What do we call it?
3. What was the best year that you
ever had ?
4. When do we use past tense?
5. Why do called it past tense?
6. What is the deferent between regular
and irregular?

Ss. will write the answers on the board.
Miss, explain, appear, occur.
Phonological features
Correct pronunciation of the sounds ed and drill regular verbs.
Other (e.g. affective domain)
Students work in pairs or group to ensure communication.
Increase students confidence to participate in group discussion.
Rationale: (Why am I teaching this? Place in teaching sequence?)
This lesson practices past tense and focus on a actions/ regular and irregular. It is the
first part of a unit 2. Compl
ete IELTS band 4-5.
Classroom management (Anticipated concerns and plan of action)
Give more exercise on the grammar (using writing process poster).
Extra guidance to the students through monitoring and scaffolding.
Clarify and repeat the instructions more than once (in case students misunderstood).
Divide the groups according to their levels (high, low, learning styles).

Resources and Materials:

posters, worksheets, PowerPoint, pictures,


Teachers Activity and

language input

Students Activity




T will display pictures

on the board about time
machine and let the
students in pairs ask each
other questions about the
pictures to produce

Ss. Will see the pictures and

will ask each other questions.



5 min

Teacher makes the

students excited
and motivated,
activates their
schema, and
introduces new

- T will explain the past

tense and what is the
past tense. Also, she
will explain the rule of
the past tense such as
regular and irregular.

10 min

Ss. Will see the

differences between
the regular and
irregular. Also,
recognize the past

- T will give the

students some examples
of the past tense and
how we change the verb
infinitive to past .

15 min

T will give each

students worksheet
about past tense and
they should change the
verb to the past.


Teacher provides
support to the
students and helps
them monitor their

Ss. Will expand their

understanding by
giving examples of
past tense.

Students will do
worksheet about past
tense and change the verb
to the past.

Teacher scaffolds
and monitors
students practice
and progress.

15 min


T will do activity which is

a poster with two sections
( Regular and Irregular) .I
will give each group five
sticks. The students will
read the verb on the sticks
and put it in the right

T will give the students

homework to complete
their task on page 21.( past
simple exercise 1 & 3)

Students will read the

verb on the sticks and put
it in the right section.


Students will try to
use their
knowledge to
observe and
evaluate within
the class.

Students will do


In this lesson plan I did grammar lesson about past tense and I includes many activities in
different stages. Also, I used different strategies in this lesson so, in this reflection I will write
about three stages, activities, strategies and how I taught the lesson plan.
In the first stage, I started the lesson by displaying pictures on the board about time machine and
I led the students in pairs ask each other questions about the pictures. I did this to active their

schema and engaged them to active their background knowledge to know the topic of our
lesson. After that, I asked them some questions like What was the best year that you
ever had? the students were active and participate in the classroom. This
activity went will because the students were exited to share they memory
with us.
In the Building Knowledge stage, I explained the past tense and what is the past tense. Also, I
will explained the rule of the past tense such as regular and irregular by using PowerPoint. I
showed them the line of the tenses to be clear to them and understand in easy way. Also, I let
some students to explain the rules for their classmate. I used deductive and inductive while
taught the students. For example, first I explained the rule and the students gave me simple
sentences. Then, I gave them the rule and the students explain it for them. Learners are trained to
be knowledgeable to discover the rules and this can promote independence and self-reliance in
learning. ( Thornburry,2002) They students were answer my questions and participate with me.
But they need more practice in the tenses because it is important in speaking for ILETS. Next
time I will gave students more activities such as filling the gaps with the present perfects and
find the correct verbs. After that, gave the students some examples of the past tense and how we
change the verb infinitive to past . This activity was for whole the class and I was check and
correct them. Also, check their answers, let the students to stimulate their knowledge and give
students a sense of achievement. After that, I gave each group a worksheet about past tense and
they should change the verbs to the past tense. For example, if they have the verb write they
will change to the past wrote . I did the first three verbs with them to know how to do the
others . According to (J.Tierney & Readence, 2005) the modeling process is belief that if
teacher describe their own thoughts about the text, the students will realize how and when to do
the same. Molding helps the students to respond to the lesson and understand the activities.
Next, when they finished their activity I checked their answers with them.
In the last stage presentation and reflection, is went well because I gave them more actives to
check their comprehension of the lesson. So, I did this activity which is a poster with two
sections ( Regular and Irregular) .I will give each group five sticks and on each sticks verbs. So,
the students will read the verb on the sticks and put it in the right section. For example, if the

students have verb changed she will put this in section regular or if she get verb wrote she will
put it on section irregular. This activity went well because the students were active and exited to
do it. Also, I monitored the students while doing this activity and I think monitoring is very
important to check their students comprehension and their understanding to their lesson.
(Tompkins, 2006) Finally, I gave the students homework to complete their task on page 21.( past
simple exercise 1 & 3) . Is stage is important to the students because the I can check their
comprehension by giving them activities.
To sum up, is important to recognize our lesson plan because it is important in teaching and help
the teacher to follow the right steps and do not lose her time to remember what is the next
activity. Also, Using strategies in grammar lesson can affect students in writing, speaking and
knowledge. So, the teacher can use strategies in different ways because that help the students to
participate and interaction in grammar class.

Herrell, L. A. (2002). 50 Strategies For Teaching English Language Learners. Cansda: Adrienne.
Tierney, Readence. (2005). Reading Strategies and Practices. US: Pearsons Education.
Tompkins. (2006). Literacy for the 21st century. Merrill: personal Education.

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