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Work, Energy and Power

4.1 Work and Energy

dW = F.ds
W = dW
W = F . ds
The work W done by an agent exerting a constant force, F and causing a displacement s
equals the magnitude of the displacement, s, times the component of F along the direction of

If an object undergoes a displacement of s, the work done by the force F is (F cos )s

Notes :
If s = 0 W = 0( no work is done when holding a heavy box, or pushing against wall).
W = 0 if
( no work is done by carrying a bucket of water horizontally).
Work is a scalar
The SI units of work are Joules (J).
( 1 Joule = 1 Newton meter )
A body which is capable of doing work is said to possess energy. The amount of energy
that a body has is equal to the amount of work that it can do.
Mechanical energy :
Potential energy - position
Kinetic energy - motion
4.2 Potential Energy

Potential Energy
An object can store energy as the result of its position. This stored energy of position is
referred to as potential energy.
Potential energy is the stored energy of position possessed by an object.

Gravitational potential energy (PEgrav)

- is the energy stored in an object as the result of its vertical position.(i.e height)
PEgrav = mass * g * height

Gravitational potential energy (PEgrav)

Elastic potential energy

Elastic potential energy

Energy stored in elastic materials as the result of their stretching or compressing.

The more stretch, the more stored energy.

Springs are a special instance of device which can store elastic potential energy due to
either compression or stretching.

Elastic potential energy (Spring)

A force required to stretch a spring.
For certain springs, the amount of force required is directly proportional to the
amount of stretch or compression (x); the constant of proportionality, spring constant (k).

Such spring are said to follow Hookes Law

Elastic potential energy (Spring)

Work required to stretch a spring from its equilibrium position to some final arbitrary
position, x is,

Elastic potential energy (Spring)

4.3 Kinetic Energy, K

The kinetic energy, K, of a particle of mass m moving with speed v is defined as

K = mv2
Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity and has the same units as work (Joule).
Kinetic energy is energy associated with the motion of a body.
It is often convenient to write equation in the form :
Wnet = Kf Ki = K
work-energy theorem

The net work done by the force F is

Wnet = Fs = (ma)s

Relationships are valid when a particle undergoes constant acceleration :

s = ( vi + vf )t

v f vi

where vi is the speed at t = 0 and vf is the speed at time t. Substituting these expressions
into equation gives

Work done on a particle equals the change in its kinetic energy.

Example 1:

6.0 kg block initially at rest is pulled to the right along a horizontal, frictionless surface by
a constant, horizontal force of 12N as in figure 1.

Find the speed of the block after is has moved 3.0 m.

Solution 1:

W = Fs = (12N)(3.0m) = 36 Nm = 36 J

Using the work-energy theorem and noting that the initial kinetic energy is zero, we

Example 2 :
a) How much work is done to move a 1840 kg Jaguar XJ6 automobile from rest to
27.0 m s-1(60mi/h) on a level road?
b) If this takes place over a distance of 117m, what is the average net force?
Solution 2 :
a) We can use the work-energy theorem to find the work ;

We set v1 equal to zero, v2 =27.0 ms-1 and

b) The average net force can be found from

m = 1840kg. Then the work is

4.4 Conservation of energy

The total mechanical energy, E is defined as the sum of the kinetic and potential
energies, we can write :
E = K + U total mechanical energy

Therefore, we can apply conservation of energy in the form Ei = Ef,, or

Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf the mechanical energy of
an isolated system
remains constant

The principle of conservation of mechanical energy for the system as

Ei = Ef
Ki + Ui = Kf + Uf

Example :
Suppose your hand moves up 0.50 m while you are throwing the ball, which leaves your
hand with an upward velocity of 20.0ms-1. Again ignore air resistance.
a) Assuming that your hand exerts a constant upward force on the ball, find the magnitude of
that force.

Find the speed of the ball at a point 15.0m above the point where it leaves your hand.

Solution :
y1 = -0.50m ;

y2 = 0m ;K1 = 0,

U1 = mgy1 =(0.145)(9.80)(-0.50) -0.71 J

K2 = 1/2mv22 = (0.145)(9.80)(0) = 0

U2 = mgy2 = (0.145)(9.80)(0) = 0

K1 + U1 + Wother = K2 + U2

Wother = (K2 K1) + (U2 U1)

= (29.0 0) + (0 (-0.71) )
= 29.7 J
a) Assuming that the upward force F that your hand applies is constant, we have

Since K 3



mv3 , the velocity at point 3 is

Power is defined as the time rate of energy transfer

The time rate of doing work

The instantaneous power is the limiting value of the average power as t approaches

The instantaneous power can be written

The unit of power in SI system:

J/s = kg m2s-3

Example :
1.A 1000kg elevator carries a maximum load of 800 kg. A constant frictional force of 4000N
retards its motion upward. What minimum power , in kilowatts, must the motor deliver to
lift the fully loaded elevator at a constant speed of 3.00 m/s.

Solution :
The motor must supply the force, F that pulls the elevator upward. From Newtons
second law and from the fact a=0 because v is constant.

Where M is the total mass (elevator plus load) equal to 1800 kg. Therefore,

From P Fv and the fact that T is in the same direction as v, we have

Example :
2. A 70 kg person runs up a staircase 3.0m high in 3.5 s. How much power does he develop in
climbing the steps?
Solution :

In this case, the work done is the change in gravitational potential energy, mgh, so the
power is

Example :
3.An astronaut with space suit has mass of 110kg. Climbing up a hill 7.3m high in 7.2s
requires the astronaut to expend a power of 200W. Is the astronaut on the earth?
Solution :

The astronaut not on the earth


How well a machine transfers the work put into work coming out of it is called the
efficiency of the machine.
Mathematical formula
efficiency, ek=

work output
work input


The main factor affecting efficiency is friction. If friction could be eliminated, you
would have a machines efficiency.

Example :
1. A steam requires 60 J of work to run it. It is capable of giving a work output of 30J.
What is the machines efficiency?
Solution :

Example :
2. A force of 545N is exerted on the use of a pulley system and, the rope is pulled 10m. Thus
force causes an object with weight of 2520N to be raised 1.5m. What is the efficiency of
the pully system?
Solution :

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